Diarrhea after alcohol, why from drinking, bingeing, with a hangover a thin stool, alcoholic diarrhea after drinking vodka, upset stomach from alcohol?

Many patients suffering from a stomach disorder due to the abuse of strong drinks note that such a phenomenon as diarrhea, after alcohol, appears quite often. Especially in those cases when the booze turns into a long drinking bout. Diarrhea develops after alcohol because of poisoning of the body with harmful substances contained in strong drinks. Alcoholic diarrhea is a kind of reaction of the intestine to toxic and toxic components, which he tries to in this way bring out.

Also people who are addicted to hot drinks are often wondering why, due to ingestion of vodka, there is an upset stomach, a loose stool and begins to swell? This is due to the antiseptic effect of alcohol, which got into the body. Disinfection of the intestines, which provokes penetration of strong drinks into the intestinal cavity, contributes to the destruction of both pathogenic and beneficial bacteria. For this reason, the process of fermentation is disrupted, peristalsis is accelerated and food ingested in the digestive tract can not be digested to the end. To the patients' question about why diarrhea is caused by alcohol, specialists give the following answers:

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  1. Diarrhea after drinking binge is provoked by a violation of the natural microflora of the digestive tract, as alcohol drinks burn everything around and cause this malfunction in the digestive organs. A prolonged booze leads a person to a stomach disorder and a loose stool;
  2. The factor that provoked diarrhea from alcohol will also be an excessive content in the feces of the liquid, because due to the toxic effect of ethanol, it can not be fully absorbed from the dietary masses. Also ethanol is a stimulant, because of which the work of the stomach is accelerated, but its quality deteriorates, because of which the chair is broken, because the water contained in the digestible food is not fully absorbed by the body;
  3. Diarrhea with bile after alcohol is caused and exacerbation of some chronic diseases: pancreatitis, ulcers or enterocolitis. In this case, an urgent call for a doctor to identify a provoking factor and conduct adequate treatment, as diarrhea caused by taking drinks with ethyl component, can lead to very serious consequences that develop against the background of these diseases.

Also on the patients question, why with a hangover diarrhea and vomiting with bile, experts point out that after drinking alcohol intoxication develops. In this case, a hangover after drinking binge causes people not only diarrhea and vomiting with bile, but also black color of stool, muscle pain, weakness and headache. Often asked and about how quickly stops diarrhea after a hangover? In the event that the liquid stool is caused by a booze that lasts for several days, as well as not only vodka, but also the ingestion of other types of alcohol, it can be observed for more than 2 days.

Black diarrhea after alcohol

This color in liquid stools, which appeared as a result of drinking-bout, most often indicates a developing cirrhosis in a person. Abnormal black stools require a qualitative examination, as it is a serious signal, which in no case can not be ignored.

Also, diarrhea, which has such a type of stool and is caused by a prolonged binge, can speak of a strong internal bleeding occurring in the body. The smell of the feces of the patient becomes fetid because of the large amount of decomposing venous blood. Diarrhea, caused by internal damage caused by alcohol abuse, is the reason for an urgent call to a doctor. Such diarrhea after vodka, resembles more bleeding.

It is noted by doctors and the fact that the black diarrhea after alcohol and vomiting bile, which appeared due to the consumption of alcohol in large quantities, especially if the received vodka is of poor quality, arise from the violation of its poisonous and harmful elements of the digestive tract as a whole. Therapeutic measures in these cases begin with the fact that the patient's drinking is reduced to zero, otherwise it will not be possible to restore the digestive tract, and also to purify the body.

Treatment of alcoholic diarrhea

In the event that diarrhea and vomiting after a noisy binge is a one-time phenomenon, it indicates a stressful condition of the digestive organs caused by poisonous and toxic substances contained in strong drinks. To get rid of such symptoms, it is necessary to rinse the stomach, drink adsorbents and restore the water lost by the body with a large amount of mineral water or weak tea.

And for those patients who are wondering why diarrhea from a hangover, after alcohol of any strength, arises constantly, it should be explained that such a loose stool appears as a result of disruption of the digestive tract. To identify them you need a specialist consultation, which is conducted only in a sober state. To prevent the occurrence of possible dangerous consequences, treat diarrhea after alcohol immediately and in accordance with the recommendations of a specialist. They always consist of the following:

  • Full refusal of any alcohol;
  • Compliance with medication prescribed by a doctor;
  • A strict diet that helps restore normal functioning of the digestive organs.

In the event that there is alcoholic diarrhea, the treatment begins with an appropriate diagnosis. Patients are also interested in the reason why it is necessary in this situation. Here the point is that with the help of it the true cause of such indigestion is revealed, which caused severe diarrhea after alcohol. Only depending on the results of the study the gastroenterologist can assign appropriate therapeutic measures.

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