Herbs for gargling: with pain, inflammation, cough, sore throat, colds

Often at the first signs of viral or bacterial infections a person has discomfort in the throat. This is due to the occurrence of inflammation. To cope with the pain, apply herbal decoctions. They make you feel better and do not harm your health.

Herbs for the treatment of throat

Rinse with herbal substances to improve health. This procedure helps with cold and light viral diseases, which are accompanied by mild inflammation of the larynx, tonsils. Dry plants are used to prepare decoctions and infusions.

Substances help with different manifestations:

  • pain in the throat;
  • temperature increase;
  • intoxication;
  • headaches.


Throat rinses are used in the following situations:

  • laryngitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • cough.

Therapeutic fees

There are many recipes with herbs that successfully cope with throat lesions.

With angina

With this diagnosis, help such herbs as a hump, chamomile and sage. All of them have antiseptic effect and help to overcome inflammation and infection. This eliminates swelling and pain.

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Individual herbs produce an antipyretic effect. Also, plants include substances that strengthen the immune system. This greatly accelerates the recovery process.

To cope with sore throat, you can use different products:

  1. Finely cut 20 g of plantain and pour 250 ml of boiling water. After an hour, filter. Treat the oral cavity. Phytoncides, which are present in the grass, cope with streptococci and staphylococci.
  2. To 15 grams of herb slices add 200 g of water and put on a small fire. When the composition boils, cook for 2-4 minutes. Then insist for 1 hour. The plant has pronounced analgesic properties and copes with inflammation. Thanks to its use, it is possible to cope with the swelling of the nasopharynx and to eliminate the infection.
  3. 15 grams of sage mixed with 250 ml of boiling water. Leave it to cool. Rinsing means spend every hour. This plant has oils and other components that cope with swelling and inflammation. This allows you to quickly eliminate the pain.


You can use sage or plantain to prepare a useful composition for cough and sputum. So, dried sage leaves are taken in the volume of 4 small spoons, and plantain requires 2 large spoons. Herbs are poured into a glass of boiling water and put on a steam bath for half an hour. The finished products are filtered and used for rinsing. You need to spend the procedure every hour.

You can also combine sage, eucalyptus, mint and chamomile in a ratio of 4: 3: 2: 2.The resulting composition in a volume of 3 large spoons is poured with 2 cups of boiling water and left for a few minutes. A solution is to rinse 6 times a day.

A simple recipe for cough in our video:

For washing tonsils

To wash a purulent secret, you can use such substances:

  1. Take a couple of large spoons of St. John's wort, pour a glass of alcohol and clean for 14 days. Before washing the tonsils, strain and add 20 drops in 250 ml of water. Rinses are carried out 5 times daily.
  2. Take linden, chamomile and oak bark in the ratio 3: 2: 1.Add a large spoonful of the composition with boiling water and leave. Before rinsing, add a small spoonful of honey. The procedure is performed three times a day.
  3. Take a couple of spoons yarrow and put in a glass of boiling water. Decoction of infusion, cover with a lid. With a filtered means, gargle up to 5 times a day.

For inhalations

Exercising inhalations for sore throats provides excellent results. This is due to the ingestion of medicinal compounds into the affected throat.

All of them produce emollient, antimicrobial and enveloping effects. This helps to eliminate perspiration and lumps in the throat and cope with the cough.

To achieve the desired effect, you can use the following tips:

  1. Take calendula, chamomile, sage and eucalyptus.10 grams of brew in 250 ml of boiling water. Do inhalations three times a day. The procedure takes at least 10 minutes.
  2. It is useful to take immortelle, raspberry branches and field horsetail.1.5 tablespoons of the collection is mixed with 350 ml of boiling water and left for 2 hours. The filtered composition is used for the procedure.

From fungal diseases

To eliminate the fungal infection of the throat( candidiasis), you can use such recipes:

  1. Bury the juice of a golden mustache and lemon in your nose and apply a rinse aid. For 250 ml of water, take 1/2 lemon juice and half a small spoon of the plant.
  2. Treat the throat and nasal sinuses with sea buckthorn oil.
  3. To conduct rinses with decoctions. Chamomile, sage and calendula are suitable for this purpose.

With stomatitis and ulcers

Broth with lesions of the oral cavity helps decoctions of medicinal plants - oak bark, sage, yarrow. You can also use tinctures of marigold and propolis. Thanks to this, it will be possible to cope with inflammation, burning and pain.

How to treat stomatitis with folk remedies, see in our video:

How to prepare infusion and decoction of

Infusion, as the name implies, is done by insisting. This product is usually made from leaves and flowers. It is from these parts of the plant that it is easy to extract the active ingredients.

Rules for treatment of

To achieve excellent results, you should consider the basic rules:

  • effect can be achieved even with the use of a single plant;
  • often take infusions made on water;
  • decoction is made from roots or bark;
  • for the throat apply funds in a warm form;
  • is prohibited immediately after the procedure;
  • rinses need to be performed quite often, however it is important to remember the sense of proportion to avoid mechanical injuries.

Benefits and Harms

Herbs are endowed with a number of useful characteristics. Many of them have antibacterial and antimicrobial effects. Plants successfully cope with inflammation and viral diseases.

Herbal medicines have certain contraindications.

The use of herbs for throat rinses eliminates infections and eliminates pain. However, it is very important to strictly adhere to the rules of application and take into account all restrictions.

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