It torments diarrhea, tormented diarrhea, how to deal with it?

Diarrhea is commonly referred to as liquid feces with frequent urges emptied. Diarrhea is characterized by a watery stool. In this case, people are more tormented not because of the presence of such a chair, but because of its frequency, which, in principle, causes a person to suffer and experience discomfort. In particular, it can torture working and employed people.

Medicine identifies several major types of diarrhea: secretory, osmotic, inflammatory, dysentery, resulting from increased intestinal peristalsis.

Diarrhea can be caused by irritation of the intestinal mucosa. This is possible as a result of infections, a number of autoimmune disorders and because of irritable bowel syndrome. Infection can be parasitic or viral. In general, there are many diseases in which the patient is suffering from diarrhea. For example, tuberculosis, colon cancer or enteritis.

Dysentery - this is also one of the types of disease that does not cease to torment the diarrhea of ​​people since the beginning of the existence of mankind. Dysentery is a very serious diagnosis. This type of liquid defecation is characterized by the presence of bloody discharge in the stool. In this case, the whole reason is antidiuretic hormone. It is when the posterior pituitary gland secrete it too much, that rapid extraction of fluid from the body begins, which in consequence gives dysentery.

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Diarrhea caused by increased bowel movement is an equally important point. During the hyper-mobility of the intestine, food does not have time to digest and be processed, which does not allow the body and walls of the intestines to take at least a few useful substances from the person eaten. Gutility of the intestine is a consequence of diabetic neuropathy and the transfer of the vagus nerve, vagotomy, which was transferred in the recent past. What is the pain of diarrhea?

Most people who come to see a doctor complain that they suffer from diarrhea. And indeed it is. Symptomatic diarrhea can not be defined as something different, it really hurts the patient. The anguish is manifested in most cases by a number of symptoms, these are:

  • Pain and spasmodic manifestations in the abdomen.
  • Frequent trips to the toilet, which torments with diarrhea, most of the victims, as they create discomfort.
  • Nausea or even vomiting.
  • Bloating.
  • Tired of migraines, headaches.
  • Watery stool.
  • General malaise, weakness and fatigue.
  • Blood or mucous discharge.
  • Violation of regular meals, or rather, in general, its absence.
  • It is also possible to increase body temperature.

It is these symptoms most commonly referred to as patients on admission to a doctor with diarrhea. After listing this series of symptoms, there is no doubt that diarrhea pains patients. Physicians are advised to immediately contact the clinic for people who have observed similar symptoms for one week, regardless of gender and age. In addition, it is very dangerous to ignore diarrhea, which torments a young child for 2 days( age 3 - 12 months) and for 5 days( age 12 months or more).

In addition, another list of dangerous symptoms and manifestations has been formed, which can not be left without due attention. You should definitely consult a doctor if you are tortured:

  • Severe pain in the abdominal cavity or rectum.
  • The temperature is more than 39 degrees.
  • The newly born baby does not go out, the urine is more than 3 hours.
  • There is an admixture of red and black in the stool, which is like a blood discharge.
  • The child has cheeks and eyes.
  • There is general malaise, weakness, nervousness and drowsiness in a child who is usually very mobile and energetic.
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