Diffuse lipofibrosis, fibrolipomatosis, pancreatic fibromatosis, fibro-fatty changes and their treatment

Diseases called diffuse lipofibrosis or fibrolypomatosis of the pancreas do not exist. But then why on ultrasound doctor-diagnostician writes a similar conclusion in the protocol of ultrasound? What does this mean, what is the diagnosis?- these questions are of concern to many patients.

In the ultrasound diagnostics specialist evaluates several mandatory parameters of the body: the size and shape, its location in the abdominal cavity, the uniformity of the tissue and its structure( echogenicity).If the echogenic background is deflected upwards or downwards across the entire pancreas, this indicates diffuse changes. This conclusion is not a diagnosis, it just explains to the doctor about the uniformity of pathological changes in the parenchyma of the gland.

Lipofibrosis or fibrolipomatosis is also not a symptom, not a symptom, and certainly not a diagnosis of the disease, but a term indicating that there are changes in fibrous and lipomatous nature in the tissues of the organ: on the parenchyma the glands simultaneously exist as connective, cicatricial, soand adipose tissue. That is, in the body there was a pathological substitution of healthy cells for fibro-fat.

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Lipofibrosis is a dystrophic change in the pancreas associated with prolonged organ inflammation or metabolic disorders. Obesity of the body manifests itself on ultrasound enhanced echogenicity, and fibrosis, on the contrary, reduced echogenicity and increased density.

If a description of a similar nature is present in the ultrasound protocol: lipofibrosis of the body of the pancreas, then most likely the gastroenterologist will interpret this conclusion as the presence of a single site of dystrophic changes in healthy tissues in fibrous fat, located on the body of the gland.

If the term fibrolipomatosis is added diffuse, the clinical picture will change. Because the areas of fibrous-fatty tissue will be uniformly met throughout the parenchyma.

Fibromatosis - pancreatic disease

Unlike diffuse lipofibrotic changes, which are not considered a disease, fibromatosis is a serious disease of the pancreas, which is characterized by the proliferation of tissues in the nodes, seals, strands. The main symptom is the formation of multiple fibroids on the parenchyma of the organ. In the pancreas, as a rule, there is a generalized type of disease, but this can only be clarified with the help of a biopsy or a histology of a piece of fibroid tissue. Fibromatosis is a disease that is treated surgically, sometimes with the use of subsequent radiotherapy.

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