How can I reduce eye pressure?

1 Increased eye pressure and glaucoma

High eye pressure is the main cause of glaucoma development.

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Acceptable values ​​of intraocular pressure are in the range between 11 and 21 mm Hg. Art. They depend on the time of day, the rhythm of the heart, blood pressure and breathing. Daily fluctuations should not exceed 5 mm Hg. Art. The greatest values ​​occur in the first half of the day - between 8 and 12. The level of intraocular pressure is affected by the production of intraocular fluid and the rate of its outflow.

Glaucoma is one of the most common causes of irreversible blindness in the world. It is defined as a group of diseases of different course, caused by different causes, among which the common feature is the presence of specific damage to the optic nerve.

2 Types of glaucoma

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There are many methods for classifying glaucoma: anatomical, biochemical, genetic, molecular criteria are taken into account. You can distinguish glaucoma congenital or acquired.

Congenital glaucoma is associated with the presence of an anomaly of a developing character. There is a division of glaucoma into primary and secondary. Primary glaucoma, as a rule, occurs on both sides and is not associated with eye diseases, which make it difficult to drain aqueous humor. Secondary glaucoma concerns, as a rule, one eye, is caused by the difficulty of outflow of watery moisture. In addition, glaucoma of an open or closed type is allocated, depending on the condition of the anterior chamber.

3 Diagnosis and treatment

The implementation of appropriate treatment should be well thought out by an ophthalmologist. The choice of therapy depends not only on the type of glaucoma, but also on the general illnesses of the patient. You should always compare the risks associated with the treatment with the expected results.

The more advanced the changes in the disease at the time of diagnosis, the lower the level of target pressure should be to slow the progress of the disease.

How to lower eye pressure? Most often, the pressure of the eye is reduced with the use of drugs in the form of drops of local action.

In the case of different types of open-angle glaucoma, a laser operation can be performed as an adjunct to conservative treatment.

4 Medical treatment

For the effectiveness of the drug in the form of drops and increasing its contact with the surface of the eyeball, it is recommended to close the eyes for 3 minutes after using the medication and instill it in a tear sack.

Drugs to reduce intraocular pressure can be divided according to their chemical composition and mechanism of action into several groups:

  • β-blockers;
  • α2-agonists;
  • analogues of prostaglandins;
  • local inhibitors of carbonic anhydrase;
  • myiotics.

These drugs reduce the secretion of intraocular fluid, increase its outflow through the chorioretinal sclera or through the formed trabeculae.

Treatment, as a rule, begins with a single drug. If the intraocular pressure is very high, another or more drugs are included in the therapy. If the treatment does not help lower the eye pressure to the desired level, then you can try to change the drug to another. If monotherapy is ineffective, the use of a combination drug is recommended. Its effect is the total effect of its individual components.

Some patients may experience ocular side effects. They are very often associated with reactions to preservatives, mainly benzalkonium chloride.

In cases where high intraocular pressure presents a serious threat of vision loss and there is a need for rapid reduction, general treatment is used. It uses inhibitors of carbonic anhydrase, which are administered orally or intravenously.

5 Laser trabeculoplasty

Laser trabeculoplasty is one of the most frequently performed laser procedures in the treatment of glaucoma. Laser surgery facilitates the outflow of fluid in the eye.


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This is a procedure with a high safety factor. There are rare complications in the form of increased intraocular pressure immediately after surgery, peripheral anterior adhesions, inflammation reaction in the region of the anterior chamber of the eye.

Selective laser trabeculoplasty is a procedure similar to laser trabeculoplasty. Its plus is the possibility of repetition.

6 Laser iridotomy

In the case of angle-closure glaucoma, the most common laser procedure is iridotomy. It consists in the laser performance of a hole in the peripheral part of the iris. This allows the flow of watery moisture from the back of the eye to get into the anterior one. Contraindication to the operation is the lack of transparency of the cornea, a significant reduction in the anterior chamber, as well as lack of cooperation on the part of the patient. During the operation, bleeding from the vessels of the iris can occur, which ceases spontaneously or under the influence of a slight oppression. Rarely does it come to damage the lens or endothelium of the cornea, increase intraocular pressure, or a weak inflammation reaction in the anterior chamber.

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If, despite medical and laser treatment, glaucoma progression is observed, surgical treatment is recommended. The most common procedure is trabeculectomy. Due to the formation of a channel that allows the flow of aqueous humor to leave the anterior chamber, an effective decrease in intraocular pressure occurs.

7 Prevention

First of all, go to the doctor's office. Regular eye examination should become a habit for you, as early detection of the disease will allow for more effective treatment.

Use eye drops that can reduce eye pressure. Consult your doctor to choose the appropriate drops for you. They can reduce the production of fluid in the lacrimal glands and moisturize the eyes. All, however, have one goal - to prevent increased intraocular pressure. Dosage of the drugs should be observed, since excessive use of them can cause, on the contrary, a decreased intraocular pressure.

Restrict actions or exercise that may lead to eye damage. Some eye injuries lead to glaucoma at once, others cause glaucoma even after many years.

To normalize eye pressure at home, you should avoid consuming sweet and carbonated drinks, as well as caffeine and alcohol, which cause dehydration.

Limit the time spent in front of the computer monitor or TV screen. From time to time, close your eyes and rotate them around in a circle to improve blood circulation.

Try to control the level of stress. Stress has the ability to increase pressure inside the eye. Use a variety of relaxation techniques that will positively affect the level of pressure in the eye.

Take care of a balanced diet, rich in fresh vegetables and fruits, especially those that contain a lot of lutein.

Although high intraocular pressure is one of the main factors for the onset of glaucoma, it all depends on the specific case. Therefore, in patients with low eye pressure, glaucoma can also develop.

It should be remembered that very high pressure in the eye can lead to a different degree of vision loss, up to complete blindness, so it is very important to plan visits to the doctor to monitor pressure in the eyeball.

If you act quickly, glaucoma will not have time to develop enough to lead to loss of vision.

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