How is an effective drug treatment of sinusitis in adults

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1 Treatment methods

Conservative therapy methods include the use of antibiotics and antiseptic drugs to relieve inflammation and narrowing of the vessels. Doctors recommend using topical preparations - nasal drops. Severe and neglected cases require sinus puncture, washing and antibiotic treatment.

Surgical procedures carry complications - the likelihood of developing a secondary infection, the formation of polyps in the nasal area, the appearance of a fistulous passage from the nose to the maxillary sinus. The likelihood of recurrence of the disease is increased if surgical intervention in the nasal cavity was performed.

There are several types of therapy:

  • drops for the nose;
  • antiseptic preparations;
  • bacteriophage solutions;
  • solutions for washing the nasal sinuses;
  • auxiliary preparations;
  • antibiotic drugs;
  • surgical intervention;
  • folk therapy.

2 Drug therapy

Similar local treatment has a negative side - there is a narrowing of the vessels in the nasal cavity. This causes the use of drugs for no longer than 5 days. Drops cause fast addiction to the active components, which leads to atrophy of the nasal mucosa during prolonged use. Bury the medicine for sinusitis only for acute manifestations of the disease, when the stuffy nose does not let you go to sleep. Specialists recommend using such drops in the nose:

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  • "Dr. Tayse Nazolin" - drops with an extract of essential oil of eucalyptus tree. They have not only a vasoconstrictor, but also a moisturizing effect, and due to the eucalyptus oil regeneration and purification of the tissues of the nasal mucosa are carried out;
  • "Bioparox" is an antibiotic in the form of an aerosol for topical application. Kill the pathogen, which is localized on the mucosa and in the sinuses of the nose;
  • "Pinosol" - the most effective product, which includes essential oils of mint, eucalyptus tree and other plants. Experts recommend the use of these drops during long-term treatment. The drug helps not only narrow the blood vessels and reduce swelling, but also heal the wounds on the nasal mucosa;
  • "Vibrocil" - the best remedy for sinusitis, which has anti-allergenic components. Improves blood flow in the nasal system and relieves swelling, allowing the patient to breathe easily;
  • "Polidex" - effective treatment of sinusitis in adults. It not only narrows the vessels, but also helps to get rid of the causative agent of the infection. The composition includes antibiotics, so you can take only under the supervision of a doctor;
  • "Sinuforte" is a remedy for sinusitis on the basis of cyclamen juice. Type of preparation - lyophilizate. They are treated for 2 weeks, 2-3 drops should be dripped. The list of side effects is allergic. Therefore, analyzes are needed for the presence of an allergic reaction of the patient to the main components of the drug. Pregnant and breast-feeding women are prohibited from using it. If the patient has hypertensive disease, it is not recommended to use "Sinuporte";
  • "RINOPRINT" is a drug from a group of combined effects. Effective for adults, as it has antihistamines in the composition.

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Before digestion of the nose, it is important to wash it first with a saline or herbal solution. It can be bought at a pharmacy or cooked at home."Aqualor" is considered one of the most effective drugs for washing the nasal cavity."Dolphin" can be used with preliminary stirring in water. After washing, it is important to instill in the following order: first - vasoconstrictor drops, after them - antibiotic agents, at the end - drops with antihistamine action.

3 List of antiseptics

It is recommended to consult a doctor before treating antritises with antiseptics. The main goal of therapy is the outflow of mucus from the sinuses of the nose and their complete purification. To do this, you need to completely clean the nasal sinus with antiseptics of a different mode of action:


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  • "Dioxydin" - a remedy for sinusitis is represented by a 1% solution in ampoules. Kills a large number of bacteria. Experts do not recommend the use of "Dioxylline" for the treatment of sinusitis in children and women during pregnancy and lactation;
  • "Miramistin" - the basis of this medicine for sinusitis is chlorine. This solution does not only instill the nose, but also its rinsing. Contraindications this medicine does not have, but doctors do not recommend to use it in the presence of the patient's allergic reactions;
  • "Furatsillin" - the most common solution of 0.02%, used to wash the nasal cavity. The method of application is simple: dissolve 2 tablets of the drug in 1 glass of water. Douching is done using a pipette. It is important to wash in turn both nasal passages. It is necessary to avoid accidental swallowing of the solution during the procedure. But if the patient swallows a small amount of solution, nothing terrible will happen. For complete recovery, it is sufficient to conduct about 10 washing sessions;
  • "Protargol" - a preparation based on a solution of silver. You need to dig in up to 3 drops in each nasal passage. Pharmacists prepare the medicine according to the doctor's prescription. The duration of therapy is up to 10 days. It is used for the treatment of sinusitis in adults and children.
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4 Bacteriophage solutions

The best medicine for sinusitis is a bacteriophage. It is used alone in the form of antibiotics or for washing the nose. It has a detoxifying effect on pathological bacteria.

