Spinach with pancreatitis

Spinach garden is considered to be one of the most popular species, the so-called vegetable garden, thanks to the high content of a number of useful microelements and vitamins, as well as to the characteristic soft taste, which allows using this plant product in salads, soups, and also certain types of second courses.

However, spinach in pancreatitis should be consumed with some caution, and, immediately for a variety of reasons.

First, fresh spinach contains a large amount of fiber, useful for cleaning the body of toxins, but unnecessarily loading the pancreas during digestion. In pancreatitis, especially with exacerbation, it can cause deterioration.

In addition, despite the mild taste, it has a very high content of vitamin C and a number of acids, also useful for digestion and normalizing the flora of the gastrointestinal tract, but at the same time activating the pancreas. In the inflammatory process, this is highly undesirable, so use spinach in pancreatitis should be in small quantities, not every day and necessarily - only young shoots, since the older leaves contain coarser fiber, which causes an increase in the function of the pancreas.

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The main factor limiting the use of it in the diet of people with pancreas problems is a high content in the entire aerial part of the oxalic acid plant. Especially a lot of it in old leaves. By acting on the digestive organs, oxalic acid enhances pancreatic secretion.

A number of culinary and dietitians, trying to find a way to use the valuable properties of spinach and, at the same time, minimize possible harm for people with digestive problems, suggests ways of making this greens with milk or sour milk products, which should largely neutralize the contained acids. However, for patients with pancreatitis this option is also of little use.

In general, the recommendations for eating spinach in pancreatitis are as follows: in moderation, only young, and not during a period of exacerbation.

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