Devices and devices for the treatment of hemorrhoids at home - Darsonval, Prokson, UTMpk-01, Vitafon

Hemorrhoids are a common disorder of the rectum, which many people prefer to try to treat themselves, hesitate to seek help from a specialist. Various methods can be used to treat the disease. Starting with the recipes offered by folk medicine, and ending with the use of special apparatus.

The operation of devices for the treatment of hemorrhoids can be based on various principles:

  • on magnetic radiation;
  • on exposure to cold temperatures;
  • on vibration;
  • on the impact of a pulsed current of low power.

Many hemorrhoids are suitable for home use. But whatever equipment is chosen, before you start using it, you should carefully read the instructions and the available contraindications. Most often, the hardware treatment is prescribed with the old form of the disease. Consider the most commonly used devices in terms of their effectiveness.

Treatment of hemorrhoids by Darsonvalem

The treatment of hemorrhoids by the Darsonval apparatus is based on the action of low-strength alternating current pulses. When using this device, the bacterial properties of ozone formed between the apparatus attachment and the tissues, when it penetrates the tissue, the latter becomes saturated with oxygen. Darsonval gives the following effects:

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  • an increase in the tone of smooth muscle cells;
  • strengthening of the vascular wall;
  • destruction of bacteria;
  • reduction of congestive events inside the rectum;

The Darsonval device, thanks to the described effects, significantly reduces pain in the patient, prevents bleeding and helps reduce the size of the nodes.

The most effective Darsonval appears on the I-III stages of hemorrhoids. In some patients, Darsonval causes allergic reactions. In addition, the device Darsonval is not recommended for use during pregnancy, with hyperthermia, epilepsy and some pathology.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with Proxon

device When using the Proxon device, hemorrhoids are treated by ultrasonic sclerotherapy. A special sclerosing drug is injected into the site, which is immediately sonicated with Proxon.

Apparatus Proxon causes the hemorrhoidal node to almost instantly subside, and over time to be replaced by a connective tissue. Most often, the device is used in the early stages of the disease. This procedure is a form of sclerotherapy with high efficiency. This is a method of non-surgical disposal of the disease, but it can be used only at the beginning of the pathological process( before complications arise).

Device for the treatment of hemorrhoids УТМпк-01

Device UTMpk-01 is designed for the treatment of diseases of the rectum, including hemorrhoids, thermomagnetic method. Influence of the device on the rectum allows accelerating the recovery, as well as metabolic processes inside the tissues, reduces pain and completely eliminates the inflammatory process.

The probe of the device is made of medical plastic and is equipped with an electric magnet, the winding of which serves as a heating element.

Treatment of hemorrhoids by Vitafon

Vitafon is an equally effective way of getting rid of the disease. His work is based on vibroacoustic effects. With its help, there is excitation of peristalsis and improvement of blood circulation of the site, which is exposed to radiation by the device. The most effective this seamless method is in the early stages of the disease. With the Vitafon apparatus, the treatment of hemorrhoids takes a minimum amount of time.

Seamless hemorrhoid treatment with Ligasu apparatus

LigaSure treatment is based on bipolar coagulation, which facilitates the denaturation of elastin and collagen in tissues with the formation of a zone of coagulative necrosis. The device provides the most accurate pressure on the tissue, "brewing" the lumen of the vessels.

With this device, you can sclerize veins and arteries with a diameter of up to 7 millimeters, which is especially important in the treatment of hemorrhoids. In fact, this is the same hemorrhoidectomy. The only difference is that there is no need for bandaging the vessels. As a result, the device allows to make the operation minimally traumatic and reduces all negative feelings of the patient to zero. This device for the treatment of hemorrhoids at home is not recommended in the most urgent way!

Treatment of hemorrhoids DENAS

Getting rid of hemorrhoids with the help of the DENAS device is an effective physiotherapy method that is based on dynamic electroneurostimulation. You can use the device at home. The effectiveness of the use of the device is explained by the action of neuroimpuls directly on the rectum. Since the total dose of the drugs taken by the patient in this case does not increase, the risk of any side reactions is minimized.

Treatment of hemorrhoids Bioptron

Bioptron device affects the tissue with light. More specifically, during the operation of the apparatus, the light beam is polarized and a stream of photons having the same directivity is created.

To obtain a stable positive effect of the procedure, it is recommended that they be administered at least 5-6 times a day.

Removal of hemorrhoids by Fotek and Angiodin-Procto

Fotek and Angiodin-Procto devices allow the surgical treatment of hemorrhoids with minimal risk to the patient's health. Operative intervention is carried out under the control of the digital control device. In this case, tissue coagulation occurs, and the affected vein can be removed virtually bloodlessly, accurately and quickly.

Whatever device you decide to try for treatment, be sure to consult a proctologist first!

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