Elevated hemoglobin, causes in women and men

Hemoglobin is a complex iron-containing protein that is part of the blood erythrocytes. Takes part in the transportation of oxygen from the lungs to the cells of all organs and the removal of carbon dioxide in the opposite direction.

You can immediately note that a high level of hemoglobin says about the increased clotting of blood, which is not a positive moment. As a result of increased blood viscosity, the likelihood of producing thrombi increases, in addition, oxygen transport is also difficult.

To understand if it's worth worrying about and how much cardinal measures to take, you need to know what indicator is considered optimal for good health. What does this mean increased hemoglobin, and what should be done in this situation, we will consider in this material.


Normal indicators of hemoglobin in blood for women are 120-140 g / l and for men - 135-160 g / l.

The indicator may fluctuate depending on the physical and mental state. Long its decrease or increase in comparison with normal parameters testifies to inferiority in an organism.

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Elevated hemoglobin in men

May be due to smoking, due to the condition of the body caused by a number of diseases. With such diseases as erythrocytosis, pernicious anemia and hemolytic anemia, when the composition of the blood changes.

When erythrocytosis rises the number of red blood cells, which can be caused by a disease of the kidneys, lungs, heart. Causes that increase hemoglobin, can be supplied by artificial valves in the heart, cholelithiasis. Lack of folic acid, vitamin B12 due to diseases of the gastric mucosa that is unable to absorb these necessary elements, can also contribute to the increase of hemoglobin in men.

Elevated hemoglobin in women

What does it say, and what should I do? In women, elevated hemoglobin is observed quite rarely. As mentioned above, the norm in healthy women varies between 120 and 140 g / l.

It is permissible for hemoglobin to be increased within 10-20 units, if the indices are above 20, it should be examined. The causes may be blood diseases, congenital heart defects, cancer and cardiopulmonary insufficiency.

About what the high level of hemoglobin

says The considered component of blood is contained in the red blood cells produced by the bone marrow. These red blood cells perform the function of transferring oxygen to various organs.

Therefore, if hemoglobin rises, most likely, in some area of ​​the body, hypoxia( oxygen starvation) takes place. Because of it, the bone marrow produces too much red blood cells, and the viscosity of the blood increases.

Causes of high hemoglobin

Why hemoglobin is elevated, and what does it mean? Changes in such an important indicator as the level of hemoglobin, suggests that there was a dysfunction of certain organs and systems. Although in some cases, high hemoglobin is the norm - for example, in people living in the highlands. It is the compensatory reaction of the body to the lack of oxygen high in the mountains.

The main reasons for the increase in hemoglobin in the blood in adults, including women, are:

  1. Not too disturbing, although a negative sign, is increase in hemoglobin in smokers ( as well as people who have recently been in a fire).The fact is that hemoglobin can only carry oxygen or carbon dioxide, easily replacing them with each other.
  2. Strong dehydration of increases the plasma level, and as a result, the volume of circulating blood increases. The process of dehydration does not increase the level of red blood cells, however, the consequences expressed in the increase in blood volume increase their concentration in general, which also manifests itself in an elevated hemoglobin level.
  3. Acquired heart defects , characterized by high blood pressure in the pulmonary circulation. This is most typical for mitral stenosis of rheumatic etiology.
  4. Congenital heart disease , especially vermin, which is accompanied by enrichment of pulmonary blood flow. In this case, the color of the skin changes from early childhood and has a bluish tinge. The child is often disturbed by shortness of breath, cough may occur. Carrying out an ultrasound of the heart allows you to put the correct diagnosis. Treatment of such diseases with a pronounced clinic is only prompt.
  5. Increase in the number of erythrocytes in the blood( erythrocytosis).
  6. Increased hemoglobin in the blood plasma( hemoglobinemia).
  7. Disrupted intestinal permeability.
  8. Diseases of the lungs and pulmonary insufficiency.
  9. Overabundance in the human body of vitamins B6 and B12.
  10. . Oncological diseases.

However, the increased hemoglobin content in the blood can be associated not only with various kinds of diseases, but also with the environment of residence and way of life.

Physiological causes of

Consider the main causes of hemoglobin increase, which are of external origin:

  1. Living at high altitudes .The higher the altitude, the lower the oxygen level in the air. Because of this, the body produces as much hemoglobin as possible to bind the maximum amount of oxygen.
  2. Regular outdoor activities and sporting activities increase the level of hemoglobin.
  3. In women, an external factor that affects the increase in hemoglobin can be considered pregnancy .
  4. Features of the profession .It's about the fact that sometimes the work takes place in conditions of low oxygen content, and the organism responds to this state by raising the hemoglobin level in the blood
  5. The use of anabolic steroids .

High hemoglobin is less dangerous than if the level is lowered, because at low levels of this substance, anemia is diagnosed. However, it should be noted that elevated hemoglobin is still a reason for seeking medical help, since it may indicate the presence of serious pathology in the body.

It was noted that hemoglobin above the norm increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, and also often leads to the development of strokes and heart attacks.

Symptoms and consequences of high hemoglobin

With high hemoglobin, the symptoms can not be experienced by a person, but with a long and significant change in this indicator with a set of concomitant diseases, the patient may have various vague symptoms that are general and do not indicate a specific disease:

  • increased fatigue, lethargy;
  • weak appetite;
  • drowsiness or vice versa problems with falling asleep;
  • pains in the joints, bones - in the ribs, hips;
  • increases blood pressure;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • skin itching, especially after shower, bath;
  • abdominal pain.
  • rapid bruising and easy bleeding.

These signs are manifested at the external level. But the most dangerous processes occur inside the body. There is a thickening of the blood environment, an increase in its viscosity and a decrease in the rate of circulation in the body. Because of this, internal organs do not receive nutrition. The most serious consequence is the formation of blood clots and plaques that cause heart attacks and strokes.

How to lower hemoglobin in the blood

If that, from which the hemoglobin rises, is not associated with serious pathologies, then it can be influenced by high hemoglobin by certain nutrition or medicines. Among pharmacies that are relatively freely available, one can distinguish those that are aimed at diluting the blood: Curantil, Cardiomagnum, Trental, or mediocre Aspirin. Only the specialist appoints them.

To reduce hemoglobin levels at home, it is necessary to approach your diet more strictly and to revise the food:

  1. Increase in the level of fluid in the body .To do this, it is enough to drink more warm liquids. If this is not possible( for example, with severe extensive burns), then use droppers with saline solution.
  2. It is recommended to reduce in the diet fats, confectionery products with cream and eggs, as they increase cholesterol and so in dense blood. Do not take a multivitamin and drugs containing copper and iron. Prefer seafood, white meat, legumes, nuts and vegetables.
  3. should be used to limit the use of products that increase hemoglobin .These are foods rich in protein and iron - red meat, fruits, vegetables and red berries, meat by-products, fish eggs, butter, buckwheat porridge, sweet and smoked.

It is useful to eat such products:

  1. Fish of any sorts and seafood( except mussels).
  2. Chicken meat.
  3. Some legumes.
  4. Fresh raw salads from vegetables and fruits. Baked and baked vegetables.

We have already talked about that elevated hemoglobin is just a symptom of some kind of disease. Therefore, simultaneously with its normalization, it is necessary to find and eliminate the primary cause.

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