Constipation after embryo transfer( IVF, replanting), why is happening and what to do?

The most responsible and critical moment on which successful completion of the artificial insemination procedure depends is the transfer of the embryo to the womb of the woman. The successful completion of the procedure of in vitro fertilization depends on a sufficient number of nutrients in the walls of the uterus exceeding the normal level of progesterone, which delays menstruation and improves the chances of developing the embryo. In preparation for the transfer of a fertilized egg, a woman takes hormonal therapy, which can last from ten to thirty days. Hormonotherapy continues after embryo implantation for about two months, to ensure the onset of pregnancy and its preservation.

After IVF, a woman should follow certain rules and, first of all, make sure that the stool is normal. Constipation after embryo transfer may adversely affect the success of the procedure, and this is due to the very close location of the uterus near the intestine. Stiffening, inevitable with a stiff bowel movement and the pressure of accumulated feces on the uterus, can lead to the fact that the embryo can not firmly fix on the wall of the uterus and begin normal development.

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Constipation after embryo implantation

The implantation of an implanted egg can continue for about two days( 40 hours), and then a period of development occurs. Constipation after transference can be caused by hormonal therapy, when the female body needs to stimulate ovulation before starting IVF, and after the injection - for good embryo fixing and supporting its development. The increased content of progesterone relaxes the smooth muscles, and weakened intestinal motility causes difficulty in emptying the intestine. Constipation after embryo transfer can be avoided if support was chosen competently and the doctor takes into account all passing hormones in the body of a woman.

Another cause of constipation after IVF may be a stressful condition. In preparation for the transfer procedure and features at a time when the results of IVF are not yet known, a woman experiences a strong emotional tension that contributes to the disruption of the normal process of digestion and the development of spastic stool delay.

Constipation in IVF can be caused by a decrease in physical activity, when a woman is recommended to rest more, not to engage in any sports exercises. The risk of constipation after a graft in this case is much greater, if a woman is overweight, there are chronic diseases. The reasons why constipation occurs after the transfer of embryos may be drugs containing calcium and iron, which the woman took before the procedure.

Constipation after IVF, what to do?

There are general recommendations on what to do with constipation after embryo transfer and they are as follows:

  1. Increase the number of foods that contain high amounts of fiber in the diet. Eliminate the consumption of harmful products.
  2. Pay more attention to outdoor walks.
  3. Avoid conflict situations, do not be nervous.
  4. Accepting any medications or traditional medicine is allowed only after the permission of the attending physician.

The main thing to do during constipation with IVF, in order to prevent the development of an unpleasant situation, is to start eating right and lead a healthy lifestyle to the maximum extent possible.

Prevention of stool delay is facilitated by:

  1. Fractional meals in small portions and often.
  2. A diet balanced for vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
  3. Sufficient fiber in foods( oatmeal, raw vegetables, bread with bran, etc.).
  4. Increase in consumption of dried fruits, vegetable oil, fermented milk products.
  5. Increased to 1.5-2 liters volume of fluid intake with the exception of strong tea and coffee.
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