Polyp gut, polyposis of the intestine, features in children, ICD 10, photo

Colorectal polyps of the intestine are a fleshy growth that forms on the inner wall of a hollow organ. Outwardly, it looks like a mushroom: it has an oval cap and a thin or thick base leg. The accumulation of cells is benign in nature, but over time, the bowel intestine is able to transform into a cancerous tumor, so it is so important not to miss the development of this pathology.

Only one polyp of the intestine can be detected at the examination - a single benign neoplasm. In the case when a cluster of several fleshy growths is detected, a polyposis of the intestine is diagnosed. Dimensions of the growths can be different, from one to five centimeters. Formations that are larger than 2 cm in size are considered large.

Classification of colon polyps by

structure Polyp epithelial tissue, which can be filled with cells of different structure:

  • Fibrous polyp is formed when connective tissue predominates in the epithelial base. Most often, the fibrous type of neoplasm is formed in those parts of the intestine where the mucous membrane of the hollow organ has undergone scarring. Fibrous variety very rarely degenerates into a malignant tumor, but it almost constantly becomes inflamed and inflamed.
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  • Adenomatous type is formed from glandular tissue. When such a pathology is detected, a precancerous condition is diagnosed. And all because such polyps in the intestine almost always degenerate into malignant neoplasms.
  • The nasal swelling of the gut has a pink-red color, a velvety surface and a structure consisting, as it were, of separate plural papillae. They remind me of the villi. Such a neoplasm is also very dangerous, as it easily degenerates into intestinal cancer.
  • In the case where intestinal polyposis is detected, neoplasms in bunches can be of mixed type. In the structure of a fleshy growth there are simultaneously glandular-villous tissues or mucocystic. Doctors call these pathologies juvenile.

Sometimes the patient reveals polyps in the intestines that form into groups and spread to all the walls of the colon, preventing the normal movement of stool. This pathology is often a symptom of other dangerous diseases.

Features of intestinal polyps in children

Physicians pay attention to the fact that neoplasms in the intestines of children appear extremely rarely. They do not show themselves in any way, that's why they are diagnosed and treated extremely difficult. It is in children that meat outgrowths are most often formed far from the anal passage, 10-15 cm from it. The disease affects mainly boys aged 3 to 7 years. Why there are intestinal neoplasms at such a young age, no one knows. But it is noticed that dysentery, helminthic invasion or salmonellosis practically always becomes the harbingers of the appearance of pathology.

Histology does not indicate the presence of malignant cells, but polyps in children are dangerous because their proliferation is accompanied by slight bleeding. Blood clots come together with feces and provoke the development of anemia. Therefore, it is so important not to delay treatment and immediately agree to surgical removal.

If there is an intestinal polyp, the child complains of pain that focuses in the lower abdomen, in the ileum. If the outgrowth in the intestine is located closer to the anus, it may fall out through the anus.

Folk remedies used in the treatment of neoplasms in the intestine can lead to unpredictable results, so do not self-medicate and if symptoms are indicated, it is better to immediately seek help from specialists.

Polyposis of the intestine in the ICD 10

In the international classification table( ICD-10), the described disease is listed in the section KO-K93( Diseases of the digestive system), in the group K55-K63( Other intestinal diseases).Today, intestinal polyposis according to ICD 10 is listed under the number K62( Other diseases of the anus and rectum) under the code K62.1( polyps of the intestine).

In most cases, intestinal pathology with proper treatment disappears once and for all, but it happens that there are relapses and the build-up grows again in the same place in a year or two. Therefore, every six months, it is necessary to carry out an endoscopic examination.

The possibility of rebirth is associated with the size of the lesion and the number of polyps in the gut. In the presence of large( 5 cm) growths, the risk of cancer increases by 20%.In the same statistics fit and polyposis of the intestine. Preventive measures help prevent the development of pathology. There are no special procedures, doctors recommend eating right, try to avoid nervous loads. It is necessary to identify the disease in time and take adequate treatment.

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