Bleeding with hemorrhoids, treatment, what to do if the hemorrhoidal node is burst and blood is coming from the anus?

Bleeding is the main sign of the presence of enlarged hemorrhoids. At the beginning of the disease, hemorrhoids bleed slightly, but as the disease progresses, the discharge becomes more and more numerous. When this symptom appears, doctors are recommended to be examined, because it can indicate the presence of more serious diseases, for example, a malignant tumor. If the diagnosis is confirmed and the patient has exactly hemorrhoids, then the doctor will prescribe a treatment that will save him from bleeding and other manifestations of the disease.

Can hemorrhoids bleed? The answer is positive and the patients often have a panic attack from the appearance of red spots on toilet paper, especially if this happened for the first time. There are several reasons for this symptom, we will consider them in more detail:

  • Constipation. If a person has formed hemorrhoids, then hard feces can damage them, so there are red spots. They are usually not strong and pass after the act of defecation. With daily emptying the nodes do not have time to heal, so this symptom is observed almost every day.
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  • Thrombosed hemorrhoids. If a thrombus forms in the nodal plexus, then it can break through on its own, which causes severe bleeding. When hemorrhoids burst, patients are usually frightened of this condition and immediately go to the doctor, because it is very difficult to stop blood by themselves.
  • Diarrhea. It turns out that red secretions appear not only because of constipation, but also because of diarrhea. Liquid feces cause inflammation of the intestine, the mucous membrane is thinned and severely injured.
  • Started by hemorrhoids. The large nodal plexuses, which often fall out and become inflamed, can heal. In this case, it is too late to hope for conservative treatment, the only way to get rid of the symptoms caused by this ailment is surgery.

Hemorrhoids suffer from both men and women, and sometimes children. According to the International Classification of Diseases( ICD-10), this ailment has its own code 184. For example, if the disease is complicated by inflammation, secretions or thrombi, ICD-10 will have codes I84.3-I84.9.

What is dangerous bleeding for hemorrhoids?

Even if the patient has this symptom is rare, it still needs to undergo examination and treatment. Otherwise, a bleeding node, can deliver a lot of health problems to a person. Let's consider frequent consequences which can arise, if to not pay attention to such allocation:

  • Anemia. If the blood goes daily and a lot, then the body will not be able to maintain hemoglobin at the required level, it, as a rule, decreases, sometimes to critical values. Naturally, all this has a negative impact on health, immunity decreases, there is weakness and dizziness. To avoid such consequences, it is recommended to treat inflamed nodes in a timely manner.
  • Thrombosis. Massive bleeding with the release of clots can occur with thrombosis - a consequence of neglected hemorrhoids. This condition requires immediate hospitalization.
  • Paraproctitis. It can occur against the background of prolonged inflammation and persistent red secretions, which often accompany hemorrhoids especially in the last stages. In addition, fistulas and chronic cracks can form.
  • Anal fissure. Discontinuities often appear with hemorrhoids, especially if the patient continues to ignore constipation, does not treat them and does not follow a diet, then hard feces will permanently injure the intestines, which is fraught with ruptures. Such defects can not heal very long.

Bleeding hemorrhoids - this is always a serious cause for concern. In some cases, discharge from the anus can indicate the presence of malignant neoplasms. That is why a visit to a proctologist with this symptom should be held as quickly as possible.

Treatment of anal bleeding with hemorrhoids

What if the hemorrhoids bleed? For men and women who care for their health - this is cause for concern. Detection of small red spots after defecation often indicates the initial stages of the disease. In this case, conservative therapy will come to the rescue. A good effect is provided by topical application, they eliminate inflammation, reduce pain, and have a hemostatic effect.

With hemorrhoids with complications, candles with natural components, for example, with propolis, sea buckthorn and calendula, are prescribed. A good effect has the following ointments: Troxevasin, Proctosan, Gepatrombin, as well as heparin ointment and Vishnevsky ointment. Treatment should not be prescribed independently, especially if the diagnosis is not clear. All drugs should be prescribed only by the proctologist.

You can stop bleeding at home, especially if it is small. The most important thing is not to give in to panic, if it arose after bowel movement, then you need to wash yourself with cold water. This procedure helps to reduce the muscles, the hemorrhoidal plexus wrinkles and the discharge stops.

Diet for bleeding hemorrhoids

Anal bleeding with hemorrhoids can provoke food. Basically it's food that causes a rush of blood to the pelvic area. With the use of dangerous products, the pressure in the hemorrhoidal nodes increases, they can not stand and begin to bleed. Patients should not drink: alcohol, seasonings, marinades, spicy sauces and smoked products. Also, you can not eat dishes that contain ingredients that cause excessive gas formation, for example, cabbage, radish, corn, as well as sweets, beer and carbonated drinks.

The right diet will not only reduce the risk of bleeding, but will also improve the digestive system. There will be no constipation, bowel evacuation will occur much easier, it will avoid tears. In general, the diet consists of plant foods are also allowed to sour-milk products. Dried fruits are very useful, you can take bran, but only in small amounts and if the proctologist allows.

For normalization of stool it is very important to consume enough fluids. Normal water will do, but you can also drink herbal teas, fruit drinks, compotes. The diet is also very important, you need to overcome the habit of eating three times a day, food should be divided about 6 times a day, but you can not overeat.

Bleeding in hemorrhoids can be avoided, but for this it is recommended to treat diarrheas and constipation in time, defecation should be regular, and for this it is necessary to eat right and practice therapeutic gymnastics. Symptoms of hemorrhoids can torment the patient for a long period of time, they will only get worse every year. Conservative treatment will help to get rid of them and will allow to return to a normal way of life. But if the ailment is already started, then it is useless to treat it with medications, only the operation can save the person from the painful symptoms.

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