Prevention of paraproctitis after surgery

To prevent complications and relapse of paraproctitis, prevention is required. It is not difficult, however, and here there are some nuances.

Sometimes the fistula can start education again, which necessitates another surgical intervention. To prevent the recurrence of paraproctitis, on the first day after the fistula was opened, the patient should rest well and withdraw from anesthesia. Food and water intake for half a day is prohibited. You can simply moisten your lips with water. At the end of the anesthesia, the patient begins to experience severe pain and discomfort in the anus, and the temperature rises. To reduce pain and reduce temperature, special medications are prescribed.

Diet in the prevention of paraproctitis

It is mandatory to follow a diet. In this case, the use of sharp, salty, sweet, fatty and smoked dishes, as well as products that can cause flatulence is prohibited. Also under the ban are and fruits in fresh form.

After 12 hours after the operation, simple non-carbonated water is allowed in small sips. Further for two days, the food should be light and in a liquid state. Recommended use: rice or semolina porridge boiled on the water, light broths, fish cooked boiled or steam, grated beets, scrambled eggs, steam cutlets, ground meat, not fatty variety.

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Compliance with the diet is not only a preventive measure, but also helps in the normalization of the stool. Along with this, do not forget about sufficient fluid intake. Strict restrictions on the use of food in the prevention of paraproctitis will last for several days, then the diet expands, but with a careful inclusion of foods in the diet.

Paraproctitis prophylaxis after operation

Paraproctitis prophylaxis after surgery also includes wound care. Every day the wound needs to be bandaged with the use of such antiseptic agents as:

  • Dioxydin.
  • Chlorhexidine.
  • Yodopirone and others.

To promote rapid healing of the wound, it is worth using ointments with antibacterial action, for example:

  • Levomekol.
  • Methyluracil and others.

Also in the prevention of paraproctitis included the following procedures:

  • Carrying out microclysters for cleaning the intestinal cavity.
  • Carrying out warm herbal sessile trays.
  • Carrying out physiotherapy.

Prevention of paraproctitis should be carried out not only in a hospital environment, but also at home. After a bowel movement, sedentary baths are held, then the wound is gently dried and the dressing is performed using antiseptics.

With the observance of rules for the prevention of paraproctitis, recovery will last for about three months. During this time it is recommended to limit yourself for better effect from:

  • Long and active travel.
  • Doing sports.
  • Physical loads and lifting weights.
  • Bathing in the pool.

It is worth noting that if you do not adhere to these recommendations for paraproctitis prevention, the inflammatory process will begin again and a fistula will arise. Do not forget that the rehabilitation period and its duration in the first place will depend on the patient himself.

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