Gastric ulcer in women with pregnancy - what to do?

In most cases, a stomach ulcer during pregnancy does not have significant negative consequences for the baby's body in the womb. And, unequivocally, bearing a child can not be a factor provoking an aggravation of pathology, which is in a state of remission. Feeling of discomfort in the epigastric region - frequent eructations, gag reflex and pain sensations can be an elementary reaction of the body to functional changes in vital systems. However, with the first unpleasant symptoms it is necessary to consult a specialist and undergo a survey.

Doctors recommend simple measures that help alleviate digestive upset and prevent peptic ulcer exacerbation:

  1. Balance the daily diet. It is more to eat vegetable food and with higher protein content. Avoid the appearance of bouts of hunger, for which it is necessary to adhere to the regime of fractional and frequent food.
  2. Refuse carbonated drinks;
  3. If possible, exclude or at least reduce intake of iron-containing drugs to the maximum possible minimum;
  4. Eliminate attacks of gag reflex with special medicines.
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If a woman had an ulcer, during pregnancy, the treatment of exacerbations is carried out individually according to the clinical indices of the body condition, but with the exception of antibacterial drugs.

Stomach ulcer in women is a manifestation of the disease in expectant mothers.

The characteristic signs of the manifestation of the disease in pregnant women are considered to be:

  • Acute pain under the xiphoid process. Sensations can spread in the back or under both sides of the hypochondrium. Most often unpleasant feelings accompany a woman after eating or at night;
  • Severe symptoms in the epigastric region, preceding vomiting. Involuntary release of gases without odor or with the smell of absorbed food;
  • Flatulence, stool, lack of appetite and, as a result, weight loss.

If the patient is confirmed with a diagnosis of stomach ulcer during pregnancy, treatment begins with bed rest, gentle nutrition and energy expenditure limitations of the body. In addition, exacerbation of an already present ulcer can be the result of toxicosis in late pregnancy.

Primary symptoms of peptic ulcer do not cause pathological changes in the development of the fetus, but, nevertheless, negatively affect the health of the future mother. Therefore, it is important to take early measures to prevent exacerbations.

Peptic ulcer during pregnancy: features of drug treatment

When the disease worsens, the future mother must adhere to a strict diet, minimize physical stress and avoid emotional stress. In addition to bed rest and diet, gastric ulcer in pregnant women is treated by the method of sparing drug therapy.

In most cases, the gastroenterologist prescribes the use of antacids. Phosphalugel, Maalox, Rennie, Almagel - these drugs provide neutralization of hydrochloric acid, have an enveloping property on the walls of the stomach and help the healing of the mucous membrane. Usually, drugs of this pharmacological group are prescribed to take 30-45 minutes after eating.

In addition, for local anti-inflammatory effect, it is recommended to drink herbal medicinal herbs. Astringent properties are possessed by St. John's wort, yarrow, oak bark and chamomile. Traditional medicine is safe enough and gives a good result if you drink 100 ml of herbal infusion before each main meal.

In the presence of acute pain, weak antispasmodic drugs are shown - No-spa or Papaverin.

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