Causes and treatment of headache and stuffy ear

1 Etiology of the disease

There are a number of quite dangerous diseases that can cause pain in the ear and in the head region.

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Very often headaches appear against the background of inflammatory processes of the ears. The middle ear is most often affected. This is due to the fact that infections from the nasal cavity through the Eustachian tube easily fall into the tympanic membrane. There are quite a few inflammatory diseases of the middle ear that can cause severe pain.

  1. Acute otitis media. In this case, the ear hurts, and there is a headache, which is localized, as a rule, in the area of ​​this patient ear or in the temporomandibular part of the head. In most cases, the pain syndrome does not disappear. At times it intensifies. Sometimes the pain can be pulsating. Pain syndrome often arises sharply, accompanied by dizziness and fever.
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  3. Chronic otitis media. If the ailment has passed into a chronic form, then patients complain of a painful aching syndrome, which is localized from the side of the diseased ear. Also, unpleasant sensations appear in the occipital and supraorbital areas.
  4. Mastoiditis( inflammation of the cells of the mastoid process of the temporal bone).From the side of the patient ear, in the occipital and parieto-occipital region there is a strong throbbing headache. In addition, the patient begins to secrete pus from the affected ear, there is swelling and the temperature rises.
  5. Meningitis. Very serious disease, accompanied by an earache and headache. The pain covers at once all areas of the head, is diffuse and may be accompanied by vomiting and nausea.
  6. Inflammation of the inner ear can also cause painful sensations. This is a viral labyrinthite, which is characterized by noise in the ears, fever and dizziness. The patient involuntarily moves his eyes and pus is released from his ears.
  7. Costen's syndrome is a serious painful condition, in which the head on the right in the area in front of the ear strongly hurts. With this ailment, the ear aches badly, the hearing deteriorates and noises appear. Pain, as a rule, increases during chewing.

If you have diagnosed the above-described diseases, then delay with treatment in any case impossible. Inaction can cause very serious consequences.

2 Temporary manifestations of the

syndrome As mentioned above, a person often becomes the reason for the fact that his head hurts and lays his ears. So, for example, this symptomatology often appears when the sulfur content accumulates in the ears, which causes the formation of sulfur plug.

Earwax performs a very important role.

First, it delays pathogenic microorganisms that can penetrate the ear canal. Secondly, it removes foreign particles. Thirdly, sulfur creates a moist environment for the tympanic membrane. This substance gradually stands out during conversation, chewing and coughing. Experts advise at least once a week to remove accumulated sulfuric matter from the ear. If this is not done, there is a risk that the sulfur wort will reach the tympanic membrane and cause unpleasant sensations. The gray cork begins to press on the vagus nerve and causes headaches, dizziness, coughing and even vomiting. Over time, the congestion becomes denser. This causes severe pain and stuffiness in the ear. The patient complains of noises and that all sounds are distorted.

A ruptured eardrum is another reason that can cause pain in the ear and in the head. The tympanic membrane is a thin membrane that separates the outer and middle ear. In addition, the tympanic membrane transfers air vibrations to the auditory ossicle. That is why if the damage to this membrane worsens hearing. Very often a person traumatizes the eardrum. This can happen even if a person tries to purify the ear too much. When a tympanic injury occurs, there is a sharp pain in the ear, transparent, purulent and bloody discharge begins to appear, noise appears and the hearing decreases. In severe cases, complete loss of hearing can occur.


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Elevated pressure is another cause of ear congestion. Experts warn that you should not take a serious approach to a sharp increase in pressure. In especially severe cases, even a stroke can occur. With increasing blood pressure, patients complain not only of stuffiness of the ears, but also of nausea, a sharp throbbing pain in the temples and "asterisks" in front of the eyes. In rare cases, there are pains in the heart, which pass independently after 30-40 minutes.

Severe fatigue and overstrain often causes headaches and stuffiness of the ears. So the body can react to a constant lack of sleep, too much work, poor nutrition. To normalize your condition, you need to let the body rest and gain strength.

You can lay your ear after visiting the pool or taking a shower. The thing is that the water gets into the ears and stays inside them, which causes a feeling of stuffiness of the hearing aid, worsening of hearing and slight headaches. If you can not get rid of the liquid yourself, then do not delay the visit to the doctor. If water is in the ear for a long time, it can cause the onset of inflammation and other complications. To get rid of the water yourself, you should tilt your head to the shoulder( that ear where the water got to).You can jump a little. This is in most cases quite enough to alleviate the condition.

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3 Treatment of a painful condition

If your ears hurt and your head hurts, then treatment should be prescribed only by an experienced specialist. Methods of treatment directly depend on what caused the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

When inflammation of the external ear, doctors, as a rule, prescribe pain relievers and antipyretic agents. Specialists first clear the auditory canal from accumulated pus, and then instill the chosen drug. If the cause of unpleasant symptoms is any infection, then drops must contain cortisone and antibiotics.

If the middle ear is ill, doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory and pain medications. Treatment implies the restoration of the patency of the Eustachian tube. That's why with strong ear pains, drops are buried in the nose. Treatment of the middle ear can not do without antibacterial agents.

To remove pus from the inner ear, surgical intervention is often required. Such a case is most dangerous, since the inflammatory process can pass to the brain tissue. To treat the inner ear doctors use all the same antibiotics. Symptomatic agents are prescribed to reduce headaches. Such tablets with anesthetic effect, such as Aspirin, Pyramidone and Fenacetin are very popular.

If the cause of unpleasant symptoms is the sulfur plug, then for its removal doctors use a special syringe Jeanne, which rinses the contents of the auditory canal. The ear can be cleaned with a special electric pump and medicines that soften, and then remove the sulfur plug. In addition, special drops are available for the removal of sulfur, which can be easily used at home. Before choosing such drops should always consult with an otolaryngologist.

If the tympanic membrane was injured, first of all I advise the injured person to apply a comb of sterile cotton wool to the ear. In such a situation, you can not use any ear drops in any case. Immediately call an ambulance. In particularly severe cases, surgical intervention may be required.

4 Practical advice

When forming a sulfur plug, when the ears are laid, you can try to get rid of it yourself using an ear stick dipped in hydrogen peroxide. To clean the ear should be very careful not to damage the eardrum.

If pressure persists in the ear due to pressure drop, experts advise chewing gum for a while.

If foreign body enters the ear, then you can use vegetable oil. It in a small amount must be dripped into the ear canal. After that, the ear should be rinsed with warm water. During such manipulations, the head must necessarily be inclined so that the affected ear is on top.

Very useful ear compresses with tincture of propolis and sunflower oil. Both ingredients must be mixed in equal amounts and used for compresses. You can keep such compresses for 24 hours. They will help in a short time to get rid of the inflammatory process.

If the ear and head are ill, you should never ignore unpleasant symptoms. If the pain syndrome appears very often, lasts a long time and causes very severe discomfort, then this may indicate a serious illness requiring immediate medical intervention.

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