Vitasan: instructions for use, reviews, prices, analogies

Vitasan is a medicinal cream with a photosensitizing effect. It stimulates the appearance and growth of melanocytes, protects and softens the skin and returns to it a natural healthy shade.

Vitiligo is a specific skin disease in which the melanin pigment disappears suddenly in some areas of the skin. Begins the disease at any age, although it often manifests itself in the young. Painful sensations in the appearance of light spots are absent, however the psychological discomfort of vitiligo causes considerable.

Vitasan is a drug designed to solve this problem.

Features of the preparation

Melanin, however, not only determines the skin color, but also protects against ultraviolet irradiation. At high intensity, melanin is produced much faster - the skin tans. The absence of pigment on the sites affected by vitiligo leads to a rapid burning of the skin in the sun until the appearance of blisters.

The mechanism of the disease is poorly understood. Spots appear spontaneously, usually in areas where the skin is deformed most often - elbows, brushes, knees, but not necessarily. Sometimes the clarified areas disappear, and the production of melanin is restored.

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There are no reliable methods of treatment. Most drugs only prevent the appearance of new spots and reduce their brightness. Vitasan is a cream that has a photosensitizing effect. That is, it stimulates additional production of melanin in order to compensate for its absence in damaged areas. "Works" cream with ultraviolet: the ointment increases the sensitivity to UV-irradiation and the melanin synthesis process is triggered in the skin in the skin.

In addition, vitasan improves capillary blood circulation, which is very important for damaged areas of the dermis, prone to inflammation and irritation. The drug also has a mitigating effect, preventing drying out of the skin and peeling, which in such areas causes painful sensations.

Dosage forms

The preparation is produced in the form of a cream with a light enough consistency. The ointment is quickly absorbed, does not leave greasy stains on clothes and unpleasant sensation of stickiness. The product is packed in 100 ml plastic bottles.

Vitasan's composition

Vitasan includes herbal extracts and oils. Extracts are prepared using a new technology - extraction with supercritical carbon dioxide, that is, in a liquefied state. This allows you to extract biologically active components to a greater extent.

The cream contains

  • extract of St. John's wort - it is the main supplier of furocoumarins, substances that cause the photosensitizing effect of the drug;
  • extract alternating - here, too, there are furokumariny, although in smaller quantities. However, the extract contains a wide range of trace elements, which are necessary in the process of pigmentation;
  • marigold extract - supplier of vitamins C, B1, PP;
  • fir oil - as an active biological substance, oil irritates the skin, but precisely to the extent necessary to increase the flow of blood to the damaged tissue and provide better nutrition. The blood supply stimulates the growth of new cells and prevents the destruction of melanocytes;
  • cedar oil - thanks to a strong antioxidant effect, too, does not allow melanocytes to break down and stimulates the appearance of new ones.

Vitasan is described in detail in this video:


The cost of the medicine is a plastic tube in 100 ml, ranging from 794 to 1150 r.for packing.

Pharmacological action

The effectiveness of the drug was studied on the basis of the clinic of skin diseases of the SSMU.The control group consisted of 33 people of different ages - from 18 to 50 years. According to the received data, 82% of patients achieved a positive effect. The remaining application of the ointment did not cause changes in the negative or in the positive direction.


In vitiligo, cells that produce melanin break down, resulting in skin discoloration, and melanin is not produced by ultraviolet, which leads to sunburn. In fact, it appears that melanin is retained in the mouth of the hair follicle and, with appropriate stimulation, its production can be restored.

This happens in several scenarios.

  • Activation of melanin production begins at the mouth of the hair follicles. On the skin appear spots of normal healthy color around the hair. First, normal pigmentation is restored in these areas, then, gradually, the area of ​​healthy color increases.
  • The spots of discolored skin have a clear boundary. Under the action of the preparation, the boundary is blurred, the stain becomes less expressive.
  • A peculiar "influx" on the damaged area from the side of healthy skin. As a rule, it occurs from the top down. The color of this middle zone is lighter than that of normal skin, but noticeably darker than on the damaged area.
  • Segmental restoration is in no way connected with the boundaries of the site and the location of the hair follicles. Characterized by an unsystematic recovery of individual fragments of the skin. Because of the specific coloration, this effect is called "tea with milk."


