Stromal gastrointestinal tumor of the stomach( GIST, GIST)

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GIST is a specific type of tumor that appears in the gastrointestinal tract and is endowed with a particular clinical development. As a rule, among the stromal( gastrointestinal) tumors of the stomach, malignant, metastasizing hematogenous predominates. Their ability to develop is amazing. They can form on any part of the digestive tract. The likelihood of a HIST tumor in the stomach is the most and is sixty percent of the total. It can be compared with a kind of knot that is formed in the lumen of the organ.

Symptomatic of gastric stromal tumors

Symptomatic in these neoplasms is practically absent, which makes it impossible to identify them at the right time and prevent further formation. A person who has GIST may not even know about it even at the moment when the gastrointestinal tumor of the stomach reaches considerable dimensions.

Often a person learns about this dangerous disease by contacting a doctor complaining of a feeling of discomfort in the abdominal area, temporary nausea, rapid weight loss and fatigue.

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The revealed stromal tumor is presented as a node. Over the node, which is located on the mucous membrane, shortly there are ulcers that can provoke bleeding of different scales.

Diagnosis of a gastrointestinal tumor of the stomach

More than twenty percent of GIST are detected as a result of gastric examinations. When diagnosing a stromal gastrointestinal tumor, a thin-needle biopsy is mandatory, so that in the near future histological, immunohistochemical and molecular-genetic analyzes can be performed. After it was discovered a tumor similar to this one will require a computer tomography of the entire abdominal cavity. After carrying out these analyzes, it becomes possible to establish whether the formed stomach tumor belongs to GIST or not.

How is GIST treated

To date, the most optimal and effective method for controlling stromal tumors is a mandatory process with a thin needle biopsy to ensure that the nearest is surgical intervention. During the operation, the surgeon's task is to remove the resulting node as completely as possible. A person who has undergone a radical operation to remove the node is observed by doctors for several years, for which he is obliged to undergo examinations twice a year.

In cases of the formation of a gastric stromal tumor, which can be eliminated, avoiding surgery can resort to conservative ways of treating this problem. Treatment can be carried out with the help of chemotherapeutic drugs. A complex of treatment is also being developed, which will soon be able to give better results in the treatment of gastrointestinal oncology than surgery or drugs. In this complex will be provided for surgical intervention and taking medications.

Treatment for each case of GIST formation is selected individually taking into account many factors. In cases of the formation of a gastric stromal tumor and reaching a size of up to two centimeters, the patient must undergo an endoscopic examination twice a year. If the tumor has dimensions exceeding two centimeters, then in such cases surgical intervention is required.

Resection that is performed on the stomach tissues that are healthy. In this process, a certain margin of two centimeters from the edges of the affected areas is taken into account. Gastrectomy is provided for the removal of gastrointestinal stromal tumors of large size.

Therefore, in order to protect yourself from the onset of GIST, you should regularly be examined and take good care of your health. After removing the stromal tumor of the stomach, do not neglect the recommendations of doctors and visit the medical institution within the specified time.

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