Aloe with hemorrhoids, how to apply for the treatment of candles and juice, is there any harm from them, how to cure the disease?

Faced with a disease such as hemorrhoids, many people do not know what to do. They have been looking for a suitable remedy for years to get rid of the disease. Unfortunately, hemorrhoids are an unpredictable disease that can become aggravated at any time.

Very good for hemorrhoids helps with aloe. This plant contains substances that contribute:

  • Normalization of the exchange process;
  • Elimination of the inflammatory process;
  • Elimination of bacteria and viruses.

The advantage of treating aloe hemorrhoids is that allergic reactions do not occur in patients.

Treatment of hemorrhoids by external means of aloe

After acquiring aloe, you need to understand how to apply it to hemorrhoids. In the first place, it is recommended to pass the diagnosis and confirm the diagnosis. If the hemorrhoids turn out to be external, you can use:

  • Baths;
  • Compresses;
  • Suppositories;
  • Ointments.

Aloe treats hemorrhoids only if a decoction or tincture has been properly prepared. In order to make a compress, it is necessary to prepare a solution:

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  • The patient will need leaves of a plant longer than 15 centimeters;
  • They are crushed and poured hot water;
  • The container with broth is put on a water bath, it needs to be stirred periodically;
  • After 20 minutes of languor, the broth is removed;
  • You can compress after the decoction has cooled slightly;
  • The duration of the procedure should not exceed 30 minutes.

For increased efficiency, the bandage moistened with decoction is covered with cellophane. The same tool can be used for lotions.

Aloe vera hemorrhoids can also be used in suppositories. They can also be prepared on their own:

  • Cut long sheets and then rinse them with running water;
  • If the leaves are too long, they can be cut in half;
  • Along the aloe leaf, an incision is made so that the sheet can be turned outward;
  • After this plant can be used as a suppository.

To introduce such candles you need a few centimeters inside the anus. Suppositories should be in the rectum for at least 15 minutes.

If desired, suppositories from hemorrhoids can be made with aloe juice. The recipe is simple:

  • It is necessary to squeeze out the juice from the plant;
  • You also need a foil or thick paper, twisted as a cone;
  • The juice is poured into the cone, and then placed in the freezer;
  • Before use, the prepared candle should be lowered for 3-5 seconds in hot water, and then, cutting off the sharp end, insert into the rectum.

It should be remembered that suppositories are put to a depth of 5-6 centimeters. The duration of the first procedure should not exceed 30 seconds. Each day, increase the duration of the candle stay with aloe for 10 seconds. The course of treatment is one week, while suppositories should not be in the anus longer than 90 seconds.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with aloes with infusions and infusions

Aloe can be prepared not only bath solutions and enemas. It can be used as decoctions for internal use. To prepare a medicinal decoction it is necessary: ​​

  • Half a liter of water will need 5-6 small sheets;
  • Ingredients mix and put the container on the water bath, for about a quarter of an hour;
  • When the broth is ready, it should be filtered.

To drink a decoction you need half a glass a day. If you want, you can not cook the broth, and use the juice of the plant, then at a time you can use a tablespoon of the drink.

For the preparation of the present it will be necessary: ​​

  • About 1 liter of water and 10 small leaves of aloe;
  • Leave the leaves with water, then cover the container with a lid;
  • After this, the product should be allowed to infuse for at least 1 hour.

The drawback of the infusion is that it has less effectiveness than decoctions. Curing aloe hemorrhoids is easy if you comply with all the prescriptions and correctly manufacture medicines.

Side effects and contraindications to aloe in case of hemorrhoids

Despite the fact that the plant is able to cope with the disease, it is necessary to remember about precautions. Patients should be aware of whether aloe can treat the venous plexus and damage the health.

When taken orally, some people may experience side effects:

  • Nausea;
  • Belching;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Menstrual bleeding;
  • Pain in the epigastric region.

Aloe vera during the treatment of hemorrhoids can cause harm to health in the form of "washing away" of potassium from the body. This happens when the use of funds from the plant is not standardized. It is difficult to say after what period of time this will happen. Deficiency of potassium is determined by the appearance of frequent seizures.

Despite the effectiveness of aloe in the treatment of hemorrhoids, it is necessary to take into account contraindications that can cause harm to health:

  • It is forbidden to take medicines from this plant to people suffering from gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • When menstruating, refrain from using the plant;
  • In pregnancy, the use of aloe can provoke a miscarriage.

In other cases, patients can use this plant to treat hemorrhoidal nodules, without fear of harm to health.

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