Causes and methods of treatment of headache in the nape of the head

2 Factors affecting the development of

pathology The most common pain in the nape is a consequence of other diseases.

This can optionally signal serious illnesses, sometimes a lifestyle change is sufficient to get rid of it.

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Various diseases can cause headaches in the back of the head. Typically, this is:

  • Raising blood pressure

Pain can be accompanied by tachycardia, nausea, a person feels weak and has a dizziness. Typically, these symptoms occur in the morning.

  • Neuralgia of the occipital nerve

With neuralgia, there is a seizure-like shooting pain. She can give either in the ears and upper jaw or back. Any sudden movement causes pain.

  • Cervical osteochondrosis

When the structure of intervertebral discs changes, there is such a disease as osteochondrosis. The disease can be accompanied by a continuous pain in the neck, giving up in the neck. Also, a person is disturbed by coordination, there is a noise in the ears, nausea, darkens in the eyes. Sharp movements of the head can lead to loss of the ability to move, although the person is conscious.

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  • Cervical migraine

May occur as a consequence of cervical osteochondrosis. Is manifested by attacks of the occipital pain, which gives in the temples or brow ridges. During an attack, the patient may experience nausea, vomiting, darkening in the eyes and noise in the ears. Symptoms include memory impairment, photophobia, fear of noise, and in severe cases, loss of consciousness. Seizures can last up to seventy-two hours.

  • Vertebrobasilar syndrome

May occur on the background of osteochondrosis. In addition to pain in the nape of the neck, vestibular disorders are observed, movements become poorly coordinated, dizziness, tinnitus, visual impairment. The patient has pale skin, vomiting, nausea.

  • Cervical spondylosis

The cause of the disease are bony growths that appear on the spine, and adversely affect the mobility of the neck. The disease accompanies a constant pain in the occipital part of the head. Her movements can strengthen. Disease can provoke insomnia.

  • Intracranial pressure

When intracranial pressure rises, the patient has aching pain in the nape, nausea and heaviness in the head. A bright light can provoke pain in the eyes.

  • Bite Disturbance

Because of this reason, the patient has a dull, aching pain in the occiput. By evening, it usually intensifies. Such seizures can last for several days in a row.

  • Cervical myositis

The sign of the cervical myositis is the pain in the occiput, giving off to the area of ​​the scapula, which is more pronounced on one side. Causes of this disease may be hypothermia.

  • Pain of tension

Occurs in the back of the head, after a person has been in one position for a long time. This is a professional disease that affects office workers, drivers, seamstresses spend a long time in one position. Pain can occur both with physical and mental stress.

  • Injuries and Tumors

Pain occurs due to injuries, bruises, or brain concussions. Neoplasms in the brain can also provoke a headache that gives to the back of the head.

  • Stresses

The cause of a headache in the nape may be stress. More are located to this type of woman headache, but sometimes men suffer. The likelihood of pain in the nape under stress increases to thirty years.

  • Vascular pain

Pain in the occipital part of the head occurs due to spasm of the arteries. A person experiences pain, if he starts to move, in the reclining position, it usually retreats. Pain during exercise increases and besides it there is a feeling of goosebumps under the skin.

1 How pain occurs

Headache can be localized in different parts of the head. Pain in the occiput may appear when making sudden movements or after certain loads. To establish the exact reason of a pain the neurologist or the traumatologist will help.

3 Treatment and prevention methods

If the head starts to ache in the nape of the neck:

  • Ventilate the room or go to fresh air.
  • Massage the neck.
  • Calm down and relax.
  • Make some physical exercises for the cervical department.


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If this does not help, relief will be helped by taking anesthetic medications such as:

  • Paracetamol;
  • ibuprofen;
  • ketorolac;
  • nimesulide;
  • analgin.

Also effective is the use of combined medications that anesthetize, relieve spasm and tone vessels:

  • spasmalgone;
  • Citramon;
  • combis;
  • is a spasm;
  • novelty;
  • ascophene;
  • ascopard;
  • tempalgin.

It is necessary to measure blood pressure. In the event that it is elevated, the medication should be agreed with the doctor.

If the pain in the nape occurs often and it is impossible to get rid of it without pain medication, you should definitely consult a doctor.

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