How quickly to withdraw amphetamine from the body( urine, blood): at home, in the hospital

Like other drugs, amphetamine poison the body, leading to severe consequences. However, adolescents and young people continue to use it for the sake of a short-term effect. The treatment of a drug addict begins with the removal of the substance from the body - home and professional ways.

Amphetamine in the body

Amphetamine is most commonly consumed by young girls and boys. He stimulates the central nervous system, and a person can dance all night in a club or sit behind textbooks.

Despite the myth of amphetamine safety, it is actually addictive and often encourages people to switch to heavier drugs. This substance adversely affects various organs, provoking the occurrence of serious diseases that can endanger life.

With intravenous administration, amphetamine necrosizes blood vessels, resulting in impaired blood flow. This in some cases leads to limb amputation. The longer a substance acts on a person, the more serious the consequences, therefore it is important to remove it as soon as possible from the body.

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Traces of the use of amphetamine specialists are detected using special studies of blood, saliva and urine. Such tests establish the presence of the drug in the body within a week after the person took the last dose. With frequent and prolonged use of amphetamine, its traces in biofluids can be detected within 2-3 weeks after the last intake.

Although often a week later the tests do not detect the presence of amphetamine in the blood, it is impossible to predict the time of its complete elimination from the body until minutes. This often leads to the fact that a person takes a new dose when the old one has not yet ended. As a result, the substance accumulates in the body, and when its use ceases, depression begins and the desire to live disappears.

If amphetamine is taken by a nursing mother, the drug penetrates into breast milk. Relatively safe for the child, it becomes at least 2 days later.

To accelerate the removal of amphetamines from the body, various methods are used, both home and medical. The fastest effect is detoxification, which is carried out by doctors in the hospital with the use of modern equipment and drugs. However, even after complete purification of blood from the remains of amphetamine, the body takes a long time to restore normal life.

How to remove a drug from the body

Quickly cleanse the body and blood from the remnants of amphetamine is possible only if the person completely refuses to use the drug, at least for a while. This condition can not be met by far not all, because stimulants are highly addictive, and rejection of them requires willpower.

At home, the drug from urine will help diuretics, copious drinking, exercise, enema and gastric lavage. These are emergency measures to prevent the negative effects that stimulant use leads to. However, amphetamine is quickly absorbed into the blood, and for its purification it is necessary to go to the hospital - only in a hospital can a deep detoxification.

Removing a substance from the body is not a panacea for addiction. In any case, there is a high risk of a breakdown, to prevent which a person will need the help of a therapist.

At home

Self-cleaning of the body against amphetamines can be done with:

  • water;
  • diuretics;
  • strong green tea and decaffeinated coffee;
  • milk.

Traces are excreted from the body by the kidneys. To speed up the process, you should drink about 3 liters of mineral or ordinary water per day, and also take diuretics. They will stimulate the work of the kidneys, and harmful substances will be excreted naturally.

Milk is also suitable for purifying the body of drugs. It absorbs toxins well, so doctors recommend drinking it for different types of poisoning.

Strong tea and coffee have a diuretic effect, but they should be treated with caution. Against the background of taking amphetamines, caffeine, contained in these drinks, can provoke arrhythmia. Of the teas, it is better to choose green, because it detoxifies well.

If there are heart problems, it is better to drink only water or choose decaffeinated coffee. In case of kidney diseases, diuresis can not be forced.

If amphetamines are taken orally, it is necessary to work on the digestive tract to remove them from the body. It is carried out in several stages:

  • Gastric lavage.
  • Sorbent intake( for example, activated carbon).
  • Setting of a saliva enema.

If a person is in serious condition, induced vomiting can cause seizures. In this case, it is necessary to perform a probe lavage of the stomach with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. However, this will require the help of emergency physicians, as incorrect insertion of the probe can lead to rupture of the esophagus or suffocation from choking with vomit.

The above methods will facilitate the patient's condition. However, they can not force the excretion of amphetamines, which have sucked into the bloodstream. For its purification special apparatuses are necessary, which hospitals are equipped with.

In the hospital

If a person has the opportunity to go to the clinic, there he will have a deep detoxification. This is a set of measures by which the body is released from the products of the decomposition of toxic substances and is restored.

The drug detoxification course includes a number of drugs that:

  • increases the intake of oxygen into a weakened organism;
  • stimulate the activity of the brain;
  • binds and removes toxins;
  • improve liver function.

In parallel, doctors perform blood purification by hardware. One of them is plasmapheresis, during which the liquid part of the blood is filtered through a membrane that does not let out toxic substances. Another method is hemosorption, or purification of blood by contact with the sorbent.

Traditional methods of detoxification require placing the patient in a hospital, since they take several days. Now more often used UBOD, which stands for ultra-fast opioid detoxification of the body. With this method, complete cleansing from amphetamines is achieved in a few hours.

Initially, the UBDI method was intended only for patients who are opiate dependent. However, later, its efficacy was established to purify the organisms of people taking amphetamines.

Rapid drug neutralization from the body can cause severe breakage and pain. Therefore, AML is carried out under anesthesia and equated with doctors for the operation. Before the procedure, a person must undergo a medical examination, according to which the medical consultation will decide on the possibility of such treatment.

Recovery of

Recovery after taking amphetamine is a long and difficult process for the body. During this period, it is necessary to exclude any nervous and physical activity. They aggravate the "amphetamine hangover", which is marked by a sharp headache, trembling in the limbs, insomnia and irritability.

Relieve pain in the period of refusal of amphetamine will help painkillers. Sleeping pills will help get rid of discomfort during sleep.

After prolonged use of amphetamines, depression appears. In this case, you need to visit a doctor who will choose antidepressants to fully recover. In addition, with severe dependence on the patient is recommended to make an appointment with a therapist, otherwise a relapse will occur.

To cleanse the body and provide it with the necessary vitamins and minerals, a person must adjust the diet, eliminating harmful foods and diversifying the diet with useful food. Special diet should be adhered to at least a week.

The first 2 days a person should eat only fresh vegetables and porridges. During the next three days, the sour-milk products should be added to the diet. Then it is recommended to eat boiled chicken and liver.

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