The drug is intended for external use and does not penetrate deeper than the upper part of the skin. Being a photosensitizing drug, it stimulates the production of melanin under solar irradiation. In tissues and organs does not penetrate. According to the received data, 82% of patients achieved a positive effect. The remaining application of the ointment did not cause changes in the negative or in the positive direction.


The cream has many useful properties: it improves capillary blood supply, softens the skin, has a mild antiseptic effect. Accordingly, the agent is used not only for the complex treatment of vitiligo, but also for other skin diseases.

Vitasan is used with the following ailments:

  • vitiligo - to restore normal skin color and prevent the appearance of new spots;
  • inflammatory skin diseases, including allergic - neurodermatitis, dermatosis, pustules;
  • trophic ulcers, wounds - vitasan has a good healing effect.

Instructions for use

The cream is allowed to be used by adults and children in the treatment of vitiligo and to prevent the appearance of new spots. However, the effect of its use is noticeable only when the affected area of ​​the skin is exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

how to treat Vitiligo Vitasan - in the video below:


The cream is applied a thin layer on all affected areas with soft rubbing movements. The course of treatment is at least 3 months. It is recommended to start using the cream in winter, in order to prepare the skin for sunlight.

The cream is used at least 2 times a day, usually in the morning, before going out and before sunbathing. At the same time, certain recommendations should be observed:

  • 1-3 day of drug use - it is allowed to stay in the sun for no more than 3 minutes;
  • 4-6 day - allowed to spend 6 minutes in the sun;
  • from 7 to 10 times increases to 9 minutes;
  • 11-13 - 12 minutes;
  • from 14 to 20 can be tanned up to 15 minutes;
  • 20-25 - allowed to spend 18 minutes in the sun.

Then the time of sunbathing is limited to 20 minutes. If you plan to stay in the sun for longer, you need to use a high-level sunscreen.

Compliance with this mode allows the skin to gradually adapt to the action of ultraviolet. Gradually within 15 days the number of melanocytes will increase and will be able to produce enough to protect the amount of melanin.

If the skin reddens or pains in the sun under the sun, you should immediately stop sunbathing and not be in the sun until your health returns to normal. In the future, the time spent in the sun should be reduced.

For children, newborns

There are no age restrictions for Vitasan. The drug is suitable for adults and children. In newborns, as a rule, vitiligo is not manifested.

In pregnancy and lactation,

Vitasan has no effect on the fetus, so its use is allowed. When breastfeeding the only restriction is the chest area: if there are spots, then for the time of lactation from the use of the cream should be discarded so that the remnants of it do not reach the baby.


Contraindications are only individual sensitivity to any component of vitasan. If as a result of use on the skin there is redness or itching, it is necessary to stop using and consult a doctor.

Side effects of

Side effects of the drug were not detected. As a drug for external use, the cream does not interact with other medications.


According to studies conducted in the Institute of Skin Diseases, the drug is effective in 82% of cases. It does not have a negative effect. Unfortunately, Vitasan does not cure vitiligo, but only compensates it, so the therapeutic effect of the effect is relatively short.

Patients usually complain about the cost of the drug. However, the cream is consumed quite sparingly.


Vitasan has no analogues in composition. This is the original development of the company "Don", only this manufacturer has the right to issue it. When buying, you need to pay attention to it. Tub Vitasana also has an original design, which makes it easy to distinguish a fake from the original.

Vitasan is a cream with a photosensitizing effect, designed primarily to restore normal skin pigmentation. However, no less successfully used in the treatment of neurodermatitis and dermatosis.

Feedback on Vitasan is given in this video:

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