Smoking and acne on the face: how nicotine affects, how to fight, acne after quitting smoking

Thanks to television advertising we know how to deal with acne, what means to smear the skin and how to get rid of black spots. But no advertising will tell us where these disgusting bumps come from on a fresh clean and matte skin. The reasons for the appearance of acne are enough - from puberty to bad ecology and bad habits. Undoubtedly, bad habits are one of the provoking factors of the appearance of acne. In particular, this applies to smoking.

Smoking and acne

Very often such a harmful habit, like smoking, is born in adolescence, when the body is already subject to hormonal fluctuations. One of the manifestations of hormonal adjustment are skin rashes. Of course, not only and not so much smoking is the primary cause of acne on the skin of young people, but it is nicotine that aggravates this problem, making it almost impossible to achieve a beautiful complexion.

Dry statistics show that out of thousands of women smokers interviewed in adulthood, more than 40% suffer from inflammatory manifestations on the skin, while among non-smoking women this figure barely reaches 10%.English dermatologist Colin Holden has proved that smoking people are more at risk of acne in adulthood, especially if there is a predisposition to the appearance of pustular rash.

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How does smoking contribute to the appearance of rashes on the face of mature people and can I really get acne from this habit?

The effect of nicotine

Young people are usually skeptical when they hear that smoking can cause inflammation on the skin, countering the argument that acne started much earlier than they started smoking. So is it true or not? In part this is true. Acne and comedones can actually appear in a non-smoking teenager, and a nicotine-indulging peer will have a smooth and clean skin. Nevertheless, smoking nevertheless contributes to the appearance of acne and the severity of its course.

Sometimes enough to get rid of bad habits, and gradually stabilizes the hormonal background, hence, disappearing pimples.

Acne on the face sometimes overpower not only young people, but also suddenly appear in smokers with experience. The cause may lie in inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Harmful smoke, getting into the stomach, causes a spasm of the stomach vessels, exhaustion and irritation of its mucous membrane. All this provokes the development of gastritis, and then ulcer disease. The result of inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines are rashes on once clean even skin.

Speaking about the pathological effects of nicotine on the internal organs, we must not forget about the harmful effects of tobacco smoke on the skin of the face. Being in the smoke screen, the skin suffers primarily from lack of oxygen: nicotine causes a sharp narrowing of the vessels, which disrupts the nutrition of the skin and slows down the process of cell repair. In addition, tobacco smoke settles on the skin, clogging the pores and preventing the skin from self-cleaning. Clogged pores, coupled with increased work of the sebaceous glands, also contribute to the development of pustular rash and the appearance of black dots on the face. In addition, due to the lack of oxygen and nutrients, skin cells are not capable of rapid regeneration, which slows down the healing process of the epidermis.


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So, about whether smoking affects pimples is a question that is uniquely positively answered. The fact that this disease causes nicotine is a completely proven fact.

On the photo the pimples caused by smoking

How to fight

Ideally, bad habits should be thrown out to achieve good results in restoring the skin. At the same time, the metabolism is normalized, health problems will disappear and, as a result, the complexion will improve, its elasticity will improve and inflammatory elements will pass. However, quitting smoking is not so easy, but you want to have a good skin as soon as possible. In order to pass acne help simple recommendations.

Hygiene. To wash the face with acne is necessary in the morning and in the evening. It is advisable to use a special tool suitable for the skin by type. Towels and pillowcases must be changed as often as possible - they remain particles of dead skin. It is advisable to touch your face with dirty hands as little as possible, the less microbes on the face of dirty hands, the sooner the process of recovery will go.

Power. The main principle of nutrition in the presence of acne on the skin is the rejection of products that cause inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines - fatty and heavy food, spicy, salty and smoked, marinades, sausages and fast food.

Drinking mode. It is worth to accustom yourself to drinking a large amount of clean water without gas. Water nourishes our body, makes joints healthy, flushes toxins and slags from the cells, and rinses the kidneys. Accordingly, the skin is cleansed. An additional bonus is a good level of its hydration.

Use of medications. When choosing the pharmacy means for skin care is best to contact a specialist - dermatocosmetologist. The doctor will advise the necessary care, prescribe tests that help to identify the cause of the rash, and offer a course of procedures for a more rapid disposal of pustules. Of the widely known advertised remedies, salicylic acid preparations, tea tree oil and cosmetic products containing benzoyl peroxide are helpful.

I quit smoking - acne did not pass

Young people who abandoned a bad habit often complain that pimples on the face appear after quitting smoking. Moreover, they can still add! Why is this happening?

The fact is that nicotine acts on the body in a certain way, being built in the metabolism. Getting rid of nicotine poison occurs for a long period, all this time the cells are gradually being rearranged to a new mode of operation, without the involvement of nicotine in the metabolism process.

The first step is to activate the sebaceous glands, which excessively secrete a large amount of sebum. Because of this, for some time, there may be increased fat content of the skin, an increase in the appearance of comedones and pustules. Subsequently, the work of the sebaceous glands will return to normal, and inflammation will disappear.

If you quit smoking slows the work of the intestines. Nicotine has the property to accelerate peristalsis, and in its absence, the work of the intestine is not restored immediately. As a consequence, constipation may occur. Chronic constipation, as is known, serves as one of the factors on the onset of rash and inflammation on the face. This is easily avoided by eating more foods that contain fiber, as well as a large amount of water.

Getting rid of acne is not a quick process. Far from always giving up smoking leads to instant recovery of the skin. Nevertheless, the rejection of bad habits is the most important stage in the struggle for perfect skin, without flaws and defects, with an even shining complexion. And if you add to this compliance with the diet and personal hygiene, then you can be sure that after a couple of months unpleasant rashes will disappear for a long time, and even for good.

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