Diet 5 table with stomach ulcer

The main table for patients with ulcer during the period of remission is diet 5. The ulcer is scarring, so the patient's diet expands. The main principle of this diet therapy is a split meal, elimination of overeating and preservation of the energy balance of the diet. Abundant food, even if it is dietary, can lead to overload of the stomach and cause pain and dyspeptic disorders.

Nutritionists believe that the amount of protein in the diet should match the physiological needs of patients. A kilogram of a person's weight requires a gram of protein. Half of the norm falls on animal protein( lean fish and meat, dairy products, eggs).Such proteins are rich in valuable amino acids, meteonin and choline, which support the work of the digestive tract. From vegetable products preference is given to oatmeal, buckwheat.

Assign table 5 when the ulcer no longer disturbs the patient. Of the fats allow vegetable oil and a little creamy. At first you can eat dairy or vegetarian soups( not fried).From meat products - diet cooked sausage or lean meat. Permissible low-fat fish( cod, carp), omelet, eggs, sour-milk food. Sour cream is used as a supplement to dishes.5 table with an ulcer allows patients to consume all sweet fruits, raw and boiled vegetables. From sweets it is possible in a small amount of honey, jam, biscuits.

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Limit the intake of refractory fats, replacing them with vegetable oils that protect the mucosa from bile acids and improve the smooth muscle function. An important factor is the technology of cooking. Fried and smoked food is excluded from the diet. Boiled, steamed or steamed dishes improve the condition of the digestive tract and accelerate the period of rehabilitation. Diet 5 with gastric ulcer excludes:

  • alcohol;
  • sour dishes( cabbage soup, oxalic borsch);
  • fatty milk food;
  • raw eggs;
  • sour fruit;
  • soda;
  • chocolate;
  • flour;
  • nuts;
  • ice cream.

Restrict salted, extractive foods and foods with a high content of essential oils. A special feature of the diet is the use of an increased amount of carbohydrates, in order to accelerate the storage of glycogen in the liver and improve its functions. An important role is assigned to fruit, berries, vegetables, which in the composition have a large number of dietary fibers, which help soften the feces, improve peristalsis and outflow of bile. Dietary fibers are also able to positively influence the flora of the intestine. This reduces the patient's recovery time.

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