Peptic ulcer of the stomach;its symptoms and treatment

Peptic ulcer is a disease of the hollow organ, characterized by open defects of the mucous epithelium, which can form in the lower part of the esophagus and throughout the stomach.

Modern medicine considers the infection of Helicobacter pylori as the main cause of the development of this type of disease. However, to the causes of damage can be attributed and long-term use of drugs that can erode the mucous membrane. Mucous epithelium performs the protective function of gastric sac tissues from the action of hydrochloric acid. The cells of the shell are continuously updated and produce protective enzymes that help the muscle tissue to recover and resist the action of aggressive factors. When the mucosa is damaged, a deep lesion of the submucosal and muscular base occurs.

How does peptic ulcer manifest?

A characteristic sign of a peptic ulcer is a painful burning sensation throughout the entire area of ​​the stomach. An unpleasant symptom flares up immediately after eating, since it is at this time that the greatest amount of digestive juice is allocated, and defects contact with an increased content of aggressive acidic organic and inorganic substances.

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Localization of painful sensations in the peptic ulcer of the stomach can manifest from the base of the navel and rise higher up to the chest. As a rule, the patient's condition deteriorates at night, when the hunger pain begins. Wavy character of discomfort has a period of acute and dull aching seizures. Antacid preparations, alkaline mineral water and some food products that have the property of alkalizing the digestive juice help to get rid of the agonizing condition.

Other Dangerous Symptoms of Disease:

  • frequent occurrence of emetic reflex, nausea;
  • vomiting with an admixture of blood secretions;
  • lack of appetite, weight loss;
  • blood stool.

Methods for treating peptic ulcer of stomach

If a patient suspects that he has developed a peptic ulcer of the stomach and these symptoms converge, the doctor should be consulted immediately. Uncontrolled administration of drugs can aggravate the condition of the mucosal epithelium, and acid-lowering drugs will provide only a short-term relief.

If during the examination the gastroenterologist will detect the presence of the helicobacter pylori microbe, then the therapy scheme will include an antibiotic for two weeks. Antacids and powerful antisecretory drugs are prescribed for several months. In the event that the peptic ulcer is not associated with pathogenic microorganisms, antibiotics are not prescribed, but analgesics are added for the treatment of pain syndrome.

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