Can there be constipation from calcium D3?

The importance of having a sufficient amount of calcium in the body can not be overestimated, because this microelement provides the strength of all the bones of the human body. Especially important is the sufficient content of Ca for pregnant women and children. Vitamin D ensures the maintenance of this important mineral at a sufficient level in the human body. Lack of vitamin can lead to the development of such a terrible disease as osteoporosis or rickets. The norm per adult day is 800 to 1200 mg Ca depending on special needs( pregnant women, adolescents) and age.

With regular consumption of dairy and other products containing this element, this standard can be reduced by half. The lack of a microelement in the body can be triggered by its excessive excretion when taking laxatives or diuretics. The use of sweet carbonated drinks that destroy the tooth enamel and intestinal mucosa requires an additional amount of Ca from the body to restore balance.

To this end, prescribe calcium drugs, the reception of which can lead to pain in the stomach and constipation. Constipation is noted as a side effect of very many drugs. The reason why calcium intake causes constipation is more due to the fact that phosphorus, manganese and iron are also found in preparations that are useful for the prevention and treatment of diseases. As is known, iron ions irritate the mucous membrane of the intestine, causing constipation.

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Can there be constipation from calcium D3?

Complicant calcium D3 is used as a prophylactic:

  1. Children over 12 years to ensure the need for mineral with intensive growth.
  2. Cautions of caries, diathesis.

The basis for prescribing the drug is:

  • osteoporosis;
  • rickets;
  • osteomalacia;
  • bone fractures;
  • hypocalcemia.

An improperly chosen treatment regimen and an overdose of a vitamin can provoke constipation.

Whether calcium can be constipated depends on the correct course of therapy. To regulate the metabolism used calcium chloride in the form of solutions for adults and children, as well as systems for intravenous infusion. With the introduction of this drug, the sympathetic department of the nervous system that regulates the activity of internal organs is stimulated intravenously. Constipation after the "Calcium Chloride" system appears as a side effect of an overdose. In this case, the use of the drug is canceled, and noniazide diuretics and 0.9% sodium chloride solution are prescribed. The use of the drug is carried out under the constant control of the Ca content in order to avoid negative consequences.

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