Diarrhea every evening

This phenomenon, like diarrhea, is familiar to many. It appears mostly in the early morning or in the morning. Sometimes the appearance of such a sign can be observed in the evening, especially in people with heightened emotionality, and in rare cases also at night. But any manifestation of such intestinal dysfunction as diarrhea requires expert advice, since in addition to functional disorders and light food poisoning, it can also cause various pathological diseases of an organic or infectious nature that develop in the digestive tract. Most often, diarrhea occurs every evening due to the so-called irritable bowel syndrome. Diarrhea, accompanied by pain and discomfort in the abdominal region, in this case appears after a morning constipation. IBS is a functional pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, in which there are no signs of ulcers or inflammation in the digestive organs. That is, as they say, there are no obvious reasons for diarrhea in the evening, and the symptom itself is present. The signs by which the presence of IBS can be determined are as follows:

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  • Discomfort and abdominal pain that decrease after the act of defecation;
  • Imperative desires for emptying or a feeling of incomplete stool output:
  • Disturbances of the stool, expressed in alternating evening bouts of diarrhea with constipation.

The most common cause that can provoke the development of human IBS, are psychosomatic diseases. Simply put, diarrhea of ​​this type develops mostly from the nerves. Also, a considerable relation to the fact that diarrhea arises every evening can have hormonal disorders present in the patient's body, keeping them inactive mode of life, inadequate use of fiber and disturbances in the habitual diet.

Despite the unpleasant and severe symptoms, significantly impairing the quality of life, the predictions of IBS are quite favorable. This pathology can not result in a fatal outcome for the patient, or lead to the development of severe complications. In the event that the patient avoids daytime stresses and increased psychoemotional loads, which contribute to the development of evening diarrhea, pathology can be completely eliminated. Also, to achieve the most complete result, you should start to lead a more active lifestyle, and adjust your diet, removing from it all foods and drinks that irritate the mucosa of the digestive organs.

Causes of diarrhea in the evening and emergency treatment

Such a pathological symptom, like a watery stool that appears at the end of the day, can appear in fully balanced people. In this case, its provoking causes light food poisoning by poor-quality or with expired shelf life products, as well as excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages acting to accelerate peristalsis of the intestine.

If the patient is certain that the cause of diarrhea in the evening was one of these factors, no specific treatment is required. An adult is quite able to cope with the symptoms on his own. The main therapeutic measures in this case will be:

  • Early elimination of toxins from the body and elimination of intoxication. The best method is gastric lavage or vomiting;
  • Prevention of dehydration that occurs with diarrhea, by consuming large amounts of fluid;
  • Restoration of intestinal biocenosis. For this purpose, sour-milk drinks with live bacteria can well approach.

In the event that all these emergency measures are taken in the evening, in the morning it will remain to minimize the diet, and it is best to starve for a day, and to use as much liquid as possible, which will wash the remaining toxins.

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