Which of the fruits can be with a stomach ulcer: apples, pears, bananas, pomegranate, persimmons, lemon?

All diseases of the gastrointestinal tract impose certain restrictions on the patient in the selection of food. And gastric diseases are not an exception. However, such restrictions do not mean that sick people can not please themselves with something delicious, especially in summer, when there are so many juicy and ripe berries and fruits around. It remains only to find out what fruits can be with ulcers, and from the use of which it is better to temporarily give up.

What kind of fruit can you eat with an ulcer?

The following are considered to be allowed fruits:

  • apples;
  • pears;
  • sweet plums;
  • berries;
  • bananas.

At the same time you can eat only ripe and sweet fruits, preferably peeled.

But the fruit with gastric ulcer is not recommended for use:

  • peaches;
  • citrus;
  • kiwi fruit;
  • melons;
  • grapes.

As for these fruits, they contribute to fermentation and acidity jumps, which is extremely harmful for people with a sick stomach. Yes, and any other fruits in large quantities will be harmful to the patient, because in their structure they are all fiber, which is rather difficult to digest if there are a lot of it.

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In order to somehow facilitate the digestion of fruits, they are recommended to grate on grater or eat in the form of finely chopped fruit salad, with natural yoghurt. Another option is to bake fruit. Separately, you can note the avocado. Avocados with stomach ulcer can be eaten raw without fear, because it is fat enough, while not sweet and not sour.

As for juices, they should be drunk with extreme caution, since most juices increase the acidity of the stomach. And if in one case they can help, then in the other, they can do harm. The only exception is the juice from cabbage, potatoes or viburnum. And again, all the juices cause fermentation in the patient's stomach, so they can only be taken before meals( half an hour), but not after eating.

Let's consider the influence of the most common and habitual fruit for us, as well as their effect on the patient's body.

Apples with ulcers

Let's see if you can with apples peptic ulcer? Apples with gastric ulcer can be eaten, but it is desirable to clean them from the skin beforehand. It is important that in the antiulcer diet only sweet varieties can be included. These fruits are very useful, because they contain pectin in large quantities, minerals and vitamins.

The peculiarity of these fruits is their almost complete hypoallergenicity, therefore they are included in the composition of all fruit salads. Most people can consume them without risk to their health.

Separately it is worth noting the benefit of baked apples in the stomach ulcer, tk.thermal processing makes it easier to assimilate products and reduce the amount of gastric juice necessary for processing apples, while these fruits do not lose a lot of vitamins in their baked form and remain very useful for the patient. That is, they can improve the health of the patient and treat gastritis during the period of exacerbation( during the exacerbation the fruit is consumed only in baked form).

Pears with ulcer

After apples the pear is the most common fruit for our country, because today, there are several thousand of its varieties, most of which are sweet and tasty.

Pear with stomach ulcer is shown to patients, both in remission and during periods of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. But, like apples during exacerbations, it can be consumed only in a baked form( it retains most of the useful properties for any thermal treatment), and when the disease has already receded, it is also in a raw form, after being cleansed of the peel.

The peculiarity of the pear is its low caloric content with a high level of nutrition combined with the content of vitamins B, K, PP, C, A and microelements of cobalt, copper, iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, pectin and folic acid. This is very important, since the same potassium is necessary for the regeneration of cells, without which it is impossible to recover.

Using pears, it is important to know the measure and not eat more than 2 pears a day. For patients with peptic ulcer disease, it is better if this fruit is eaten in half an hour after eating, while the main meal should not contain meat. Also, after pears do not recommend drinking for half an hour, especially if the water is cool, as this can lead to increased pain in gastrointestinal diseases.

Bananas with ulcer

With the fruits that are familiar to us, such as apples and pears, everything is clear. And how to be exotic fruits? For example, can bananas be treated with an ulcer?

Bananas with gastric ulcer are extremely useful, so they are not only possible, but also need to be included in the patient's diet. The fact is that bananas contain substances that are capable of killing Helicobacter pylori - a bacterium that causes the disease. In addition, the consumption of this fruit contributes to the release of a certain mucus that envelops the ulcer.

Like the pear, bananas contain a lot of potassium needed to restore the organ damaged by bacteria.

In case of exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to mix 1 tbsp.olive oil with the pulp of an overripe banana and use 2 tablespoons each.every 2 hours throughout the day.

However, with all these positive points, it should be borne in mind that bananas are high in calories, so people with excess weight should use them with particular caution.

Pomegranate with stomach ulcer

Everyone knows about the benefits of pomegranate and pomegranate juice, but with stomach ulcer this fruit should be treated with caution, regardless of whether it belongs to a sweet or sour sort.

However, it should not be forgotten that grenades are an excellent tool for treating many other diseases due to the large number of vitamins and its antiseptic effect.

But in order not to irritate, affected by the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori stomach, you can use the water infusion on dry crusted pomegranate. It is done in the following way: 5-7 g of dried crusts are taken, 100-150 boiling water is poured and covered with a lid for 30 minutes, after which it is drunk without removing the crusts during the day at 4 times so that the first is in the morning on an empty stomach, and the last - beforesleep. The next day after such treatment it is necessary to take a break, and in a day again to steal yourself pomegranate crusts and so throughout the 1st week.

Persimmon with ulcer

Persimmon with stomach ulcer can be safely consumed by patients without fear of increasing acidity, because in this fruit there are almost no organic acids. In this case, a persimmon is very rich in carotene, magnesium, manganese, potassium, iron, iodine, has a pronounced antibacterial effect. An interesting fact is that a dusty persimmon possesses more useful properties and a more obvious astringent effect, having a light flesh and not having seeds. Also, more tannins are found in an unripe persimmon, but it is not recommended to use it for gastritis due to a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen and difficulty in digestion.

Lemon and ulcer

As we see, the main criteria for selecting fruits is their antiseptic action and sweetness. And what to do with sour fruits, which have bright antibacterial properties? Is it possible to have lemon in an ulcer?

Lemon with stomach ulcer, like other citrus, can not be eaten as it will significantly increase the level of acidity. But, as with the grenade, you can cheat: it's enough to take half a kilogram of honey and dilute it with the juice of two lemons and a half liter of olive oil. All this carefully mix, and for a month to use 1 tbsp.three times a day before meals.

In the rest, lemons, citrus, oranges and tangerines with stomach ulcers can not be eaten categorically.

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