Is there a fever in the stomach ulcer?

In the digestive system of the human body, the main burden falls on the stomach. As a result of the influence of unfavorable factors( violation of the secretory function, blood circulation and nutrition of the mucous membranes) severe illnesses can arise. One of the most common and dangerous diseases of the stomach is an ulcer. It manifests itself as painful and unpleasant symptoms, the elimination of which is possible only after an appropriate course of treatment, a special diet and a change in lifestyle.

Among the other symptoms that occur with an ulcer, the temperature is not the last. Its appearance means the onset of an inflammatory process or exacerbation( a sharp pain in the upper abdomen, which is often accompanied by bloody discharge during defecation).

Is there a temperature in the stomach ulcer at the initial stage? Of course it happens, but, most often, insignificant( about 370С).With the progression of pathology and in acute phases, it often reaches 38-390C and has a subfebrile character( it can persist for a long time).This is quite dangerous for the body, therefore, when such a sign appears, it is necessary to immediately seek help from a doctor.

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You can try to bring down the temperature with an ulcer, if it is low, yourself. For this, there are many anti-inflammatory drugs( Imet, Nurofen, Aspirin, Panadol or Cefekon N, Viburkol).

The temperature for gastric ulcer can indicate the appearance of the following complications:

  • Perigastritis .This is an inflammation of the serous membrane of the organ, which is characterized by sharp pain when the position of the body changes.
  • Perivistserit - formation of adhesions between the stomach and adjacent organs. Appears acute, cutting pain some time after eating or after heavy physical exertion.
  • Penetration .In its essence, this process means the germination of ulcerative formations into neighboring organs. The temperature can be maintained at around 370C for a long period.
  • Perforation of ( gastric wall breakthrough).This is a very serious condition for peptic ulcer disease, body temperature can exceed the limit of 390C and reach higher values ​​(400C).In this state, a person requires urgent hospitalization. Sharp, unbearable pains spread throughout the stomach, which causes the patient a lot of suffering.

The temperature of stomach ulcer is one of the characteristic signs of the disease. It can increase with exacerbations, which arise due to bad habits, stresses, physical activity, malnutrition.

In addition to temperature, the symptoms of stomach ulcers are vomiting, nausea, heartburn. Very often they manifest simultaneously.

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