Vomiting of blood, mucus and nausea in stomach cancer

Frequent vomiting is one of the main signs of the development of cancer of the stomach. As a rule, this reflex is provoked due to the increase in the cancerous tumor, which affects the digestive tube, thereby violating the process of normal food progress. It is accepted to distinguish between two scenarios of vomiting.

In the first case, the patient begins to feel the urge immediately after eating. Food is thrown outward in its original form, without any signs of gastric juice acting on it.

In the second case, vomiting appears unexpectedly, regardless of the patient's eating habits. Most often this is due to excessive intoxication of the patient's body with carcinogenesis products. The amount of spasms depends on the strength of the concentration of emetic contents.

The color of the masses also indicates the degree of development of cancer. The most dangerous manifestation is bloody vomiting, as this indicates damage to blood vessels and the ingress of blood into the stomach. In such a situation, urgent urgent diagnostics for the detection of cancer disease is necessary.

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Vomiting of blood, mucus in stomach cancer

Vomiting with blood is one of the brightest signs of the development of gastric cancer. As a rule, blood clots appear in the vomit because of vascular damage. The internal mucous membrane of the stomach is very tender in its structure, therefore it tries to tear away any elements that are unacceptable to it, which causes blood vomiting. In case of vomiting with blood, it is necessary to urgently contact a specialist who can accurately determine the cause of its sudden appearance and give appropriate recommendations for its elimination.

Vomiting of clear mucus indicates a violation of the normal secretory function of the organ. With cancer, the level of excretion of various gastric juices can increase significantly and the patient's body simply can not cope with their excretion, which ultimately leads to vomiting with mucus. Mucous secretions can be observed very often and cause a strong discomfort in the patient, as the stomach in such situations works in a rather stressful regime and experiences a heavy load due to the lack of food necessary for processing.

Nausea in stomach cancer

Nausea, despite the fact that its appearance can be caused by a variety of causes, is one of the classic symptoms of stomach cancer. Attacks of nausea can overtake the patient both after ingestion of food, and in any other time that does not depend on the food clock.

The main cause of nausea in cancer is a growing tumor that presses the esophagus. The level of unpleasant sensations depends on the stage of development of the disease, as well as the medication prescribed by the doctor. The most severe nausea occurs in the situation when the patient undergoes a course of chemotherapy, because the drugs used on the procedures very strongly affect the centers of irritation, already weakened, the body.

In order to get rid of nausea in stomach cancer, specialists can prescribe special medication for the patient, but before they are prescribed it is absolutely necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis in the hospital in order to identify the true causes of the patient's discomfort.

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