What if the third day in a row my head hurts?

1 Types of the disease

Headache in case of:

  • problems with blood vessels;
  • spasms of the muscles of the head, neck and back;
  • of certain types of neuralgia;
  • infectious diseases;
  • disorders of free circulation of cerebrospinal fluid.

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First of all, one should keep in mind: several dozens of very serious diseases, including craniocerebral trauma, tumors, endocrine diseases, can manifest themselves as a headache. And firstly cephalalgia may be the only symptom. Therefore, if the head hurts for several days, the most reasonable will be to see a doctor. It is inadmissible to advise a person to drink a tablet, or even a glass, if the cause of the headache is unknown. Such advice as "you have a headache for 3 days, and you have not even had an analgin", let's leave on the conscience of those who give them. So, a tablet of citramone can seriously worsen the condition of hypertensive medicine, and analgin - kill allergic.

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On the other hand, headaches can be the usual reaction of the body to stress, individual way of life, overwork and even the body's response to weather changes.

2 Voltage

If a person seems to have his head squeezed in a vice, squeezed outside, then it is most likely a tension headache( HDN).It's not for nothing that doctors call this a "helmet of the neurotic".Sleep disorders, stress and depression, premenstrual syndrome, high or low blood pressure, hunger, prolonged eye strain and uncomfortable posture can be the cause of this painful condition.

Usually the episode of GBN lasts relatively short, but it happens that the torment does not stop for several days in a row. People have a different threshold of sensitivity to pain, so do not panic immediately if on the second day the headache does not go away. But this is a signal: you should pay more attention to your condition, the sensations that accompany cephalgia, the circumstances of its appearance, which facilitated the relief or deterioration of the condition. This information will be needed by the doctor for diagnosis.

Causes of tension headache in one of the theories are spasms of the muscles of the head and neck, and on the other - the violation of the pain filters.

Therefore, for the treatment and prevention of HDN use:

  • analgesics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs( NSAIDs).

For stress and depression, prescribe drugs that reduce the level of nervous or mental stress( sedatives, antidepressants).

The doctor must prescribe medications after the examination.

Another very common cause of headache is migraine. Until quite recently, doctors could not determine the causes of this disease. Now it is unequivocally established: the migraine arises, if blood supply of a brain or at the person of a disorder with nervous system is broken.

When migraine, a person experiences a beating pain, more often in one half of the head, the senses react painfully to smells, sounds and light. The patient experiences nausea, vomiting may begin. Violated mental reactions: irritation or apathy often accompany the main symptoms of migraine.

A migraine attack can stop after 3-4 hours, and can stretch for 3 days, or even more.

The most effective way to relieve the condition of a person is help the measures taken at the very beginning of an attack. As a rule, patients gradually find their ways of non-drug relief or complete pain relief. Can bring noticeable relief to a cold shower for or a hot bath. Well, if you can sleep( unfortunately, with a strong headache it is not always possible) or just lie in a dark and quiet room. During a migraine attack a person should provide an environment in which the effects of irritating factors are excluded.


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The use of painkillers for migraines is usually ineffective. Migraine is accompanied by a slowing of peristalsis and, as a consequence, a deterioration in the absorption of drugs. They simply do not reach the goal. It is to improve absorption, along with other drugs in the drug therapy of migraines use caffeine containing drugs. To prevent and reduce the severity of seizures, usually prescribed:

  • painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antidepressants;
  • anticonvulsants;
  • infusions and baths( chamomile, ergot, ginger),
  • vitamins( B2) and minerals( magnesium).

It should be borne in mind that analgesics as a means of symptomatic treatment of headaches in some cases do not stop, but intensify the headache. If only for this reason, the correct treatment, which is right for you, should be prescribed by a doctor.

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3 Methods of Traditional Medicine

If you do not have any serious illnesses and your head hurts two, and three days in a row, try to eliminate the pain with the help of folk methods, which sometimes are more effective than medicines. We remember that our main goal is to remove spasm, relax, improve blood flow and calm nerves. Please note that all our recommendations can be used only in the absence of contraindications.

You can take a warm bath with lavender or sea salt.

Women experiencing a headache in the premenstrual period or with menopause can alleviate their suffering with grated garlic, which is applied to the temples for 15 minutes.

To calm the pain, you can massage the bridge of the nose for 5-10 minutes.

You can also crumble a leaf of cabbage before the appearance of juice and attach it to your temples or forehead: potassium, which is plentiful in cabbage, helps to relieve spasms of muscles and blood vessels.

Drink 1/4 cup of blackcurrant juice 3 times a day.

4 Healthy Lifestyle

The previously listed causes of headache convincingly show that human health directly depends on the lifestyle that it leads. Nature, creating a person, assumed that he would move a lot, and not sit, eat healthy food, and not fast food, look into the distance, and not to the computer screen, to breathe fresh, not air-conditioned air. Modern people have forgotten about all these covenants and are forced to pay with health problems.

Therefore, it is worth trying to restore order in your life and include regular walks and exercise, observe the diet, improve the ergonomics of your workplace. The price of the question is exceptionally high - the quality, and even the duration of your life.

The causes of the headache can be different: from individual perception of pain to serious organic diseases. Therefore, be responsive to your health and do not expect that the problem itself will disappear. If you have not been able to tear your head off the pillow for three days already, do not expect that on the fourth day there will be relief.

If the attack lasts 2 days or more, and this occurs regularly( up to 15 days per month), go to the clinic. For the most complete collection of anamnesis, remember all the circumstances in which there is a headache, note which other symptoms you are worried about, pay attention to the frequency and duration of pain attacks.

With episodic pain and chronic cephalalgia, one should not rely solely on medicines.

A healthy lifestyle, elimination of factors that provoke a headache from your life, and simple methods of traditional medicine will help you live as you want, and not as you dictate pain that does not leave your head for 3 days.

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