Is it possible to dumplings and manti in pancreatitis?

Pelmeni is a truly Russian dish, without which it is difficult to imagine the diet of a modern person. After all, it is this product that becomes a real salvation, when there is no desire or opportunity to cook a full dinner. Is it possible to eat dumplings with pancreatitis, and what can such a ration threaten?

In most medical recommendations this product is strictly prohibited. And all because the dough in combination with meat is very slowly and poorly digested by the stomach, and accordingly, when pancreatitis from eating pelmeni is best to give up. Otherwise, there is a high probability of complications of the disease, painful sensations and general deterioration of the condition. To risk it is not necessary also because because of some eaten pelmeni, the pancreatitis can become aggravated, and consequently it is necessary to strengthen even without that a strict diet.

It should be noted that dumplings are often supplemented with various spices, namely pepper or mustard, as well as fats - butter and sour cream. And as a result, the load on the pancreas and increases at all times, but because such food - a direct road to acute pancreatitis.

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Of course, there are exceptions to each rule, and in case of chronic pancreatitis, you can occasionally consume this product. However, under certain conditions, as well as in minimum quantities.

For example, when preparing pelmeni, only beef meat should be used, without any additional spices and seasonings, such as: salt, pepper and others. As for the preparation of the dough, it is possible to add eggs to it, however, not more than one or two pieces, since eggs are also undesirable in pancreatitis.

And, of course, there are homemade ravioli necessary without mayonnaise, butter and other additives. Allow yourself such luxury, with pancreatitis is not more often a couple of times a month, because otherwise, the risk increases significantly that such food will end with sad consequences.

Unfortunately, in the strictest diet, so important in pancreatitis, pelmeni are not included. Therefore, there is this product only at your own risk and risk, while realizing that serious complications of the disease and deterioration of the pancreas can occur. And dumplings are needed not more often a couple of times a month, with minimal portions, then the pleasure will be received, and at the same time the harm for the body, and in particular for the stomach, will be minimal.

Manty for pancreatitis

Manti is a dish that is a "highlight" of Asian cuisine. The name of this gastronomic masterpiece translated from Chinese means "steamed bread".The recipe for the dish includes dough and meat filling. Traditionally, they are prepared from pork and fried onions or minced beef, lamb. The dish turns fat and people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases are contraindicated. Especially it concerns those who have pancreatitis in acute or chronic form.

But there are special rules for preparing this dish, under which they can be consumed by people suffering from pancreatic disease:

The most important thing is to prepare mantas for pancreatitis exclusively for a couple. Food steamed does not contain carcinogens, which are formed during frying, it is easily absorbed by the body and does not lose nutrients during cooking. Food for a couple, in the first place, is necessary for people suffering from pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

  • From the recipe, fried onions should be excluded. The dough should be fresh.
  • Do not use condiments or peppers.
  • Only low-fat poultry meat should be selected as a meat filling. It can be a chicken or a turkey.
  • Observe the measure when using mantles, do not overeat.

Performing these simple rules this dish will only benefit and no harm to the pancreas will be.

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