Bacteriophages are effective only in the genyantritis of the bacterial form. Because of this, before their appointment, a competent specialist appoints an analysis for bacterial culture to determine the causative agent of the disease and the degree of its sensitivity to medications of different forms and groups.

Drugs of this group are also used for the treatment of children whose illness is caused by a staphylococcal infection. Genyantritis in adults is also often treated with bacteriophages in combination with antibiotics. Bacteriophage solution should be stored in the freezer, and warmed to room temperature before use.

Rinsing the nose at home is done with a solution of table salt, it can be bought at a pharmacy. To treat sinusitis, special solutions are also used - Aquamaris, Aqualor and others. The use of such drugs is very convenient, since they do not need to be prepared every time before use.

Mortar-type solutions in aerosols can not only benefit and cure the ailment, but also harm. A side effect may be a disease of the middle ear. In childhood it is a dangerous ailment. The use of these drugs for children under 3 years is not recommended.

5 Auxiliary preparations

Acute antritis is not only a stuffy nose, but also a fever. Experts recommend antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs. The most common are Nurofen and Ibuprofen. To reduce the swelling of the nasal mucosa, you need to take medicines, in which loratadine is present.

Before the appointment of treatment of sinusitis, studies should be carried out. Therefore, before therapy it is important to find out the genus of microorganisms and their sensitivity to antibiotics. To this end, sowing mucus from the nasal sinus.

If the patient does not have allergic reactions to antibiotics, doctors prescribe antibiotic drugs with a wide range of effects. Such drugs are prescribed in the presence of discharge from the nose yellow or green, increased body temperature.

6 Surgical intervention

There is the possibility of puncturing the nasal sinuses and sucking pathogenic contents out of them. But this procedure has serious consequences in 75% of cases. Therefore, 2 therapies without sinus drainage have been developed: the

  • pit-catheter is performed using a special soft tissue catheter. First, the doctor performs anesthesia. In one nostril there is a catheter with a canister at the end. The second balloon is located in the middle of the tube. After the catheter is inserted, the second balloon is sticking out of the nose. When the balloons are inflated, the nasal cavity and sinuses are sealed. The standard catheter has 2 syringe outlets. With the help of the first, various manipulations with pressure in the nasal sinuses are made. The second output is used to enter medicines and antiseptics. This kind of surgery is possible for children and pregnant women, since it is possible without the use of strong and unsafe medicines;
  • balloon sinusoplasty is the introduction into the sinus of the nose of a thin balloon type catheter and the inflation of a small plastic bladder at the sinus entry site. Surgery helps to expand the occluded passageway. Symptoms of sinusitis( headache, pressure and mucus from the nose) are eliminated after a similar procedure.

7 Folk methods of therapy

Many patients believe that folk remedies for sinusitis are effective medicines, since they are based on natural herbs and extracts:

  1. Propolis is used for instillation into the nasal cavity. To get an effective medicine, you need to mix 20% alcoholic tincture of propolis 1: 1 with vegetable oil. If there is an aqueous solution of propolis, it can be diluted 1: 3 with water. The given mixtures to dig in a nose 2 times a day on 2 drops.
  2. Kalanchoe is used for colds and ARVI.The juice of this indoor plant causes urge to sneeze, this is a wonderful drug for the treatment of acute and chronic sinusitis. Applied for children older than 6 years. Extract of leaf juice helps to remove the inflammatory process and remove mucus from the nasal passages. It is allowed to use pure Kalanchoe juice for 2-4 drops up to 4 times a day. To cleanse the nose children use a mixture of Kalanchoe and honey 2-3 times a day.
  3. The root of the horse radish is washed and cleaned, grate it on a fine grater.1/3 of a measuring glass of a root to mix with juice of 3 lemons. Take 4 months for ½ tsp.20 minutes before breakfast. Then take a break for 2 weeks and repeat the course. The courses are held 2 times a year - in spring and in autumn. Attacks of chronic sinusitis take place after 2 years of similar therapy.

Before treating a genyantritis with folk remedies or using preparations from sinusitis alone, you need a doctor's consultation.

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