Exacerbation of IBS( irritable bowel syndrome), what should I do?

A rather common disease of the digestive tract for today is a functional disorder - irritable bowel syndrome, abbreviated - IBS.The main symptoms of this phenomenon - bloating, chronic pain, as well as a violation of the working regime of the digestive organs for no apparent reason. Unfortunately, not everyone is asking themselves what to do if there is an exacerbation of IBS, although more than ten percent of the population suffers from this ailment. Only two-thirds of them go to the doctor for treatment. As for the age category, most often this diagnosis affects representatives of the so-called young working group - people from thirty to forty years old.

Exacerbation of irritable bowel syndrome can be classified into several groups, which differ in their symptoms:

  • IBS, accompanied by diarrhea. In this case, there is a loose stool, mostly watery, and fragmented stool is practically absent;
  • In 25% of cases, pathology is accompanied by constipation;
  • Mixed type of IBS, in which alternating diarrhea with constipation occurs.
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There is also a fourth, unclassified form, in which there is an exacerbation of IBS.What to do in this case, as in the previous variants of disorders, the doctor should decide. Classification of the chair according to the list given above is carried out according to the Bristol scale, which shows the direct relationship between the time of movement of fecal masses in the rectum and their consistency. Accordingly, with a prolonged passage of the stool, its structure will be very hard, and when the patient exacerbates irritable bowel syndrome, fecal masses will pass through the gut as quickly as possible. Modern medicine makes it possible to isolate the reasoned motivators that trigger the recurrence of irritable bowel syndrome. Exacerbation of pathology is usually provoked by the following factors:

  • Finding a patient in a permanent stressful state. At the same time, a negative emotional situation can be transferred not only a week or a month before the onset of the disease, but even in the remote past. At the same time, she imposed a noticeable imprint on her state of mind. In addition, often exacerbation of IBS is observed in a stressful situation, the patient should also take into account the need for help from psychologists;
  • It is also proved that some genetic features that depend on the environmental effects on humans can lead to irritable bowel syndrome.

In most cases, the cause, which causes an exacerbation of the digestive disorder, is an infection, and IBS appears in the form of a postinfective form. People who have had to suffer a disease of the digestive organs caused by viruses or bacteria usually know first hand what is the syndrome of the split bowel.

What should I do if I have IBS?

Speaking about the methods of treatment of IBS, especially if there is an exacerbation, there are two main directions to be distinguished:

  • Non-medicamentous methods;
  • Use of medicines.

In the first variant, it all comes down to oral introduction of the patient to the disease, some advice is given on dietary nutrition, which will ease the symptoms of IBS exacerbation. The main goal here is to let the patient know that his diagnosis is not a fatal sentence. Treatment with drugs is necessary if too severe manifestations of the disease are observed, since the lack of timely relief of the symptoms of an exacerbation can lead to negative consequences. To apply this or that kind of a medicine follows depending on displays of a pathology.

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