Why there are daily headaches and what to do in this state

1 Concept and provoking factors

Headache is a painful perception that occurs in the head region. If you think about it, the source can be the brain. But it is proved by scientists that it does not have receptors that are responsible for such a symptom. Daily headache in the temples is one of the popular complaints about the headache as a whole. It can appear as a result of sudden pressure changes, weather changes, etc. As a rule, with such symptoms the patients go to the neurologist, but this may not always depend on the nerves. People of different ages are sick, but more sensitive with weak immunity.

Causes may be different, for example, a strong stress that causes muscle tension in the head can contribute to the onset, as a result of which pain is felt. Very often people complain about it, the reason for which are dilated vessels of the head. Pain occurs as a result of damage to sensitive nerves and membranes. The patient may experience a feeling of pressure from within, an ache, sometimes tingling. The main causes of this ailment include the following:

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  • cerebral circulation disorder;
  • intoxication;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pathology of the temporomandibular joint.

Pain sensations in the region of the temples adversely affect the state of the whole organism. The headache in the temporal zone is characterized by negative consequences. Manifestation of systematic headaches in the region of the temples can cause visual and hearing impairment, while the mental disorders of the patient( psychosis) are not excluded. In addition, severe and prolonged seizures can lead to serious illnesses, such as a stroke in the vertebrobasilar brain pool.

Constant and intrusive sensation of pain in the temporal zone makes people often nervous and annoyed over trifles, which has an extremely unfavorable effect on his general nervous system. A person becomes very hot-tempered and loses interest in life gradually, skipping joyful moments. This state affects the surrounding people.

The nature of the pain and the ways of treatment are different, therefore, the methods and methods of getting rid of this disease should be selected on the basis of an analysis of the causes and accompanying symptoms.

Recommended to read

  • What to do with a headache
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2 Treatment of

In some cases the easiest and cheapest treatment can be a simple massage of the temples. This procedure should be done independently from five to ten times in bitches. The process should be performed in silence and in a room where the light is muted, while closing the eyes for complete relaxation. In addition to this procedure, compresses for a short time are good. They can be done both cold and warm, but in no case can you apply hot ones. Such treatment can achieve a reduction of tension and the main problem - headache.

During work, you can take a break, in which you will give rest to your eyes. Walking in the open air will be a good prevention. A great value for relieving pain in the head is a healthy and full-fledged sleep, which lasts for 8 hours a day. A way to relieve stress and a minor headache is caffeine. Less harmless drink are decoctions of chamomile and juices that contain vitamin C. But the best recipe for eliminating the cause will be a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet. Start to do in the morning charging or ventilate the room, where you are often.

Tablets should be taken with your doctor, who will give you advice on this and prescribe the right treatment.

3 Preventive measures

Prophylactic treatment and reduce the risk of permanent pain is recommended:


A simple but effective way to get rid of the Headache! The result will not be long in coming! Our readers have confirmed that they successfully use this method. After carefully studying it we decided to share it with you.

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  1. Work to the best of your ability, do not bother to lose your pulse.
  2. Relax enough.
  3. It is more common to rest in the fresh air, daily walks will be just right.
  4. When you go to bed, make sure that the shape and thickness of your pillow are correct.
  5. Try to shield yourself from all negative emotions that have a bad effect on your nervous system.
  6. Teach you to resist stress.
  7. Play sports in pleasure.
  8. Eat healthy foods that contain all nutrients, not exceeding the daily allowance.

Lead a healthy way of life and give up bad habits. These recommendations will help in the future to avoid daily headaches and not only. A periodic visit to the doctor will help to warn your problem with a headache from complications. Remember: a headache is a general concept, which includes several symptoms and many causes that cause them. When faced with this problem, a person often does not pay much attention to it, and does not think that the reasons can be different. This is not strange, because at such a time you do not want to think sensibly, but you want to take an anesthetic pill as quickly as possible and forget about the problem.

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