Causes and treatment of pulsating noise in the ears

1 What can cause the

symptom? Many factors can cause noise in the ears:

  • development of hearing loss due to occupational activity in places with increased noise( in production halls, at aerodromes) or after ear trauma by a strong sound wave from an explosion, a loud cry, the so-calledmicrophone effect;
  • contusion or stunning due to injury;
  • presence of sulfur plugs in the ears;
  • sinusitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the ear( eg, otitis media);
  • atherosclerosis and cervical osteochondrosis;
  • hypertension;
  • migraine;
  • food poisoning;
  • is a psychiatric illness( eg, schizophrenia);
  • sleep disorders due to stress and overwork.

See also

  • Why noise in the ear
  • Tablets from noise in the ears
  • Causes of strong ringing in the left and right ear
  • Modern drugs from Pressure!

It should be noted that vegeto-vascular dystonia, which is often called the cause of pulsating tinnitus and a number of other symptoms, can not act as a diagnosis, since there is no such disease in the International Classification of Diseases.

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Therefore, if a patient is informed that he has vegetovascular dystonia and, based on this, therapeutic measures are prescribed, it is better for him to consult a more qualified specialist to establish an accurate diagnosis and the appointment of competent treatment.

2 Hypertension

The pulsation that a patient hears at elevated blood pressure is nothing but a feeling of blood flowing through the blood vessels. It is hypertension that is the most common cause of pulsating noise in the ears. If the patient first encountered a similar problem, and blood pressure during self-measurement stably kept at the level of 140/90 for several days, then it is necessary to consult a doctor.

For diagnostics it will be necessary to conduct several pressure measurements( the doctor can suggest to the patient to start a diary and record there the readings of the manometer at rest and after loads at different times of day for several days), analyze the electrocardiogram and blood and urine tests.

If the treatment of hypertension is effective, then the noise in the ears ceases to bother the patient immediately after his pressure returns to normal.

3 Inflammatory processes of

If the pulsation is felt only on one side( for example, noise in the left ear and the absence of any discomfort in the right), it is likely to be an inflammatory process. Otitis( inflammation of the middle ear) is accompanied by pulsating pain, noise, hearing impairment, secretion of fluid, increased temperature. To establish the diagnosis, the otolaryngologist performs an examination with the help of an otoscope and assigns a blood test. In addition, you may need an X-ray of the temporal region and an audiogram. For the treatment of local antiseptic drugs, physiotherapy, if necessary, antibiotics are prescribed. Help to eliminate noise in the ear vasoconstrictor drugs.

The main causes of otitis media:

  • improper hygiene of the auditory canal;
  • special anatomical structure of the ears;
  • weakened immunity.

To avoid otitis, it is necessary to avoid excessive use of cotton buds, prevent drying of earwax and regularly visit a doctor for hygienic cleaning of the ear canals.

4 Atherosclerosis

With atherosclerosis, the internal surfaces of artery walls are covered with bulges that impede blood flow. Because of these plaques, turbulence occurs when the blood moves, and this is what causes pulsating noise. Moreover, with atherosclerosis due to poor blood supply, the brain suffers, which leads to dizziness, noise in the head and disruption of the auditory receptors.


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If the patient complains of fatigue, memory impairment, high blood pressure, hearing loss in combination with pulsating tinnitus, then it is necessary to be examined for atherosclerosis.

For diagnostics, a blood test, an electrocardiogram, a Doppler ultrasound, a pressure measurement at rest and after a load, angiography and other tests are assigned. A diet with low cholesterol, drugs that prevent blood clots and reduce blood pressure, is prescribed. Can be scheduled surgical treatment of clogged vessels.

The most common causes of atherosclerosis:

  • poor heredity;
  • excess weight;
  • bad habits and malnutrition.

And if you can not influence the genes of the doctors yet, then everyone can lead a healthy lifestyle for the sake of improving health.

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5 Osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis leads to deformation of the intervertebral discs and vertebrae, which increases the pressure on the blood vessels of the cervical region. As a result, the blood supply to the brain, inner and middle ear is disturbed, and the outflow of venous blood is disturbed. In addition to pulsating noise in the ears of osteochondrosis, the patient has pain in the neck, occiput, temples, visual impairment, insomnia, memory impairment, and stiffness in the cervical region. Noise in the ears often occurs in silence when trying to fall asleep. In addition to pulsating noise, there may be ringing, whistling, clicking, cracking.

For diagnosis, examinations are made of the vessels of the neck, computed tomography, X-ray, MRI of the head. Complex treatment includes anesthesia, physiotherapy, massage, therapeutic gymnastics, drugs that improve metabolism, to saturate tissues with nutrients and oxygen.

The main causes of osteochondrosis:

  • stoop;
  • weak back and neck muscles;
  • metabolic disorder.

Therefore, exercise therapy for such patients is an indispensable measure for improving health.

6 Overstrain

Pulsating noise in the ears can also bother a healthy person if it is regularly stressed.

This symptom can occur after an emotionally charged day, spent in a noisy place. During rest, when a person tries to relax or fall asleep, he continues to involuntarily listen to any minor noise. The ticking of the clock, raindrops, the breath of another person can seem annoyingly loud and prevent you from falling asleep. The same applies to the movement of blood through the vessels, which the normal person does not feel, therefore, in this state, the noise in the ear is pulsating, obtrusive. With a tendency to hypochondria, this condition can be aggravated due to the fact that the patient, listening to the natural processes taking place in the body, begins to invent non-existent diseases: this only increases stress.

To cope with this condition will help taking sedatives, breathing exercises in a well-ventilated room, a clear adherence to the regime of the day. If you can not cope with the stress caused by strong mental stress or emotional shock, you need to seek help from a psychotherapist, since insomnia, which greatly aggravates the stress that caused it, can greatly affect health and cause serious illness.

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