Causes of dark brown urine in men, women, children and the elderly

Urine is the most important indicator of human health. By its color experts judge the state of health in general and individual bodies in particular. It happens that the urine acquires a brown or tea color, which does not always indicate a pathology. Brown urine - what does this mean?

Minor change in the shade of urine is not considered dangerous, because in the morning hours urine is often dark due to the high content of urochrome. And if a person drinks a lot of liquid, then his urine acquires a bright yellow shade. But there are situations when a change in the shade of urine indicates serious health problems.

Causes of darkening of urine can be different - from consumed foods to medications taken. But the picture is much more dangerous for those who observe such changes in connection with renal pathologies. By their own ignorance, they write off them for innocuous reasons.

Reasons for

Factors that can trigger a discoloration of urine can be many. Starting from the products and ending with a serious pathology of the kidneys.

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In general, the reason for changing the color of urine to dark brown may be:

  • Deficiency of fluid - because of it the concentration of urochrome in the body increases;
  • Medication intake - Salol, Neftol, some laxatives change the shade of urine;
  • Hyperexcitability caused by climate change or physical stress;
  • Consumption of substandard products containing dyes;
  • Jaundice - disruption of the enzyme removal process, which stain urine;
  • Prostatic pathology;
  • Renal-hepatic pathologies of an inflammatory nature - such changes often arise due to impurities of blood or pus caused by the disease;
  • Genitourinary diseases;
  • Female diseases.


Explanation why urine has become dark brown color can become the use of some products in which pigmented substances are present. Brown urine can become after the use of rhubarb or beef, legumes like peas, soybeans or beans, etc. In addition, darken the color of urines and beverages with dyes, for example, Coca-Cola or strong tea, etc. Orange same shade of urine can get ifin the diet will be a large number of persimmons, carrots or oranges.

Drug medications

The urine that imparts saturation to the color of urine is water-soluble, so when using a lot of fluid, urine becomes very light, and in the morning because of the high concentration of urochrome it is too dark. If a person takes certain medications, then their urine may also darken.

Usually such an effect is possessed by such tools:

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  • Antimicrobials such as Metronidazole, Furadonin, Rifampicin, etc.;
  • Preparations based on aloe
  • Quinine medicines such as Chloroquine or Primachin, Delagila, etc.;
  • Carbolic acid preparations - Creosote, Naftol, Salol or Phenol;
  • Slimming preparations containing cascara or Senna extract;
  • Vitamin preparations like ascorbic acid or B-group vitamins.

Such manifestations do not mean that a particular medication is not suitable for a patient, so they do not need to be replaced.

Drugs that stain urine in brown


Much more dangerous if a change in color of urine occurs due to various pathologies:

  1. Severe renal lesions like urolithiasis, when concrements injure tissues, causing the appearance of blood in the urine. If there are tumor processes or polycystosis, the urine becomes brown, resembling meat slops;
  2. Kidney disease, in which a large number of different pigments like bilirubin are released into the urine. A similar phenomenon is observed with jaundice;
  3. Pathologies of an inflammatory nature such as urethritis or cystitis, glomerulonephritis or pyelonephritis can also lead to a change in the color of urine;
  4. A high concentration of bilirubin is observed with hemolytic anemia;
  5. In addition, a change in urine is observed with cirrhosis, hemochromatosis, vasculitis and collagenosis, tyrosinemia and autoimmune pathologies, as well as oncopathology in the liver and pancreas.

In children

Darkening of urine under certain circumstances can be observed in children. Like the adult population, the child's urine shade is affected by food and drinks consumed. If the crumb has eaten beets, carrots, rhubarb or blueberries, then the pigment stains from these products will necessarily stain the urine in a dark brown or orange color.

Affects the shade of urine and dehydration, medication, intestinal infections and dyspeptic disorders, unrestrained vomiting or diarrhea. If the changes in urine are accompanied by hyperthermia and pain, they are referred to pathological signs indicating the development of a disease, for example, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, etc.

In women,

In the weaker sex, the brown color of urine can be observed during pregnancy, when the patientdisturbs a strong toxicosis, which causes severe dehydration caused by vomiting.

In addition, female urine acquires darker shades due to various gynecological pathologies of water:

  • Neck tumors;
  • Uterine fibroids;
  • Diseases of venereal origin;
  • Nonspecific inflammations of the female sexual sphere.

If the drinking regime and diet are changed, and urine is still dark, then it is necessary to undergo a survey.

In men,

The male half of humanity can undergo changes in the shades of urine for various reasons. Dehydration or pathology, food or drink - all this can affect the male urine. If such a symptom is provoked by a disease, then there are signs that it is easier to identify the underlying pathology. Usually, in men, darkening of urine is accompanied by nausea, hyperthermia, soreness in the abdomen, painful or unpleasant urination.

The cause of this symptom complex can be pathologies like:

  • Prostatitis. With such a disease stagnation in the gland is observed, which causes the release of red blood cells into the urine. This is what causes it to darken;
  • Inflammation of the vas deferens, testes or prostate;
  • Traumatic injuries of testicles, appendages, etc.

In the male half, the change in the shades of urine can have both pathological and physiological character. In the pathological nature of such a symptom, additional symptoms such as hyperthermia and nausea, painful and unpleasant urination, abdominal pain, etc. are also observed. In this case, an urgent consultation of a specialist is necessary.

In the elderly,

In an elderly person, brown urine may be due to a prostatic adenoma, concrements in the bladder or kidneys, excessive physical congestion or urogenital infections.

Dangerous combination of

In some cases, if you combine a change in the color of urine with certain symptoms, you should immediately contact a specialist.

  1. If urine of dark brown color is accompanied by intense lumbar pains or painful urination, swelling and fever, this often indicates kidney pathologies;
  2. If darkening of urine is accompanied by diarrhea or vomiting, this further aggravates the situation, dehydrating the body. A similar pattern is often observed in acute intestinal pathologies;
  3. Another dangerous combination requiring immediate specialist intervention is dark urine combined with difficulty urinating, painful sensations in the testicles, especially if the testicles have recently been injured.

Reason for seeking medical attention

Any changes in the urine require attention from the patient. If they are triggered by loss of fluid or certain foods, then if the ration is changed and the drinking regime is sufficient, the urine color will be restored. If the changes are observed for several days and do not pass for a long time, or worse, they are supplemented with painful sensations in the abdomen or lower back, then immediately seek the help of a urologist or nephrologist.

The doctor will conduct appropriate diagnostic measures, assign the necessary tests and studies such as biochemical and general analysis, urine samples, blood tests, etc. Most often, pathological causes are associated with renal pathologies and diseases of the female / male reproductive system, and therefore the treatment is aimed at eliminating these factors. If urine changes due to tumor processes, the predictions for treatment depend on the degree of malignancy of the education and the timeliness of the referral to the doctor.

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