Where is the pancreas located in person - location, location, position, photo, video

Every once and for all, I always wondered where the pancreas is located in the body. Some determine its location next to the stomach, because the name it has with this body is somehow connected. Others are exactly sure that it is located somewhere in the area of ​​the duodenum, only from which side not everyone knows. And the third in general abstractly suggest its location, so they say that it is placed in the abdomen. Let's try to answer these completely non-cavernous questions and help those who have not figured it out yet.

The first to pay close attention to the unusual organ inside the abdomen is still Aristotle. If before him no one even heard where the pancreas is located and whether there is such a small organ in man, this scientist made an important discovery. He points out that in the abdomen there is a very important organ necessary for every person to overcome the terrible consequences that can be caused by blood loss as a result of injuries to the veins of the stomach. Further this thought found its development in the works of Claudius Galen and Avicenna. But only Renier de Graf accurately described the anatomical location of this organ and indicated a close connection with the duodenum. In addition, he in the figure, not in the photo, indicated the main channel. Over time, this scientist was able to study and pancreatic juice.

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And only the 20th century gave new results. Thanks to ultrasound, the precise location of the pancreas in photos and pictures was determined.

If you want to know if your body is pancreatic, then you have to start by telling the age of someone who is interested in this issue. Although babies can not ask this, the question is interesting, but their mothers are interested in knowing where she is in newborns. To find this organ, you will have to find the X thoracic vertebra. It is near it that this organ is located, quite small, but so necessary. Over time, iron in man not only grows, but also shifts a little. Its head can be seen at level I-II of the lumbar vertebrae, and the tail is slightly bent upward towards the spleen.

The duodenum forms a loop in which a small head of the pancreas is completely placed. It is very tight against this organ. The posterior wall of the head abuts the hollow vein. The posterior surface of the body touches the spine, and its tail, rising slightly upwards, directs directly to the gates of the spleen. He ends in the lower left kidney, the adrenal gland is also located nearby.

Why is this gland pancreatic?

The location issue is practically solved and everyone can now guess where it is approximately in the human body if there are symptoms of the disease. And yet there remains an open question, first of all, where the stomach is located relative to the pancreas. For this it is necessary to observe the doctor who at the reception examines the primary patient, who expresses suspicions about the pain in the abdominal area. If the patient lies down, then we can say that in this position, this gland is located between the spine and the stomach. It is located near the I-II lumbar vertebrae next to the ribs on the left side.

Knowing exactly how the pancreas is located, one can assume about its diseases in case of unpleasant sensations in the abdominal area and the first symptoms of the disease and at least take care of the sparing food until the doctor prescribes the proper treatment and the corresponding diet. And for those who are especially curious, it will not be superfluous to know that it is necessary for a gastroenterologist to treat or diagnose this interesting organ. He will show you exactly where the pancreas is located.

Pancreas location

The pancreas in oragnis is located behind the peritoneum at the height of the I-II vertebrae of the lumbar spine in the form of a flattened strand( roughly between the stomach and the vertebral column).The axis of the organ is located almost perpendicular to the axis of the vertebral column. Relative to the median line, it is shifted to the left. If you project the gland on the front wall of the abdominal cavity, its projection will be located 6-8 cm above the navel.

The head( the thickest part) is located to the right or in front of the I-II lumbar vertebrae. The right end of the head forms a hook-shaped process. The duodenum closely envelops the head. The main excretory duct, through which pancreatic juice is released, merges with the bile duct and is sent to the large papilla of the duodenum with the formation of an expansion.

The body of the pancreas can often be seen at the height of the I vertebra of the lumbar spine( one vertebra above the head).The body is trapezoidal in shape, in front it is covered by the peritoneum. In size, it is slightly smaller than the head. Its front surface is located behind the back wall of the stomach, and the lower part borders on the small intestine.

The tail of the organ is at the level of the XII vertebra of the thoracic region( one vertebra above the body and two above the head) 7-8 cm to the left of the spine, pointing slightly upwards and reaching the spleen gates. It also borders on the colon.

Location of the spleen

It is located in the abdominal cavity, in its upper left part. The diaphragmatic surface is bordered by the diaphragm, and visceral - with the left kidney and stomach. Regarding the pancreas, the spleen is located to the left of it. The tail approaches close to its gates. The gate is part of the surface of the spleen, not enveloped in the visceral peritoneum, through which the nerve endings and vessels approach the organ.

Location of the stomach

This organ is located under the diaphragm in the upper part of the abdominal cavity. Its front wall borders on the liver. The lower third( bottom) of the stomach touches the diaphragm and spleen. The posterior surface borders on the organs of the retroperitoneal space. The pancreas mostly lies behind its back wall and is protected from it by a gland bag. The head of the gland through the peritoneum is adjacent to the pyloric part of the stomach.

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