Instructions for use and medicinal properties of chamomile pharmacy: rinses, broth

Chamomile pharmacy or in a different way - the drug since ancient times is used in non-traditional therapy as an excellent remedy for a variety of diseases. Our grandmothers often cooked her broths or simply added flowers to tea.

Chamomile infusions have been used as a prophylaxis for various ailments, as well as their treatment, since this plant has a very powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

Chamomile Pharmacy

Chamomile is a simple one-year plant with a strongly branched stem about 35-50 cm high. It has a pleasant, rather specific smell. It can be found practically in all countries of Europe, as well as in various regions of Asia and North America.

It grows in steppes and meadows, as well as along roadsides. Many countries specially cultivate chamomile as a medicinal product. Breeders bred several varieties with increased content of essential oils.

The healing properties of chamomile

The composition of chamomile pharmacy includes many unique substances. Among them we can distinguish:

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  • essential oils;
  • many organic acids;
  • glycosides;
  • vitamins;
  • choline;
  • gum and others.

The healing properties of chamomile are proven by various scientists. It has a persistent sedative effect.

It is often prescribed as an additional antidepressant in certain neurological diseases. Also, the usual pharmacy chamomile has vasodilating, antispasmodic, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory properties.

Essential oil, available in the composition, contributes to a significant reduction in gas production and elimination of symptoms of flatulence. It helps to stabilize the work of the gastrointestinal tract with various deviations in its work, and also has a positive effect on the gastric mucosa.

Useful properties of chamomile:

Use for the treatment of ENT diseases

Pharmacy chamomile is considered the best means for infectious, inflammatory processes of the oral mucosa and pharynx. Gargles with decoctions can help get rid of stomatitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis and other infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Infusion of chamomile can wash the eyes with conjunctivitis. In the form of tea it is taken orally in case of problems with bronchial tubes and asthma, as it has good vasodilating properties.

In the photo of the chamomile release form:

How is the

used? Chamomile in alternative medicine can be used in many ways. With catarrhal diseases, steam inhalations and rinsings with a decoction are useful. To eliminate problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is used in the form of regular tea. With many skin diseases, lavages, lotions from the infusion will help.

How to cook infusion and decoction: recipes

The rules for preparing chamomile broths are quite simple. It does not require a lot of ingredients.

1 tablespoon of the prepared dried flowers are poured cold water( 1 glass), then brought to a boil on a candle( small fire).

You can not boil the mixture for a long time, it's best to remove it from the fire immediately, so that some useful elements do not break down. After that, the broth is removed, insisted for about a quarter of an hour, filtered through a sterile gauze cloth.

The finished drug quickly loses its positive properties. Store the broth recommended at room temperature no more than 10 hours, and in the refrigerator chamber no more than 2 days.

Cooking infusion of chamomile can be done in two ways: cold, hot. The first is the simplest.10 tablespoons of flowers pour two glasses of cooled boiled or bottled water and insist 8-10 hours. The resulting liquid is filtered.

Than chamomile tea is useful and how to prepare it, see in our video:

Contraindications, side effects

Chamomile pharmacy is strictly contraindicated to people with individual intolerance of any components included in its composition. It is forbidden to use decoctions for chronic diarrhea, other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the stage of exacerbation.

Do not recommend such a folk remedy and women expecting a child, because in the early stages, it can provoke a miscarriage.

With prolonged use of teas from chamomile, side effects may appear. They are mainly expressed by dizziness, nervous disorders, coughing and muscle tone reduction.

How to harvest

Collect the plant during flowering, when the white petals have not yet descended and are located horizontally. It blooms from May to August, but more useful properties are preserved in the spring gathering.

Dry flowers in the open air in a shaded place or in a regularly ventilated room.

Efficiency and feedback

Many grandmothers have been taught from the very childhood to use chamomile broth for various viral and colds. The effectiveness of this tool is quite high. Even with complicated angina, the result is always positive, often treatment is done without taking antibiotics.

Young mothers are introducing chamomile teas in the menu of small children. This beautiful harmless product perfectly helps with the strengthening of immunity and the fight against many infectious diseases.

Also a lot of positive reviews about the treatment of chamomile are left by patients suffering from gynecological problems, gastrointestinal pathologies and various skin diseases.

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