Is it possible to drink hot milk with soda and honey from a cough or during a purulent sore throat

A huge number of drugs for sore throat and cough offer modern pharmacies. But often these drugs are quite expensive, so traditional medicine does not lose its popularity. Still our grandmothers with catarrhal diseases advised to use milk with soda. How does this method of treatment work? How effective is it? Let's try to understand.

Milk with soda

Very many folk recipes used to treat colds include milk. The addition of regular soda to the milk adds to this magical remedy additional healing properties.

Soda diluted with milk is an effective treatment for dry, irritating throat cough.

Such a folk remedy helps to increase sputum and improve its digression.

Warm milk in combination with soda will help alleviate a lot of cold symptoms, since such a home remedy has:

  • anti-inflammatory properties;
  • emollient;
  • by expectorant effect;
  • enveloping properties.

The most useful is whole, not subjected to prolonged heat treatment, cow's milk. It is in this product that more vitamins and other nutrients remain. It contains:

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  • tryptophans - stimulate the production of serotonin and vitamin PP in the body;
  • albumins - help to accelerate the body's absorption of antibacterial drugs;
  • globulins( protein components) - activate the work of leukocytes, which leads to increased immunity;
  • lysine - improves hemopoiesis processes;
  • casein - helps the synthesis of essential amino acids.

In what diseases is the agent used?

Milk with soda can be used for almost all types of cough. It copes with pain in the throat, hoarse voice, dry barking cough. The folk remedy will be a real salvation when:

  • bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • angina;
  • laryngitis.

With increasing temperature to high marks, in addition to folk remedies, it is required to take antibacterial drugs - antibiotics. Standard drug therapy and folk methods of treatment perfectly complement each other.

What diseases can I use a warm drink from milk:

Effective recipes

Milk in popular recipes is used hotter. It is heated to a high temperature, but not boiled. With prolonged high-temperature treatment, whole milk loses more than half of its useful qualities.

The classic recipe for soda with milk is pretty simple. Take 200 grams of hot milk, mix with half a teaspoon of ordinary soda food. With soda you need to be careful not to depart from this dosage, because when you consume it in large quantities you can earn diarrhea. To the classic recipe, you can add a little salt. This method will help the withdrawal of mucus from the bronchi.

A simple set of cough products

How to consume, special instructions

It should be remembered that it is not always possible for everyone to apply milk with soda for cough and sore throat. No need to experiment with folk remedies if:

  • patient's age is less than a year;
  • revealed lactose intolerance;
  • cough has passed into a chronic form;
  • is diagnosed with pneumonia;
  • the patient has diarrhea.

Treating milk with soda in tonsillitis can also be effective. At the initial stages of the disease, the folk remedy will soften the throat dry from infection, reduce the swelling of the throat. With caution should be treated with this method of treatment, if the angina has passed into a purulent form. In this case hot creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Detailed recipe for milk preparation with soda from cough:

Reviews on the effectiveness of

Patients who used milk with soda for coughing, speak about this method of treatment only positively. The product helps to quickly relieve dry, hysterical cough, relieve pain in the throat, soften inflamed mucous membranes. Use of such a folk prescription at least twice a day allows you to accelerate recovery and improve the overall condition of the patient.

Adding one spoonful of honey to the milk with soda will make the treatment process much more pleasant. Sweet warm milk will ease the symptoms of colds and help you fall asleep quickly.

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