Dysbacteriosis of the intestine in women - symptoms and signs

Dysbacteriosis is a very common ailment that is associated with a disturbance of the balance of microorganisms in the intestinal microflora. Symptoms of dysbiosis in women practically do not differ from similar signs in other patients, however, specialists distinguish a separate symptomatology, which is characteristic for violation of the balance of the vagina. Thus, the symptoms of dysbiosis in women require more attention, since a serious violation of the microflora not only of the intestine but also of the female genital organs is possible, which can lead to different consequences, even to the rejection of the reproductive function.

Quite often female dysbiosis will be adjacent to violations of the intestinal microflora. If a specialist puts such a diagnosis, it will always be necessary to check the balance of microorganisms in the vagina and intestinal cavity, to accurately determine the tactics of treatment.

Symptomatic of intestinal dysbiosis in women is very similar to the signs of gastric disorder. The patient begins diarrhea, constipation, swelling, lack of appetite, there are violations of the condition of the hair, skin, nails and other things. In the event that women are disturbed by the microflora of the vagina, the manifestations of intestinal dysbacteriosis resemble signs of a large number of diseases of infection of the female genital organs.

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The main symptoms that indicate the presence of dysbiosis in women are:

  • White or white and yellow discharge, having a uniform structure and an unpleasant sour smell. It is worth noting that the more secretions are released, the more accurate this is the evidence of a bacterial violation. Preferably, the discharge can be enhanced after intercourse.
  • The presence of itching, discomfort, unpleasant sensations in the course of sexual contact or urination. Irritant reaction in the area of ​​external genitalia.

It should be noted that these symptoms in women are characteristic of a large number of diseases of the genital area.

Complications of symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis in women

In the case of dysbacteriosis in women in the vaginal cavity and intestine is a fairly large number of different pathogens. Symptoms of the inflammatory process are an increase in the number of discharges from the vaginal cavity, the presence of unpleasant sensations in the genitals, not only during sexual intercourse, but also after it. One of the first symptoms of the inflammatory process is the dryness of the vagina during sexual intercourse. Thus, pathogenic microorganisms have the potential for infection of the uterus, thereby initiating the development of adnexitis or endometritis. Also, there may be symptoms of urethritis and cystitis along with disorders of the urethra and bladder.

Dysbacteriosis of the intestine in girls

Not only in women in adulthood can begin the development of intestinal dysbacteriosis. Not an exception are girls who have not started sex life yet. This is due to the instability of the background of hormonal processes during the first menstrual cycles, taking into account the peculiarities of the structure of the hymen.

When starting a sexual life in women, a sufficient number of bacteria are thrown from the vaginal cavity to the bladder, leading to the appearance of signs of cystitis. Dysbacteriosis of the intestine in girls will predominantly be manifested by abundant compartments.

Dysbacteriosis of the intestine in women with pregnancy

It should be noted that pregnancy is one of the causes of dysbiosis in women. Against the background of bearing a child, the symptoms of imbalance and inflammation in the vaginal cavity appear or increase. Symptomatism manifests itself in the form of secretions, itching and burning, and also painful sensations in the process of sexual intercourse. This is due to the restructuring of hormones in women during the bearing of a child that affects the immune state. If there is a violation of the balance of intestinal microorganisms during pregnancy, the treatment will be aimed at eliminating the symptoms and preparing for childbirth.

A large number of diseases of the cavity of the gastrointestinal tract in women can lead to violations of the balance of microorganisms in the intestinal cavity, and, consequently, to dysbiosis. In this case, the number of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in the imbalance clinic will decrease, and the number of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms will increase or they will begin to appear. In the case of an imbalance with a pronounced characteristic, an imbalance in the vaginal cavity is explained by sowing one of the bacteria from the intestinal cavity. All the symptoms of the disease remain the same.

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