Flatulence and diarrhea( diarrhea with gases), increased gas formation, loose stools and abdominal pain - causes the child

Increased gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract - flatulence, appears often along with diarrhea. The norm for the intestine is the presence of about 200 ml of gases that come from the outside, with ingestion of air, from the blood, and also form in the lumen of the rectum. If they accumulate in large quantities in the intestine, they leave in the form of foam with small bubbles surrounded by viscous mucus, which worsens the functioning of the digestive tract and prevents the absorption of enzymes. As a result, and there is flatulence and diarrhea. If to speak directly about the causes of such phenomena as abdominal pain, diarrhea, flatulence, then there are several prerequisites:

  • Gases and liquid stools form in the child during the formation of the gastrointestinal tract, in the first months of life. The appearance of diarrhea in this case is quite natural;
  • Provokes flatulence and diarrhea, and the absence in the body of a baby until a certain time of the necessary enzymes. In this regard, the digestion of food to the end is not possible, respectively, part of it falls into the lower part of the esophagus, where it is rotting. All this accompanies increased gas production and diarrhea. A frequent crying of the baby during an illness is a reaction to the painful sensations that these processes cause;
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  • In addition, a loose stool with gases can be caused in a baby and poisoned;
  • The appearance of such signs in the baby can occur due to the failure to observe the correct diet, as this leads to disruption of the enzyme system. Flatulence, diarrhea and swollen abdomen are obvious consequences of this;
  • Gas formation and diarrhea may occur in case of impaired intestinal microflora, particularly of the large intestine. These symptoms are frequent companions of such a dysbiosis, which, as is known, is a syndrome of another disease. It is usually accompanied by pain that occurs when the doctor begins to palpate the belly of a small patient;
  • Flatulence and diarrhea can result from surgical intervention in the intestine or abdominal cavity, because intestinal motility is impaired when it is stretched;
  • Spasms in the digestive system can occur in the case of too high nervousness, it is not a secret that diarrhea in this case is the most frequent companion, even if the person is completely healthy. It should not be considered liquid stool as a sign of the disease, since this phenomenon can be of a purely psychological nature;
  • The gastrointestinal tract of some people is weak, as a result of which, abdominal pain, diarrhea and flatulence occur against the background of eating certain foods. For example, legumes, cabbage or whole milk.

Diarrhea, gases and abdominal pain as a consequence of dysbiosis

This disease should be considered in more detail, as it is often accompanied by flatulence and diarrhea. The reasons for this diagnosis, often appearing in a child, usually lie in the presence of another disease, the nature of which can only be understood by a doctor. What is characteristic of this disease:

  • A sharp decrease in appetite;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Liquid stool;
  • Bloating;
  • Unpleasant taste in the mouth;Alternating constipation and diarrhea.
  • The presence of signs of general intoxication - dizziness, weakness.

Since dysbiosis is not an independent disease, it is necessary to consider the reasons for its occurrence. It may be taking antibiotics or eating improperly. Against this background, there is always a pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, flatulence.

Treatment of gas formation and liquid stool

To overcome diarrhea and flatulence, the cause of their formation should be eliminated with the help of adequate treatment appointed by a specialist. But there are general recommendations that help patients to combat these negative symptoms. Liquid stool and bloating are successfully eliminated in the event that the diet is adjusted. From the menu, suffering from this pathology of the patient, it is necessary to remove all products that increase intestinal motility, acting indulgently or causing gas formation.

For the treatment of diarrhea and flatulence, children are also using folk remedies. Very good reviews have dill water, which normalizes the condition of infants with diarrhea. Preparing this tool is very simple. Finely chopped greens in the amount of a tablespoon pour 400 ml of boiling water and cool. Drink it chilled throughout the day after eating.

Young parents should always remember that in all cases of flatulence, repeated regularly and accompanied by diarrhea, it is necessary to show the baby to a specialist for carrying out a set of necessary studies to identify the pathology that provoked the symptomatology. This will help in the selection of adequate treatment.

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