Gastrinoma of the pancreas: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis

Disease according to statistics is defined as rare( 1% of the total number of patients with peptic ulcer disease).

The localization of pathology in the pancreas is diagnosed most often( in 80% of patients with gastrinoma), the remaining cases of tumors occur in the digestive system:

  • duodenum,
  • stomach area,
  • small intestine.

What is gastrinoma?

Gastrinoma is an education that excels among others - it produces gastrin.

The substance gastrin refers to hormones.

It is capable of producing:

  • G-cells of the stomach
  • and the same kind of pancreatic cells.

If a tumor occurs at the location of these cells, an increased production of gastrin occurs. And the pathology itself is called gastrinoma.

If the formation becomes cancerous, the metastases from it fall into such zones:

  • liver,
  • lymph nodes,
  • mediastinum,
  • bone system( rarely).

The tumor can manifest itself as:

  • single formation,
  • multiple tumor nodes.
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Pathology is found in both men and women. But still men from a tumor of this kind suffer more often. The greatest number of cases occurs in patients after the age of forty.

Most often, a benign tumor grows slowly. The size of the formation in diameter can be from 1 mm to 3 cm. Gastrinoma does not have a clear capsule.

If there is a degeneration into a cancerous tumor, the metastases emanating from it are more malignant than the pathological formation that gave rise to them.

If you suspect a gastrinoma, you should contact such specialists:

  • to a gastroenterologist,
  • to an oncologist,
  • to an endocrinologist.

Causes of development of

Specialists tend to believe that the factor of gastrinoma development is a hereditary predisposition to this.

Symptoms of gastritis

Symptoms of the disease are similar to symptoms of peptic ulcer. The difference becomes noticeable when therapy designed to help with peptic ulcer does not work, and the examination shows an increased isolation of gastrin in the body.


If pathology occurs in the pancreas, then this phenomenon is localized in the tail or in the area of ​​the head of the organ.

The situation when the level of hydrochloric acid in the digestive system is higher than normal, creates the same problems that are observed if the gastrinoma is localized in the digestive organs.

In the organs of the digestive tract

Signs of the development of the disease are a number of consecutive disorders.

  • In the stomach there is a more active release of hydrochloric acid, which creates the prerequisites for the appearance of ulcers.
  • A peptic ulcer is identified that does not respond to treatment.
  • There may be a narrowing of the esophagus.
  • Diarrhea without clear prerequisites for this. In the case of gastrinoma, this happens because a large amount of hydrochloric acid enters the small intestine. This strengthens her motor skills so much that the absorption of substances, especially fats, deteriorates.
  • In feces the high content of fats is determined.
  • The patient experiences pain in the upper abdomen. This symptom coincides with the manifestation of an ordinary stomach ulcer, but does not lend itself to therapy shown in an ulcer.
  • Due to the fact that there is an increased amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, this phenomenon accompanies:
    • sour belch,
    • heartburn.
  • Possible gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • When a metastasis appears, a tumor process in the liver may appear, as well as an increase in its size.
  • If a gastrinoma acquires a malignant nature, then a person can noticeably lose weight.

Diagnosis of a tumor

After an analysis of a patient's complaints, a specialist can determine if there are any painful sensations in the abdominal area when examining.

Instrumental examinations will help to obtain the following information:

  • Computed tomography and ultrasound - make it possible to determine the presence of tumor formations, as well as to obtain information whether the liver is in order.
  • Detailed information on the pathology can be obtained if you make a survey on a magnetic resonance tomograph.
  • The peptic ulcer process can be determined with the help of a x-ray of the stomach. The method will show the presence of ulcers and the condition of the gastric mucosa. With gastrinoma, it has rough folds, and a lot of liquid can be found in the stomach.
  • Angiography is a method that is able to give an answer to the topic, what level of gastrin in the blood.
  • Endoscopy is a method for determining the exact location of ulcers.
  • It is important to determine the content of gastrin in the secretion of the stomach and in the blood. Conducting a special test solves this problem.
  • The secrecy of gastric juice is determined. Increase will be a signal about the possible presence of pathology. Indicative is the level of acidity of the main secret.

Treatment of pathology

The most effective method of solving the problem is the removal of gastrinoma. This is possible with a single node of a benign nature or in the case of an initial stage of a malignant tumor.

If the pathology is inoperable, then drug therapy is performed.

  • Omeprazole or lansoprazole is used to support the body in diagnosing ulcers( as symptomatic therapy).These drugs are blockers of the proton pump.
  • With malignant pathology, it is prescribed to take octreotide. The drug has an antiproliferative effect.
  • Assign famotidine or ranitidine in high doses as H2-blockers.
  • If the tumor is malignant, chemotherapy may be prescribed.


Patients who have been removed gastrinoma, have a five-year survival rate of 90%.If the tumor is malignant and the metastasis has already begun, then survival over the same period has 20%.

Pathology in the digestive system is less likely to degenerate into an oncological tumor than the same problem, but if it is localized in the pancreas.

Patients with gastrinoma should be constantly observed in a number of specialists:

  • endocrinologist,
  • oncologist
  • and gastroenterologist.

Is it possible to defeat gastrinom, the following video will tell about it:

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