Diarrhea after taking antibiotics in a child( adolescent) and an adult, antibiotic-associated diarrhea, loose stools and vomiting on the background of treatment, severe indigestion

Any person at least once in his life had such an unpleasant ailment as an upset stomach. This pathological condition of the body is called diarrhea in people. It is characterized by a frequent and liquid stool. Long-term diarrhea can begin for several reasons, one of which in both children and adults is the taking of certain medications.

After antibiotics, diarrhea occurs due to destruction of the gastrointestinal microflora. It usually appears as soon as the course of treatment with these drugs is started and stops after a few days after its termination. But there are cases when arisen during the reception of antibiotics diarrhea for a long time does not pass, the liquid stool becomes very plentiful. Because of this symptomatology, both in the child and in the adult, the general condition worsens, the temperature rises and, in addition to diarrhea, severe vomiting occurs.

This condition of patients, which provoked diarrhea when taking antibiotics, requires immediate consultation of a specialist, since after him dehydration may begin. It is particularly dangerous for infants and elderly people, because their organisms are more weakened and are prone to the development of various pathologies. To find out how to avoid this problem, it is worth considering the effect of potent drugs on patients of each age group, and also to find out ways to prevent the development of pathology.

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Diarrhea in infants after antibiotics

Diarrhea in a child, especially a newborn, regardless of the cause that caused it, always causes severe anxiety in the parents. Often they can be asked about why, against the background of taking certain medications intended for the elimination of inflammatory processes, and in infants, and in older children, there appears such a pathogenic symptom as a loose stool, often accompanied by vomiting and abdominal pains? They are also interested in what is antibiotic-associated diarrhea and why it might occur?

Pediatricians explain that diarrhea after a course of antibiotics in newborns and infants is associated with a lack of selective action in the means taken. Therefore, during therapy in the intestine, not only pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed, but also beneficial bacteria. Because of this, the balance of the microflora of the digestive organs is disturbed and indigestion develops, manifested in abundant and strong liquid stool. Diarrhea in a child from antibiotics is a great test for a child's body, since the baby, after the initial illness, has not fully recovered and frequent watery stools weaken him even more.

In the event that the liquid stool after taking antibiotics in a child has more than 3 episodes a day and lasts for several days, and other causes of the pathology are not revealed, experts note that the baby develops antibiotic-associated diarrhea. It is always accompanied by watery diarrhea, increased gas production and abdominal pain. But the child has diarrhea after antibiotics is not always, because every small patient's immune weakness is different. Medical research identified 5 forms of the disease:

  1. Actually antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Nausea, signs of dehydration and severe pain that appear after the act of defecation or eating food are most often absent. The liquid stool in this case passes independently and does not require additional therapy;
  2. The second form is a mild associated malaise. Exercises have a soft mushy consistency, and their frequency does not reach 3 times a day. This kind of diarrhea after antibiotics also passes by itself;
  3. Another form of such diarrhea is associated or pseudomembranous colitis. It is most severe and is characterized by a stomach disorder that is accompanied by watery excrement, abdominal pain, vomiting, and fever. Treatment of this pathology is specific;
  4. 2 the rarest forms - segmental, hemorrhagic and antibiotic-associated colitis. They also occur after the use of potent drugs and are characterized by diarrhea in addition to severe abdominal pain, fever and possible hemorrhage into the intestinal mucosa.

On the frequent question of parents, why does a newborn baby develop such a pathology, especially its severe forms, experts explain the conditionality of its appearance by the fact that against the background of some potent drugs there are significant changes in the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract that promote the progressive growth and reproduction of pathogenic flora.

Diarrhea after antibiotics in an adult

This pathology, such as prolonged diarrhea, characterized by a frequent and fluid stool, may occur against the background of taking certain medicines not only in the child, but also in the adult. From patients of the older age group, one often hears the question, why does not diarrhea last for a long time after antibiotics? They have the reasons for this, as well as in infants, are the violation of intestinal microflora by drugs. But in an adult patient, unlike a child, only a large dose of an uncontrolled drug, the administration of inappropriate injections, or weakened immunity and existing problems in the functioning of the digestive tract can cause stomach upset. In other cases, the pathology is practically not manifested.

If diarrhea has started after taking antibiotics, do not panic immediately, because due to a certain medication, in severe cases of a special course of injections, and in the lighter ones - adjustments to diet and compliance with the appropriate diet, the general condition of the body will quickly return to normal. In addition, it is necessary to begin with special care to observe personal hygiene. Also, before going to a doctor, adult patients should exclude emotional and physical stress and never drink alcohol.

Methods for treatment of diarrhea after antibiotics

In order to prevent the emergence of a fluid stool and do not spoil the joy of recovery as a result of treatment of an inflammatory disease carried out with the help of strong medicines, specialists necessarily prescribe preventative measures. For this, drugs that help restore microflora and prevent the occurrence of indigestion are recommended.

In the same case, if after treatment with antibiotics diarrhea still occurs, it should be as soon as possible to put in order the microflora of the intestine. In most cases, no medications are administered by the oral route or with injections. It is enough to use probiotics, for example Bifidumbacterin, which will provide a weakened organism with useful microorganisms.

But if the diarrhea after antibiotics is strong, indigestion does not go away for several days, and diarrhea that begins begins with temperature and vomiting, treatment should be performed in a hospital, under the supervision of a specialist. In this case, in addition to dietary nutrition, long-term medication is also required.

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