Recipe for candles with cocoa butter from hemorrhoids

Alternative medicine at all times has helped patients to get rid of ailments without using strong medications. Hemorrhoids is no exception. After the manifestation of the first symptoms, the patient needs to prepare the ingredients for the preparation of medicines and can begin treatment. It is important to start the elimination of the disease as soon as possible.

More recently, people have learned to get rid of hemorrhoids with the help of cocoa. Few patients know, but cocoa butter has a lot of useful properties:

  • Does not cause allergic reactions;
  • Opposes the emergence of infectious diseases;
  • Has anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Quickly relieves pain;
  • Restores the immune system;
  • Eliminates blood stasis.

For fast absorption of medicinal substances it is best to use from a hemorrhoids a candle with cocoa. They can be purchased at the pharmacy or manufactured independently.

How to treat cocoa hemorrhoids?

Any disease requires a rapid intervention, otherwise, the body's efficiency will fall, and the ailment will pass to a more difficult stage. Hemorrhoids is no exception.

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It is better to choose a remedy for an illness after visiting a proctologist. Since only an expert will help determine the form and stage of the disease. When the diagnosis is completed and the diagnosis is made, you can start treatment with the following tools:

  • Microclyster. Such procedures should not be taken too seriously not to cause harm to health. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease;
  • Suppository. Candles from hemorrhoids with cocoa butter have a complex effect. The remedy is able to relieve the patient of pain and inflammation;
  • Gadgets. This tool is better to use with external hemorrhoids. A soft cloth or bandage is wetted with a medicine, and then applied to a painful place;

Patients should be aware that before using candles, it is necessary to empty and wash themselves.

How to prepare funds for hemorrhoids with cocoa?

Many patients prefer to make their own funds with cocoa from hemorrhoids. It is enough to decide on the recipe and you can start making. To prepare a solution for the enema, you must perform the following actions:

  • You will need 2 teaspoons of cocoa butter and 50 milliliters of chamomile broth;
  • All components are mixed and put on a water bath;
  • The procedure should be followed after intestinal cleaning and hygiene procedures;
  • Treatment of hemorrhoids with cocoa butter lasts about 2 weeks.

Suppositories can also be made at home. Preparation does not take much time. It is important to do everything according to the instructions:

  • To prepare candles, take 20 hours of cocoa butter spoons and 2 tsp propolis;
  • All components thoroughly mix and put on a water bath;
  • When the product is ready, it should be poured into another container and allowed to cool;
  • To make it more convenient to use the tool, you need to give it a candle shape;
  • It is necessary to put suppositories 2 times a day.

Candles from hemorrhoids with cocoa can be prepared in another way. In this case, more ingredients will be needed:

  • The patient should prepare ethereal and pumpkin oil, mint, propolis, chamomile and cocoa butter;
  • Cocoa is heated in a water bath;
  • After that it is necessary to mix cocoa in the amount of 20 grams, 2 drops of propolis, 4 drops of pumpkin oil, mint and a drop of essential oil;
  • In the next step, the suppositories are given a shape. For this, the raw material is poured onto the foil, which is rolled into a tube;
  • Ready suppositories are placed before bedtime.

In order to avoid unforeseen situations, the patient should be emptied before proceeding with the procedures. For constipation, enemas should be used. Suppositories should be used daily for a month. After a break for 3 weeks. The course of treatment should be done several times.

When you have hemorrhoids, you can use cocoa in any form. The only contraindication is the use of it in the form of tinctures and drinks. This restriction is associated with the content of caffeine. Directly on the hemorrhoids this product does not affect, but it makes the heart work faster. Blood begins to actively move through the vessels, contributing to the development of hemorrhoids.

If you follow all the precautions and correctly prepare medicines, the disease will pass quickly. It is important to remember that any ailment can return if you forget about prevention.

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