Detoxication of the body with drug addiction in the hospital and at home

Treatment of drug dependence is a long, complex and complex process. The most important part of it is the detoxification( purification) of the organism of the addict. Any narcological clinic with a good reputation offers its patients different methods of detoxification, and home-based therapy is also actively used( for exceptional indications).But the most stable effect is provided by a combined cleansing of the body, which includes medicines, diet, sports, and work with a psychologist.

What is the detoxification of the body from drugs?

Detoxification is a whole complex of measures aimed at neutralizing, destroying and removing from the body of toxic substances and products of their decay. In this case, a variety of natural and synthetic drugs are acting as poisons: marijuana, cocaine and heroin, amphetamines, etc.

For detainees, detoxification is required in two cases. The first is when withdrawal symptoms of withdrawal symptoms( and simply - when breaking).And the second - directly for the purification of the body, during the treatment of dependence.

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Refusing to take illegal drugs is only the first step on a long road to a full and healthy life. A terrible poison never releases a person so simply - the products of the breakdown of drugs accumulate in organs, tissues and just destroy them from the inside, like with injections or smoking. And in adipose tissue, narcotic poison can live for years.

With the drug addiction to prevent terrible consequences and stop the destruction of the body, a complex detoxification of the body is called for.

The main goals of such treatment are:

  • to completely clean the body of the addict from poisons and the products of their decay;
  • to restore the full activity of internal organs;
  • to adjust the work of immunity;
  • normalize metabolic processes;
  • restore the nervous system and mental processes.

On the video about the purpose of detoxification with addiction:

Indications and contraindications

The main indications for detoxification in addiction are abstinence syndrome( withdrawal) and treatment of addiction itself. Depending on the type of narcotic drugs that the patient "sat down", the narcologist doctor will advise a specific type of detoxification.

So, with heroin dependence, the main method is UBOD, ultra-fast opioid detoxification. When a patient smokes marijuana, uses amphetamines or indulges in synthetic drugs, classical medication detoxification is appropriate. If the period of dependence is less than one year or a person uses "light" drugs( for example, marijuana), sometimes home therapy is allowed.

But detoxification can not be considered a universal method of drug treatment.

There are clear contraindications for the medical purification of the body:

  • pregnancy;
  • epilepsy( with regular seizures);
  • chronic heart disease;
  • severe mental disorders;
  • exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcer;
  • is the general severe condition of a drug dependent patient.

To conduct detoxification at home, except for the listed pathologies, it is forbidden in case of a severe hangover, if a person combined drugs and alcohol. And also with an overdose of psychoactive drugs - here it is necessary to use special equipment and medical care in the clinic.

The essence of the method

Cleansing the body is not yet the treatment of drug addiction, but only the first stage in getting rid of addiction.

To cleanse the body of traces of drugs and help the patient remember all the delights of life without drug "make-up", the clinics offer a wide range of detoxification directions:

  1. Medication.
  2. Psychotherapy( individual work and in groups).
  3. Proper nutrition and exercise.
  4. Occupational therapy.

Often, a therapeutic diet and sport is referred to the so-called biological, natural detoxification. It also includes a sauna and a bath, taking vitamin complexes, walking, swimming, running, etc.

Medication therapy

Medical detoxification is indispensable in the treatment of addiction / breakage from heavy drugs. For "heroin" patients, UBDI is used, which involves taking two basic drugs, naloxone and naltrexone. The main function of UBOD is to get rid of the addict from heroin withdrawal, the medications are introduced through the gastric tube. But after the first dose of drugs you can remove the drug only from the nerve receptors. For complete detoxification, additional treatment sessions are required.

Dependence on other prohibited preparations and in addition to UBOD use sedative, special solutions through a dropper for the withdrawal of poisons, B group vitamins, drugs for restoring the heart, hepatoprotectors, etc.

Special procedures are also effective - plasmapheresis, hemodialysis, hemosorption.


Cleansing the nervous system from traces of drugs and restoring its functions takes a very long time. First of all, this problem is solved by medications - soothing, nootropics, antidepressants and tranquilizers. But also the help of the psychotherapist is necessary.

Work with a specialist( individual sessions and work in groups) is also a kind of purification, only thoughts and emotions. Psychological support allows the former drug addict to realize the possible consequences of his dependence and go as far as possible painlessly to the stage of medical detoxification.

During this period, the physical dependence on the drug has already been weakened, but the psychological one is very strong. And it is the psychotherapist that helps the patient to survive this time and not to fall for a new dose.

Diet and occupational therapy

Balanced nutrition is the most important condition for a full life, a pledge of physical and mental health. The addict's organism is deprived of such support - usually all patients of narcological clinics are very exhausted.

Therefore, a special diet during the period of detoxification is mandatory - it helps to regain strength and to adjust the work of all body systems. The therapeutic diet for drug addicts is based on the principles of classic healthy eating. The menu should have a lot of protein, useful fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. If necessary, additionally prescribed multivitamin complexes.

Work helps a drug addict to remember his skills and talents in the "past" life, establish social contacts. And the concrete result of his work is guaranteed to give the patient positive emotions.

Expected results

Detoxification in drug addiction is a kind of first aid for the body. When narcotic withdrawal detoxification helps in a few hours to remove unpleasant symptoms, relieve the patient of physical suffering and mental disorders.

When detoxification is used as part of complex therapy for drug addiction, the effect of it is slightly different. Cleansing the body can eliminate the harmful effects of narcotic poisons( and the products of their decay), treats physical dependence on prohibited drugs.

Some drugs also provide an additional effect - they block receptors that are sensitive to narcotic poisons for several days. Even if the addict at this time takes a dose, he just does not feel anything. So, for example, there are naloxone and naltrexone( UBOD) in heroin addiction. This allows a person to more easily overcome dependence and forget about drugs.

Detoxification at home

Many organizations offer clinic detoxification at home( "at home"), but experts advise using it only in rare cases.

Medical care at home and in inpatient conditions is simply impossible to compare. At home, the doctor has many limitations - he can not use the necessary equipment, some drugs, is unable to constantly monitor the patient's condition, to attract qualified personnel.

Therefore, detoxification at home is allowed only in the following situations:

  • the patient uses relatively light drugs( marijuana, hashish, spice, cocaine);
  • dependence - less than one year;
  • the general condition of the addict is satisfactory, there are no serious physical and mental pathologies.

Mandatory - enhanced drinking regimen( tea, mineral water, juices) to prevent dehydration. Every day the doctor must visit the patient, monitor the dynamics, if necessary, adjust the treatment regimen.

However, a full detoxification of the organism for drug addicts is possible only in stationary conditions. And if a person is determined to begin treatment of drug dependence, even after a successful treatment at home, complex therapy will have to continue in a specialized clinic.

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