Ayurveda in the treatment of hemorrhoids, Indian ointments and suppositories, mudras

The appearance of hemorrhoids in Ayurveda( traditional medicine in India) is explained by physical and psychoemotional reasons( sadness, laziness, selfishness, greed, rudeness, etc.)

There are 6 types of hemorrhoids in Ayurveda caused by impairments in one of the doshas( interlacing of energies: water,land, fire and air).Moreover, the 4th type of the disease is caused by violations in 3 doshas at once, 5 is associated with blood pathology, and 6 is associated with heredity.

Three main types of hemorrhoids in Ayurveda:

  1. Vata-type. It is characterized by loss of appetite and periodic pain in almost all areas of the pelvis. Hemorrhoidal cones only form, so they become inflamed and bleed very rarely( due to constipation, fears and unrest).
  2. Pitta type is characterized by inflammation and severe bleeding. A person feels thirsty, sweating, burning in the anus. He is feverish. The patient becomes quick-tempered, irritable and angry.
  3. Kaphi type is characterized by a cold, excessive salivation, vomiting and nausea. Hemorrhoids are large and they feel dull pain and severe discomfort.
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Methods for treating hemorrhoids with ayurveda:

  • Ayurveda advises dieting to prevent disease or treat the symptoms of an already developing ailment.
  • Any type of ailment in Ayurveda is treated with coconut oil( external use), Amalaki or Trifal( ingested), with a sesame or mustard oil massage. Effectively treat the juice of aloe, turmeric, barberry, must, margosa and coil, carrot juice and cilantro and castor oil.
  • Special charge on Ayurveda.
  • Compliance with hygiene after each defecation with washing with cold water.
  • Use of ice candles to relieve inflammation and acute pain. Apply them with caution and just a few minutes. Candles made from ice are made independently with the use of herbal decoction. Such as: haritaki, geukera, pomegranate, red olive, mullein. They are based on the production of very effective Indian candles from hemorrhoids with astringent and restorative action.

Ayurvedic drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids:

  • Bolbadha race;
  • Arsh kuthara race;
  • Abhaya rishta( decoction of herbs normalizing the work of the digestive tract and cleaning up the infection and inflammation);
  • Saptavimshatika Guggul.

Indian ointment from hemorrhoids

Pilex is a natural ointment from hemorrhoids from India, made on the basis of plant components. Ointment contains:

  • mimosa;
  • eclipse white;
  • maple tree;
  • calendula;
  • camphor;
  • to the tankan;
  • yasad bhasmi;
  • of Neemium Neem;
  • eilantusa excelsi;
  • blumeyu and others.

Ointment is used for:

  • healing of gaps in the anus;
  • bleeding stop;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • restoration of vessels;
  • blood clot resorption;
  • pain relief.

The time of treatment for hemorrhoids ointment depends on the severity of the disease and lasts from 3 to 4 weeks.

Mudras for the treatment of hemorrhoids

Mudras are a technique of hand massage for the treatment of various ailments, including proctologic.

For correct execution, you must first connect the nameless, then the little fingers and thumbs. Perform 10 breaths and exhalations. Then it is necessary to connect all involved fingers in one point, forming rings and to make 10 more breaths and exhalations.

Exercise time - 8 minutes several times a day.

Contraindications to Ayurveda for hemorrhoids

Contraindications for individual intolerance of components of preparations manufactured at home.

Drugs manufactured in India, bought in a pharmacy, usually have contraindications in pregnancy, lactation and are not allowed for use to children under 14 years.

When choosing from a variety of treatments for a disease, especially unusual or not having a wide application, one must certainly consult a proctologist, in case, of course, if he does not sell them. Then it makes sense to learn the opinions of several experts.

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