Pain in diarrhea, why does the stomach ache, navel area and loose stool, painful diarrhea, what to do?

Nauseating and cramping pains with diarrhea( diarrhea) in the abdomen can occur for various reasons. Immediately determine what disease develops is quite difficult. Only an experienced physician is able to determine, by the analysis of concomitant symptoms, why the stomach hurts and diarrhea. Confirm the diagnosis is possible only after carrying out some laboratory tests. The sooner the treatment is started, the sooner the body will recover and the digestive tract will return to normal. Therefore, it is so important when diarrhea and abdominal pain do not engage in self-medication, and immediately seek help from a doctor.

Usually, the pain in the stomach and the loose stool indicate the development of the following pathologies:

  • Appendicitis.
  • Peptic ulcer disease.
  • Inflammation of the intestine.
  • Food poisoning.

Diarrhea and stomach pain with appendicitis

As the concomitant symptoms help to make an accurate diagnosis, it is important to learn clearly, formulate your complaints and do not conceal anything in an interview with the attending physician. Suspend appendicitis, for example, if you have diarrhea with pain in the navel, which then descends to the right side, into the lower abdomen. A simple simple test helps to confirm suspicion. The algorithm is as follows:

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  1. The patient should take a horizontal position, lie on his back and straighten out his legs.
  2. Then you need to ask him to bend his knees and raise his knees towards the chest, but not until the end, stopping the exercise exactly halfway, just above the navel area.
  3. The examiner should fold his hands in such a way that the fingers of one palm cover the fingers of the other.
  4. Two hands must be pressed into place, where the stomach hurts. All movements are slow and very neat.
  5. Then hands are sharply pulled upwards, movement is carried out instantly.
  6. If at this time there are severe pain in the right side of the abdomen, at the bottom of it, call the doctor immediately. Delay can be dangerous

What if the painful diarrhea worsens the patient's condition? The treatment of appendicitis is surgical in most cases.

If stomach pains are accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, which begins half an hour after each meal, can be suspected, a stomach or duodenal ulcer can be suspected. As confirmation of the diagnosis, it can be the fact that blood streaks are observed in the stool. Pain in the abdomen increases when the patient eats very spicy food or drinks acidic drinks.

Stomach pain and loose stool with intestinal inflammation

If symptoms appear, doctors recommend paying attention to the intensity of their manifestation. With certain diseases of the intestine, the pain in the stomach is always cramped. They almost always accompany the appearance of diarrhea. Provoke a painful diarrhea can infectious provocateurs or pathogens that enter the intestines through the mouth. The source of infectious diarrhea is indicated by a high temperature, which rises to the limiting parameters( 39-40 degrees).What can the patient do on his own in this situation? Take a horizontal position and call a doctor immediately. Treatment can be prescribed only after the causes of the onset of symptoms are identified. Before the arrival of a doctor, it is not necessary to eliminate signs of malaise( including diarrhea).You just need to ensure an abundant drinking regimen, completely refuse to eat.

To develop the inflammation of the intestines can and because of the lack of the body the right amount of protein or a whole group of vitamins. In this case, enteritis is diagnosed. Such a disease also provokes the appearance of stomachaches and frequent diarrhea, but in addition to them there are cardiovascular failures and general intoxication. With enteritis, disturbances are formed in the assimilation processes, so a loose stool appears. To understand what to do with such a pathology means to speed up recovery. The victim can be advised: drink more, observe the principles of proper nutrition, which is determined by the attending physician.

Diarrhea with severe pain with

poisoning Physicians distinguish three types of poisoning:

  • Viral.
  • Bacterial.
  • Chemical.

When the stomach is very sore( the intensity is similar to colic), and it suffers multiple diarrhea, as well as nausea, but there is no blood in the stool, and such symptoms have appeared hours after receiving poor-quality food, most likely, a person has bacterial food poisoning. The reasons for it today are well known. Most often it occurs because of improper heat treatment of raw products of animal origin, due to non-compliance with basic rules of personal hygiene.

Less frequently in the digestive tract, along with food, viral bacteria get into the body, then in addition to acute pain in the abdomen and liquid stool, high fever rises and a severe headache appears. Fever produces signs of body intoxication and dehydration. Chemical poisoning is always acute, in addition to the above manifestations there is increased sweating and salivation. Thus, the body tries to bring out dangerous toxins as soon as possible.

It is impossible to delay with the call of an ambulance for food poisoning and the appearance of diarrhea. Prior to her arrival as a first aid, the patient needs to rinse the stomach, make a cleansing enema and give plenty of drink. Food poisoning requires a consistent treatment and rehabilitation of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract after diarrhea. Restoration of a normal stool occurs gradually.

As you can see, the pains associated with diarrhea in the stomach can indicate a variety of diagnoses, so it is so important to listen more closely to your own organism and be able to determine the localization of painful sensations, the extent of their manifestations, to be able to identify concomitant symptoms and to determine the causes - provocateurs, which gave impetus to the development of ailment. Based on these characteristics, the doctor will easily diagnose and develop a scheme of effective treatment. It is also useful to know what to do when there are severe stomach pains, diarrhea and other signs of abnormal gastrointestinal function, which caused poor health.

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