What to feed a child with diarrhea, what can you eat( eat), diet and diet menu for diarrhea, food and drink than to give children a drink?

When a child starts to get sick, many parents are lost and do not know what to feed and how to help their crumb to survive the malaise with minimal losses. Experts are sure that proper care and timely provided first aid can reduce the risks of complications. The question of what to feed a child with diarrhea, how to make a daily menu, just from this category. Correctly composed diet helps to reduce the burden on the intestines, make up the water-salt balance, and the loss of other beneficial microelements. Nutrition for diarrhea is formed only by the attending physician, his call becomes mandatory, if diarrhea lasts more than two days, if the child refuses at the same time, there are if traces of blood are observed in the liquid stool. It is necessary to call an ambulance and then, when diarrhea is accompanied by high fever and vomiting.

The therapeutic diet for diarrhea in a child is formed taking into account the cause of the malaise, the severity of the ongoing process, the age of the patient, so it is always strictly individual. But there are general rules that parents should take into account when deciding on what to feed a child with diarrhea. Here are the most basic postulates:

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  1. You can not force a baby to feed, if the children refuse to eat, do not insist and force them to eat the necessary dishes.
  2. On the first day with diarrhea it is useful to give nothing to the child at all, the diet is limited to providing a copious drinking regime, it can be useful in this period for ordinary rice decoction. At the first signs of improving the state, you can give a handful of boiled rice.
  3. On the second day of the diet, it is important to start introducing certain foods. The story of how to make a menu and what you can eat a child with diarrhea, and what not, will be published just below. Parents should learn one truth: to feed a child with diarrhea is often necessary, children should eat small portions. Food is served in a warm and ragged state.
  4. All food during the diet should be quickly absorbed by the body, this should be taken into account when making a menu.
  5. Doctors, answering the question what can be given with diarrhea, pay attention to the fact that the child should eat only those dishes that will correspond to his age.

Drinking diarrhea in children

So, any diet with diarrhea other than proper feeding, accompanied by a plentiful drink. This is designed to make up for the loss of fluid that the body releases with the liquid stool. For soldering there are special solutions, they are prepared in accordance with the instructions printed on bags of Regidron powder, Gastrolit, Human Electrolyte. If they are not at hand, and there is no one to go to the pharmacy, you can water your child with decoctions of rose hips, raisins, rice, flowers of healing chamomile. If these ingredients are not at hand, it is necessary to drink with boiled water, in which half a teaspoon of salt was added, as much sugar and baking soda( all this dissolves in a liter of water).It is right to give the solution by mouth, after each emptying, to feed the baby, if he has no appetite, it is not necessary in the first day.

Diarrhea diarrhea for a baby-child

Than to feed babies with diarrhea? A hungry diet on the first day of a child is contraindicated. Recent scientific developments have shown that any long pause in nutrition contributes to the appearance of protein deficiency, a sharp decrease in the weight of the baby, a significant delay in the recovery of the intestinal mucosa. Therefore, if the baby is breastfed, the question of what to feed does not arise. Just increases the number of attachments to the maternal breast. Milk is maximally balanced in the mother, it has special biologically active substances that can stop diarrhea and bring healing closer. Eat breast milk infants without restrictions.

Nutrition in the presence of a liquid stool in an artificial person is corrected in the same way: the number of feedings increases during a diet, but the single dose of the breast mixture is reduced. During a malaise, you can not change the mixture yourself. To a child up to a year receiving a complementary meal, during a stomach upset, everything except the mixture or breast milk is prohibited.

How and how to feed older children with diarrhea?

The dietary menu for a one-year-old child and an older baby should consist of the following dishes. You can eat it:

  1. Vegetable soups with the addition of cereals buckwheat, rice or oatmeal.
  2. Porridges on water without oil. Kissels made of blueberries, apple compotes.
  3. Instead of bread, crunches or biscuits.
  4. Low-fat boiled chicken or turkey meat( always without skin).
  5. On the third day you can give low-fat cottage cheese and a banana.

Answering a question what to eat to the child at a long diarrhea during a diet, experts pay attention to necessity of expansion of a ration for the fourth day. What can you feed? Cutlets from beef, chicken or veal, steamed, meatballs, meat balls, steam omelet. An expanded menu and a varied diet will contribute to a quick recovery.

What should not you eat with a diarrhea?

What to feed a child with diarrhea, it is already clear, it remains to tell about the existing restrictions of therapeutic nutrition. Under the ban all fresh fruits( except banana), nuts and sour-milk products fall. With diarrhea, you can not eat legumes, soy, white bread, pies, cakes, drinks with gas.

Maximum consumption of sugar during the diet is maximum, you can not eat pickled products, smoked sausages. It is important to exclude from the diet everything that can irritate the intestinal mucosa, its swelling and the formation of putrefactive processes inside the gastrointestinal tract. You can not feed the baby fatty varieties of meat, eggs, millet and pearl gruel, citrus fruits, chocolate, freshly squeezed juices, cocoa and juices are prohibited.

Depending on the severity of the disease, a diarrhea diet can last 5-6 days or 2-3 weeks. The time is fixed by the attending physician. Knowing what to feed, what the child can eat with diarrhea, and what not, what kind of food should be, you can significantly accelerate his recovery. Remember, whole milk after diarrhea is recommended to begin to enter only after 3 weeks from the time of normalization of the stool.

The therapeutic diet for diarrhea in a child is appointed exclusively by the attending physician, only he, having identified the cause of the ailment, will be able to decide what it is possible to eat for children, and what they can not eat. The simple principles of nutrition described above should increase the effectiveness of treatment and accelerate recovery. You also need to learn how to properly water a baby during a malaise.

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