Homeopathy with polyps and treatment with Tentorium

Today, in the treatment of benign formations that have settled on the walls of the mucosa of internal hollow organs, homeopathy is actively used, polyps are no exception. Traditional therapy involves only their instrumental removal of polyps. But, unfortunately, as practice shows, radical techniques do not allow you to get rid of the cause of the disease, so often there are relapses. The situation is saved by an individual approach to each specific patient and the use of non-traditional methods, such as the treatment of polyps by homeopathy. It is aimed at eliminating the prerequisites for the formation of an oncology in the intestine and strengthening immunity.

Homeopathy is a treatment method that is based on the principle of similarity. As drugs, drugs that are capable of provoking an acute phase of an evolving disease in large doses are chosen, but in the minimal doses the same symptoms are destroyed. The formula of homeopathic preparations coincides with the formula of conventional medicines, but the dose of the main active substance in it is reduced by a hundred, and even a thousand times.

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The component is selected with an analogy to the chemical composition, but an alternative prepared from herbs, minerals, mushroom spores and other natural components is sought. They dissolve in water, so it is easier to digest by the body.

Homeopathic preparations are produced most often in the form of granules made of sugar and impregnated with the necessary drug substance. The purpose of taking such tablets is not the treatment of a particular disease, but the restoration of internal forces that are able to cope with the disease on their own. To treat the problems of the gastrointestinal tract, homeopathy is also actively used, polyps are no exception. To eliminate them, three drugs are used:

  • "Apiformula 1".Drunk within a month and a half for one teaspoon, three times a day for half an hour before meals.
  • "Tentorium plus".It is taken from polyps one teaspoon three times a day for one and a half months.
  • "Apibalzam 1".It is taken in the form of enemas 5 ml once a day for two weeks.

What is the effect of homeopathy in polyps?

Various polyps are actively treated with homeopathy today, "Tentorium" is most often included in the scheme of complex therapy. He, like "Apiformula 1", is made from beekeeping products, specifically from bee-keeping, which Japanese scientists call "a vitamin for excellent students."There are other phytocomponents in the composition of the medicine. This tandem helps to improve the brain and reduce fatigue, raise immunity and improve physical performance, increase resistance to stress and reduce the risk of colds.

But not only this can boast of homeopathy, polyps disappear, because the long reception of "Tentorium" contributes:

  1. Replenishment of valuable amino acids.
  2. Strengthening of capillaries.
  3. Normalization of lipid metabolism and reduction of harmful cholesterol.

The drug improves the activity of the endocrine glands, inhibits the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms, restores damaged liver cells. It also has a powerful antioxidant effect, its correct method speeds up the processes of detoxification, stimulates anabolic growth, nourishes the immune system, restores metabolic processes.

The spectrum of action that Tentorium or Apiformula 1 can boast, as practice shows, contributes to the elimination of the causes of polyps, therefore treatment with homeopathy is recognized as very effective.

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