Diarrhea( diarrhea), fever, abdominal pain( sore stomach), why loose stool, thread and vomit?

Very often, with diarrhea, there are pains in the abdomen, and high temperature rises( from 38 degrees and above).These symptoms are typical for violations of the digestive tract. But diarrhea and stitching in the abdomen can cause inflammatory processes in the stomach or intestines, in the chest, kidney and bile duct pathologies, and certain deviations in the work of the nervous system. The intensity of manifestation of diarrhea and other symptoms depends on the location of the pathology. When making a diagnosis, all complaints of the patient are taken into account. The emphasis of the diagnostic examination is made on the refinement of the developmental processes of all pathological sensations.

Precise transmission of patients to their patients helps doctors to make an accurate diagnosis, each of us must learn, clearly formulate their painful sensations, be able to explain where exactly the discomfort in the abdomen is felt, how often there is a loose stool, when the temperature began to rise.

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Abdominal pain, diarrhea and temperature

The intensity of discomfort in the body can be different. The scale of manifestation depends on the causes of its appearance. Any abdominal pain can be:

  1. Slightly noticeable.
  2. Causing constant discomfort.
  3. Moderate.
  4. Expressed.
  5. Maximum strong.

It is much easier to diagnose if the patient gives the most complete description of discomfort in the abdomen, explains what it looks like and where it is localized. The stomach always hurts differently. Sometimes, with diarrhea, there are rezi in the abdomen, discomfort can spread horizontally and go to the back. Dangerous are wandering or moving pains in the stomach. By the nature of expression, abdominal pain with diarrhea is cramping, constant, blunt, aching, and bursting. Strong rubies often literally burn the stomach, squeeze all the insides.

Physicians share stomach pains on:

  • acute;
  • chronic.

It is not difficult to distinguish these symptoms from each other. The abdomen acutely hurts intensely, but not for long( no more than a day).Chronic pain in the abdomen worries the patient for a long period of time( week, month, year), significantly worsening the quality of human life. When collecting anamnesis, doctors will certainly try to find out the time of occurrence of pain in the stomach. In some, they appear immediately after eating a certain food or after diarrhea( diarrhea), in others during high physical exertion, in others during prolonged hungry pauses. It is important to notice, if at the same time, night diarrhea, than it is accompanied by: high temperature or strong pain sensations.

Diseases with diarrhea, abdominal pain and temperature

When all these symptoms appear together, they can be harbingers of many diseases:

  • Intestinal diseases.
  • Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Appendicitis.

You can recognize the source of the ailment by using differential diagnostics. The presence of an ulcer indicates that discomfort begins in half an hour after eating. With appendicitis, pain occurs in the right side, in its lower part, closer to the groin. It intensifies if you sharply press on the uncomfortable area, and then release the hand. Note that a loose stool does not always happen with appendicitis, but nausea and high fever almost always accompany inflammation. Severe diarrhea is possible only in one case, when appendicitis begins against the background of a violation of the evacuation function of the intestine.

When there is diarrhea, stomach pain and temperature from 38 °?

High temperature( 38 degrees) with diarrhea is observed in the following cases:

  • For acute intestinal viral infections. In these cases, the originators of the liquid stool are viruses. Getting into the stomach and intestines, they provoke the development of acute intoxication, which is why there is a strong headache, weakness. There is a sharp rise in temperature to 38 degrees and above. Intracellular parasites cause a violation of intestinal motility, so diarrhea appears, and with it discomfort occurs in the epigastric region.
  • With dysentery. Acute dysentery is an intestinal infection, which is always acute. The patient is first started to suffer from rubbing in the abdomen, then there is a loose stool( diarrhea) with impurities of mucus, the temperature gradually rises to 38 degrees and above. When the temperature rises to 40 degrees, the patient develops a tachycardia, and along with it the characteristic symptoms of intoxication come.

When the temperature, aching stomach and loose stool with vomiting?

If the patient complains of diarrhea and abdominal pain, and malaise is accompanied by a sudden fever and vomiting, if a person is constantly sick, you can suspect food poisoning. There are several reasons for it:

  • Disease-causing bacteria.
  • Viruses.
  • Fungi.
  • Chemical reagents.

In each case, there is a symptomatic complex. So, for example, when the cause of poisoning are bacteria and microbes, diarrhea and very severe nausea appear immediately, within two hours, after getting the infected product into the stomach. Viral intoxication begins to manifest itself only after twelve hours. When poisoning, provoked by a chemical reagent, diarrhea and high fever, strong abdominal pains, as well as nausea and paralyzing motion of weakness appear 30 minutes after poisoning. Such knowledge helps in time to orient and call an ambulance.

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