Pain in the region of the heart: stitching, aching, pressing, with inhalation, dull, sharp, sharp

In medical practice, it is known that often some diseases mimic for others. Pain in the heart area has a wide variety of manifestations and causes, which were also provoked by very different. So today we will talk about why it hurts in the heart, what to do if it hurts, and what to be prepared for.

What is pain in the heart

Appealing to specialists in connection with pain in the heart region happens more often than other complaints. There are many diseases that manifest themselves in this way, but are not cardiac diseases.

A study of the symptoms of a disease that causes pain similar to a cardiac may suggest to which doctor to seek advice.

More details about what pain in the heart area will tell this video:

Their varieties

Pain in the heart region may be a manifestation:

  • of heart pain,
  • may be a signal of a disease of another organ.

When a doctor listens to complaints about pain in the heart, he will be interested in the details, which we will talk about below.

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Circumstances of occurrence of

Circumstances in which there is a feeling of pain:


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

  • situation when a person takes an inclined posture or horizontal position,
  • at the time of receiving physical and mental loads,
  • pain occurs when moving by hand,
  • during inspiration,
  • when the patient changes posture,
  • pains manifest at mealtime,
  • personascertaining pain at rest,
  • other coincidences.

The character of the sensations

The character of the pain:

  • compressive,
  • piercing,
  • pressing,
  • piercing,
  • baking,
  • aching,
  • burning.

Duration of pain and localization


  • for a number of days,
  • same hours,
  • same minutes.

Pain localization:

  • small chest area,
  • pain spread throughout the entire thorax;
  • pain in the chest on the left,
  • is the same, but on the right
  • is the same in the central part of the chest.

About the diagnosis of pain in the heart, its causes and symptoms will be discussed below.

Diagnosis methods

Pain in the area of ​​the heart appears as a consequence of very different causes. One can guess what caused discomfort. Identify the nature of the signals is difficult.

If severe pain occurs that is located in the area of ​​the heart, then a reasonable action will be an urgent call to the doctor. Because even a specialist can not always clear the diagnosis by the first signs. To understand the situation, it is recommended to conduct a survey. Diagnostic Methods:

  • electrocardiogram,
  • same study, but measurements are made with physical activity;
  • myocardial scintigraphy clarifies the question of whether the heart muscle receives enough nutrition;
  • electrocardiogram with observation during the day,
  • electron beam tomography can provide information that coronary artery disease begins;
  • echocardiography determines how fast the blood moves through the chambers of the heart;diagnoses the valves, looks at how healthy the heart muscles are;
  • coronography determines if there are problems associated with coronary arteries,
  • phonocardiography is a way of listening to noise,
  • blood tests,
  • if pains that disturb the patient will show up not related to heart disease, it is possible that to clarify their nature, a specialist will prescribe the passage of suchdiagnostic procedures:
    • radiography,
    • magnetic resonance imaging,
    • consultation:
      • neurologist,
      • psychologist,
      • orthopedist,
      • gastroenterologist,
      • traumatologist,
      • ertebrologa.

About what causes strong, piercing, pressing, sharp, constant, sharp, with deep inspiration, dull, aching pain in the heart, we will tell you further.

How to identify the pain in the heart, this video will tell:

About which diseases and disorders may indicate the symptom

Heart problems

Signs that can be used to judge pains about heart problems:

  • Mitral valve functioningcauses heart pain of uncertain character. The patient feels that the heart is working with interruptions. He speaks of dull pain in the region of the heart. Sensations are still characterized by words: dull and moderate pain.
  • Angina causes pain in the middle of the chest. Its appearance is connected with the loads. Any mental or physical load creates the need for greater circulation in the heart muscle. And if there are plaques in the heart arteries, they act as an obstacle to increasing the level of blood supply. The muscles of the heart experience an oxygen hunger. Patients complain that a feeling of squeezing appears in the middle of the chest.
  • Aortic dissection is also one of the causes of pain. Under the blood pressure, the inner layer of the vessel separates. Such an anomaly of the artery occurs as a result of trauma or as a complication of uncontrolled hypertension. There is a strong sudden pain in the chest. The sharp nature of the pain can give a suspicion of the aortic problem.
  • Myocardial infarction. Pain is of short duration. The cause of this phenomenon is a blood clot in the arteries of the heart, which creates a barrier to normal circulation. IM has the following symptoms:
    • acute chest pain of a pressive nature that can give elsewhere:
      • to the shoulder area,
      • neck,
      • back,
      • of the hands,
      • of the lower jaw,
    • Concomitant symptoms:
      • nausea,
      • dyspnea,
      • coldsweat.
  • Viral infection can cause inflammation of the pericardium. Such a disease has symptoms:
    • malaise,
    • fever,
    • pain in the heart region of the stitching, acute.

Other diseases

Pains in the heart area that signal other diseases:

  • Osteochondrosis causes vertebrogenic cardialgia. The condition is similar to angina pectoris. Violation of the position of the spinal disc leads to the clamping of the nerve root. Pain can occur when moving with the torso, hands. It is of a lasting nature, intense in its intensity of manifestation. Feeling of pain in the chest on the left, can give under the scapula or in the arm.
  • The autonomic nervous system has such a functional disorder as " panic attack ".Symptoms of the disease:
    • heart palpitations,
    • fear,
    • increased respiration,
    • chest pain,
    • sweating.
  • Chest pain accompanies muscle disease .Symptoms are manifested when the patient turns his torso or raises his hands.
  • Skin disease - shingles cause pain similar to cardiac. When a person becomes infected, and the skin still does not appear rashes, chest pains are perceived as heart problems.
  • Reflux - gastric juice enters the esophagus and causes heartburn. This happens due to the fact that the valve, which should prevent such movement of the juice, does not cope with its function. The problem is manifested when a person tilts or takes a horizontal position. There are signs:
    • burning pain in the chest, which may not take several hours;
    • heartburn.
  • With the digestive system are also associated such problems that cause pain similar to the cardiac:
    • disease of the esophagus - a violation of muscle coordination when moving food;
    • problems of the pancreas and gallbladder give painful sensations in the abdominal region, which are given to the heart zone.
  • Lung diseases often give signals similar to heart pain.
    • Rib injuries can cause severe pain. When you press your fingers into the intercostal space, the pain intensifies.
    • Pneumothorax is one of the problems that cause chest pain.
    • Embolism of the pulmonary artery contributes to the emergence of acute pain. The problem poses a danger to life. When you cough or try to breathe deeply, the pain intensifies.
    • Titze syndrome - an inflammation of the cartilaginous tissue of the vertebrae. Causes pain, similar to angina. A distinctive feature of this disease is the strengthening of the pain signal when pressing the sternum.
    • Pleurisy is an inflammation of the membrane. It can occur with pneumonia, as well as with other diseases. Characterized by acute pain during coughing or inhaling.
  • Pains in the heart zone appear and as a result of hormonal failures of , including in women with the onset of menopause.

How to deal with pain in the heart

Pain in the heart can be a signal of a dangerous phenomenon or not a very serious problem. You should provide a specialist, find out what the problem is and get advice on how to deal with it.

The following video will tell you whether pain in the heart area always refers to it:

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