Segmental colitis of the transverse colon

Chronic inflammation of the colon for a long time leads to the fact that on its individual segments inflammation is expressed to the maximum extent. Depending on the location of the inflamed area, segmental colitis is called tiflita, transversitis, sigmoiditis, proctitis, angular colitis. In case of their combination segmental inflammation of the mucosa is called proctosigmoiditis.

Tiflith is localized in the caecum and is noted with pains in the right ileal region, sometimes giving back to the right scapula and to the thigh. With exacerbation of segmental tiflitis,

  • temperature increase is observed;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • frequent secretion of feces with mucus.

Often, the liver and biliary tract are involved in the pathological process. The process of treating tiflitis is very long. Attenuation of the disease is replaced by acute manifestations, especially when the medical recommendations are not observed.

With acute acute infectious colitis, sigmoiditis and proctosigmoiditis develop. It is also possible to develop this form of segmental colitis with too frequent use of enemas with hemorrhoids, complicated inflammation of varicose veins. The cause, which caused inflammation of the sigmoid colon, may be allergic reactions.

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In case of sigma inflammation, the following are observed:

  1. General weakness, headaches, joints and groin.
  2. The transition of a normal stool to diarrhea with an admixture of mucus, pus and blood, frequent tenesmus with pain.
  3. Dyspeptic phenomena with loss of appetite, nausea.

Colitis of the transverse colon develops when a transversitis occurs. In comparison with other forms of segmental colitis, this disease is diagnosed rather rarely and is due to the omission of the transverse colon or adhesions in the thick. Characterized by pain in the umbilical and pubic areas, intensifying after abundant food. The development of isolated transversitis is caused by the difficult passage of fecal matter through the sharpening of the left curvature of the intestine of an unusual form into the descending colon. There is thus a so-called splenic curvature syndrome.

Segmental angulitis is marked by a constant or passing pain of the upper lateral abdomen, a feeling of heaviness, raspiraniya, extending under the right scapula, into the heart or liver. Feces in appearance do not differ from disorders of the stool during transversitis.

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